True - also real anons and shills.
While I got your ear, I wanna tell you something that's bugging me about the WuFlu. Imo it was engineered at the Wuhan Lvl 4 lab. However, I also believe it likely that the know-how to up its virulence (gain of function study at UNC in 2015 that you may have heard about) and samples of the virus (der Hahhvad prof Lieber) were US provided, as it were.
I'm not opposed to warring with anyone if it's warranted and screw ChiComs generally, but there's imo a shitload of innocent bystanders in the PRC and I'm not even sure that the rank-n-file ChiComs (maybe not even Xi himself) had anything to do with unleashing WuFlu on the world. It's kind of a subtle thing and I do think the PRC economy needs to take one in the neck over this to put the Liddle Kingdom back in its place. However, I don't really want to see the USA wipe out a billion+ Chins just because they live in the same general zipcode as some Cabal dickbags.
It's a conundrum and simple minds may not grasp. But - again, imo - that's what we're here for. Seems to me that POTUS has subtly hinted that he knows WTF when it comes to who's responsible, and fortunately we're not seeing a great hue and cry to erase China from existence…but what if that comes to pass?
Then again, maybe we're not seeing it because we've done an effective job of communicating with folks and the WWG1WGA message has resonated with brain cells moar deeply that even we knew. ???
Would love to see some strategic analysis pointing in a smart direction on this.