Anonymous ID: 7dbf7a April 6, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.8705496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5566 >>5646

Excerpted from Ben Fulford's Weekly Report (today), and I share because of the info on WUXI.


…The latest gambit they have been using it to try to trigger a war between the U.S. and China by telling the Americans it was the Chinese who triggered the “pandemic,” and telling the Chinese it was the Americans who did it.


The big meme they are pushing in the West is that “All Trails Lead Back to the Wuhan Bio-Lab.”


In fact, the outbreak in China can be traced to the Wuxi Pharmaceutical corporation in Wuhan, China. But here is the interesting part, guess who owns Wuxi? It is…


the Soros Foundation. If you go down the list of companies they own at the SEC database below, you will find it as Wuxi Pharmatech Cayman Inc.


“Maybe someone should compare the U.S. infection spread with his Wuxi American laboratory locations in Texas, Maryland, New Jersey, California, Minnesota, etc.” as the alert reader who sent us this information suggests.


Of course, the Soros foundation is a front for the Rothschild family and other Khazarian honchos, many of whom are hiding in Switzerland, New Zealand, and the British Virgin Islands, among other places.


Now let us take a look at what arch-cabalist and Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger has to say about the situation:


“Many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed…The reality is the world will never be the same after the coronavirus…Its spread is exponential: U.S. cases are doubling every fifth day. At this writing, there is no cure. Medical supplies are insufficient to cope with the widening waves of cases. Intensive-care units are on the verge, and beyond, of being overwhelmed. The crisis effort, however vast and necessary, must not crowd out the urgent task of launching a parallel enterprise for the transition to the post-coronavirus order a global collaborative vision and program… Marshall Plan and the Manhattan Project… The contraction unleashed by the coronavirus is, in its speed and global scale, unlike anything ever known in history. Failure could set the world on fire.” …

Anonymous ID: 7dbf7a April 6, 2020, 2:01 p.m. No.8705639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5765


If you have proof it's a lie, please lay it out here. There's no proof of anything so far. So I keep my eyes/ears open to all info and discern. That's why I am just putting this Fulford info out there. Possibly a piece of the puzzle, possibly not.


But if you have the truth as to origination, Friend, I encourage you to lay it out here with sauce.