I second the motion. All in favor say Yae!!!
So, now that POTUS has fired the IGIC Atkinson let's go a step farther and prosecute his ass to the fullest extent of the law.
Children of God?
He didn't use half the foul language I would have. This CO sent that email he sent to the SecNav to media companies including the San Francisco Chronicle. I listened to the entire clip and I found NOTHING wrong with what he told those Sailors. The CO DID NOT follow his COC and on top of it all, made available to the fucking left wing media his "plea for help". When help was already on the way. Tell me WTF is up with that?
Is this fucking Romper Room or is this the Greatest Fucking Navy in the History of this Planet? Awwwww. they loved him.
If you listened to this audio and can disagree with what the SecNav said? Perhaps you need to go to your "safe space" and take a little time out. Good Fucking Grief!!!
Wilma look damn hot!!!
Anon, this ain't kindergarten. This is our Fucking Navy. I did not hear the SecNav call this CO stupid. What I heard was "What he did was stupid". A true statement of fact. Making this "public" not only was stupid but possibly compromised this warchip's readiness. Lot of phucks out there that would love to stir some shit up. Would be a yuuuuge mistake but we know these motherfuckers aren't exactly geniuses.
Fucking Top KEK!!!
Thought there was no outside comms?
Yes, she is correct. A real beating. "Twist a straight dick into a pretzel"? KMFAO!!!!
Yea? WellโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆFUCK YOU Kissenger. WATCH!
Our POTUS is going out of his way to complement these left wing fuck mayors and governors who shit their states and got caught with their panties down around their cankles.
You cannot be serious anon. Really? God Almighty. Lighten the fuck up.
Were they on leave before hand anon? That would explain it. If not, then something doesn't jive.
Great movie, Great Actor!!! o7
Surely they must have been aware of muh virus shit'n all over the planet?
Grab you by your hanging hemorrhoids and we'll control you Phucktard.
Attractive? KMFAO!!! UhโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆNO.
You like? kek