Quick notes on POTUS presser
Reiterates hot zones in NY/NJ
We're with them & everyone
Sends well wishes to strong & resolute BoJo
Talks on meeting w/ biomed co's today & offices in London
Back to BoJo/ helping BoJo
Attacking enemy on ALL fronts
Javits center/ Hospital ship mentioned again, using ship for covid pts in NY/NJ~ manned by USMil
Appreciated nice comments from Governors.
22 field hosps being built by Army Core Eng also building alt care sites in 18 diff states
8000 ventilators sent to states re: DPA
thousands of ventilators being built, hundreds ready to go ~ (go time?)
Ready to follow that monster wherever it goes
Fewer hosp visits thanks to Americans, mentions original #'s off
11.7 million n95 respirators - said twice
26.5 million surgical masks
5.3 million face shields
4.4 million gowns
22.6 million gloves- said twice
Doing good getting existing supplies out to all 50 states
Project Air Bridge bringing in buttloads of supplies too 3 massive big powerful planes loaded w/ supplies. Sending them direct to affected areas big & TIMELY step.
DPA=Reached amicable agreement w/ 3M for additional 55.5 million high Quality face masks per month, total 166.5 million masks for frontline med workers . 3M saga ended happily
Thanks Apple for making 1 million face shields per week points out Quality & SAFETY of shields.
Thanks Salesforce for donating 48 million pieces of personal protective gear.
Urges state govs to distribute supplies in timely manner.
Thank You Mike Pence a special man
States seem happy, if not gimme a call.
Professionals tell us we're in for a big surge this week ~ in good shape to handle surge.
Hospital workers = warriors, same as fighters in war running up hills, incredible beautiful thing.
States responsible but Fed helping bigly
Utilize NG where you need.
Thanks Military for good job on logistics
Keeping line low, states not in need sharing supplies w/ states in need.
California sending out 500 ventilators to AZ, DC maybe Delaware.
Most critical needs being more than met.
Building up supplies before big surge
Mike knows who needs what
Illinois gov "very happy man".
Americans are AWESOME on every front re: covid19
Achieving the impossible, gonna have a rough week, but there's a loght at end of tunnel
Touches on THERAPEUTICS, & good convo's at today's meeting
Developing treatments & CURES w/ top 4 companies spoken to this morn, trials ongoing
Vaccines in works @ Johnson & Johnson & 1 other company mentioned
1.79 million tests nationwide
Charts are just on Q… kek! More cases are known b/c of more testing # of testing 125,000 ppl per day.
Ultra fast test takes 5 min by Abbott labs
tens of thousands of small businesses applied for paycheck 40 billion $$$ preserving 2 million jobs.. nearly 3000 lenders already made loansg, rapidly signing on more lenders. Need more funding from congress
Thanks banks.