Anonymous ID: 612ed2 April 6, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.8708146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8148 >>8152 >>8157 >>8167 >>8181 >>8228 >>8246 >>8375 >>8488 >>8687 >>8728 >>8822

Quick notes on POTUS presser


Reiterates hot zones in NY/NJ

We're with them & everyone

Sends well wishes to strong & resolute BoJo

Talks on meeting w/ biomed co's today & offices in London

Back to BoJo/ helping BoJo

Attacking enemy on ALL fronts

Javits center/ Hospital ship mentioned again, using ship for covid pts in NY/NJ~ manned by USMil

Appreciated nice comments from Governors.

22 field hosps being built by Army Core Eng also building alt care sites in 18 diff states

8000 ventilators sent to states re: DPA

thousands of ventilators being built, hundreds ready to go ~ (go time?)

Ready to follow that monster wherever it goes

Fewer hosp visits thanks to Americans, mentions original #'s off


11.7 million n95 respirators - said twice

26.5 million surgical masks

5.3 million face shields

4.4 million gowns

22.6 million gloves- said twice

Doing good getting existing supplies out to all 50 states

Project Air Bridge bringing in buttloads of supplies too 3 massive big powerful planes loaded w/ supplies. Sending them direct to affected areas big & TIMELY step.

DPA=Reached amicable agreement w/ 3M for additional 55.5 million high Quality face masks per month, total 166.5 million masks for frontline med workers . 3M saga ended happily

Thanks Apple for making 1 million face shields per week points out Quality & SAFETY of shields.

Thanks Salesforce for donating 48 million pieces of personal protective gear.

Urges state govs to distribute supplies in timely manner.

Thank You Mike Pence a special man

States seem happy, if not gimme a call.

Professionals tell us we're in for a big surge this week ~ in good shape to handle surge.

Hospital workers = warriors, same as fighters in war running up hills, incredible beautiful thing.

States responsible but Fed helping bigly

Utilize NG where you need.

Thanks Military for good job on logistics

Keeping line low, states not in need sharing supplies w/ states in need.

California sending out 500 ventilators to AZ, DC maybe Delaware.

Most critical needs being more than met.

Building up supplies before big surge

Mike knows who needs what

Illinois gov "very happy man".

Americans are AWESOME on every front re: covid19

Achieving the impossible, gonna have a rough week, but there's a loght at end of tunnel

Touches on THERAPEUTICS, & good convo's at today's meeting

Developing treatments & CURES w/ top 4 companies spoken to this morn, trials ongoing

Vaccines in works @ Johnson & Johnson & 1 other company mentioned

1.79 million tests nationwide

Charts are just on Q… kek! More cases are known b/c of more testing # of testing 125,000 ppl per day.

Ultra fast test takes 5 min by Abbott labs

tens of thousands of small businesses applied for paycheck 40 billion $$$ preserving 2 million jobs.. nearly 3000 lenders already made loansg, rapidly signing on more lenders. Need more funding from congress

Thanks banks.


Anonymous ID: 612ed2 April 6, 2020, 5:24 p.m. No.8708148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8152 >>8155 >>8157 >>8167 >>8375 >>8488 >>8728 >>8822


Providing $100 billion to hospitals, $30 billion distributed this wk.

Love our Farmers, references deal w/ China, as of 4/1/2020, they purchased $250 billion worth of goods from US, $50 billion of agriculture for farmers.


Calls big pharma science companies

Awed & inspired by med professionals

With the love & dedication of every American patriot we will win this battle, we will defeat this enemy & we'll rise from this current crisis w/ new strength, unity & resolve.

Tremendous stories coming out during "Very dark moment for the world", mentions 182 countries again, 151 then 160 now 182 countries being attacked by virus.

Americans doing a great job, just stay inside & let's winn this & let's get country open for business ASAP, thinks it'll be over sooner than "ppl" think, ref's light @ end of tunnel again.


Anonymous ID: 612ed2 April 6, 2020, 5:24 p.m. No.8708152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8157 >>8167 >>8375 >>8488 >>8728 >>8822



Q&A time!


Q about treatment for BoJo

POTUS: Bioco's & Dr's talking so we'll see

being in ICU big deal. POTUS seems to genuinely like BoJo who fought like hell for his country


Q re BoJo's illness making them scared at WH

POTUS: Nope. testing biatches!


Q re test #'s says IG report/survey of 300 hosps showed not enough tests… can't even name supposed IG.

POTUS: Fake News hunny.

Reporter: B..bu…but muh false narrative it's taking to long… waiting lines for tests… we're all gonna fear pr0n!

POTUS: U.S.A. is #1 in testing worldwide lady! Give me IG's name partisan hack!



Q re: banning exports of hydroxychloriquine from Inda

POTUS: No I don't like that India did that, but I doubt if they'll do it to us. Indicates it's retaliation for not being allowed to take advantage of U.S.A. anymore.


Q re: Reporter pushes rocky start narrative re: paycheck protection program, insinuates Wells Fargo & BofA stopped taking loan apps.

POTUS: Utter nonsense, BofA has actually done the most. You're bias is showing fake news.

Reporter: But are you taking measures to ensure it fair?

POTUS: Yes, & we're gonna spend even more $$$ in possibly a different/better program next. Could you please stahp being a Negative Nancy okay?


Q re: Naval captain who smacktalked relieved Naval Capt being retarded.

POTUS: Well I dunno much about it yet, retard shouldn't have been leaking classified intel especially during a military exorcise, but since you asked now I am getting involved. They're arguing & I'm good @ settling arguments, so I'll be looking at it… in detail. To sum it up retard Captain screwed the pooch for himself by giving fake news ammo.


Q re: Stay @ home orders not happening in states run by Trump allies, b/c Fauxsee said that's dangerous

POTUS: No he didn't say that & that's up to states not me. Gettup here Fauxsee.

Faucci: Yeah I actually didn't say that exactly, then points out Neb/Iowa doing great w/o lockdown orders.

Q re: getting back to normal

Faucci: Explains getting back to normal means no more need to mitigate.

POTUS: Therapies & vaccines w/ money given we'll get more than back to normal from economic standpoint, more interested in utilizing therapies than vaccines.

Q re: lifting restrictions @ end of April

POTUS: Not commenting on that right now. Wants to get therapies going, but the bumps in most places are low, except maybe NY/NJ. Watch California!


Anonymous ID: 612ed2 April 6, 2020, 5:25 p.m. No.8708157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8167 >>8375 >>8488 >>8728 >>8822




Q re: BoJo downplaying virus.

POTUS: Early on many ppl thout riding it out would be ok, I on the other hand shut that shit down early. UK suffering greatly rn, shocked to see him in ICU.


Q re: how many healthcare wrkrs got sick

POTUS: get that 411 for you


Q re: re OPEC cutting production if U.S. will.

POTUS: Haven't heard that. Believes in freemkts. Supply & demand has forced them to cut produc anyway


Q re: POTUS physical

POTUS: 1st prt done 2nd part later but I feel good & according to Dr in very good shape.


Another Q about forcing national lockdown.

POTUS: Do you even understand the U.S. constitution dumb ass? States have sovereignty so NO I won't/can't legally unless there's other choice. If I thought it was necessary I'd do it in a heartbeat


Dumb Q re: Georgia opening beaches

POTUS: I don't know, would need logistical 411 & Governors input… also it's not even Summer yet!


Q re: Are you considering travel bans to hotspots in U.S.?

POTUS: Looking at it airlines already cutting routes, but some needed for med personnel & planes mostly empty, plus testing passengers getting on & off planes.


Q re: HHS IG Kristi Grimm re hospitals not having fast enough testing, not so much her opinion but after interviewing 300+ hospitals

POTUS: Still could be her opinion. When was she appointed?

Reporter: I dunno

POTUS: I wanna know rn, we're doing an incredible job on testing rn, other Nations know this & are calling us for tests. lemme know when she was appointed… NEXT!


Suspicious reporter from China Q on working w/ China for covid… after mentioning planeloads of supplies coming from China/Huawei & Alibaba. China donated 1.5 mil n95 masks & much more med supp.

POTUS: More of a statement than a Q.

Suspicious Reporter: Chinese Ambassador wrote oped in NYT calling for cooperation w/ U.S.A., are you personally working w/ China to fighting virus?

POTUS: Our trade deal w/ China biggest deal prob ever made, hope they're gonna honor the trade deal, if they don't I'll tell you a different answer, but I think they will spend billions on Agriculture, they're gonna spend billions for many diff things, whereas China never spent money in our country, they're gonna spend it now! We had trade deficit w/ China for years of $500 billion, biggest trade deficits in world w/ China. (Basically POTUS is saying to China stick w/ deal or you're screwed), asks who she's with, do you work for China hmmmmm?

Reporter: Hong Kong news station.

POTUS: Is that owned by Chicomms, is it owned by the state?

Reporter: No it's a privately owned company

POTUS: that's good, I'll give you an answer in a few monthd, waiting to see if China will help us okay? It's time rn for China to help US. (insinuating that China's not sticking to deal in some way?) Think Xi will HONOR the deal… (if'n they know what's good fer 'em). Deal just went into effect 4 days ago. Asked if China was buying from U.S. farmers as expected, answer wasn't as good as POTUS would've liked. Former Prez's of letting China eat our lunch & get away w/ murder.
