It's disappointing to see so few recognize that the false dichotomy template is laid across so many areas of thought/discourse so as to prevent further thought about the given areas.
Magic too has its place and when any normie here sees anything occult related and instantly jumps up and screams "ebil!!!!!" until people ignore them, it's tremendously disappointing.
There's so much more to the way things work and until we can let go of the "this is good" and the "this is evil" frames of reference, it would surprise me if many could really progress, be it spiritually or psychologically.
If more normies just understood that early Christians were mystical creatures, that the earliest of Americans simply called themsevels Diest and not Christian (this was to avoid the organized religion associations, hence the wording of the constitution) and had intimate interests in things like Astrology, Alchemy, etc, I think we could make some serious progress and quickly.
Unfortunately, there's been too much mind control even in places like this, preventing them from really fostering the necessary frame of reference.
I suspect a sizable amount of us followed the same paths, anon. I guess I just never considered that when Q mentioned Wizards and Warlocks… that they meant us.
Don't forget, There's magic out there!