Maybe I'm in the minority but I wish to compile a list of pink pills suitable for the mom's and younger generation to have hope in what their going to inherit and preserve. Moms in general would freak and the more extroverted ones will stop at nothing to protect their families and spread info especially related to health and preventable sickness/death. Not one family is excluded in having been chewed up by this alone.
What are some "pink pills" - truth packaged with good news
The Fed takeover - current and projected implications?
Venezuelan government indicted for drug smuggling
Zinc/hydroxychloroquine cures
Animals returning to their natural habitats
Gross ass soul corroding media turning to local art
Clean food
Detoxing mental and chemical addictions
Revamping education - John Taylor Gatto style
The stay-at-home-Nazi mentality may prove to be beneficial for the behind the scenes cleaning. Personally, I'd rather have all eyes on.
How to start?
What to add?
Love and peace to you and all (except evil fucks…that's above my pay grade).