Anonymous ID: a4012d April 6, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.8708284   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's disappointing to see so few recognize that the false dichotomy template is laid across so many areas of thought/discourse so as to prevent further thought about the given areas.

Magic too has its place and when any normie here sees anything occult related and instantly jumps up and screams "ebil!!!!!" until people ignore them, it's tremendously disappointing.


There's so much more to the way things work and until we can let go of the "this is good" and the "this is evil" frames of reference, it would surprise me if many could really progress, be it spiritually or psychologically.


If more normies just understood that early Christians were mystical creatures, that the earliest of Americans simply called themsevels Diest and not Christian (this was to avoid the organized religion associations, hence the wording of the constitution) and had intimate interests in things like Astrology, Alchemy, etc, I think we could make some serious progress and quickly.

Unfortunately, there's been too much mind control even in places like this, preventing them from really fostering the necessary frame of reference.


I suspect a sizable amount of us followed the same paths, anon. I guess I just never considered that when Q mentioned Wizards and Warlocks… that they meant us.


Don't forget, There's magic out there!

Anonymous ID: a4012d April 6, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.8708614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


While this makes me a hypocrite, after sitting here filtering the vast majority of shitposts, I've got to say that I miss those days…

We've come a long way, brothers.


Hopefully we get to close the pool again after this is all over.

Anonymous ID: a4012d April 6, 2020, 6:16 p.m. No.8708715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8774


Heads up, anon.

People that have such a high post count generally aren't worth your time.

I don't mean this for to be a universal rule, but you should always be weary of these people.

Anonymous ID: a4012d April 6, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.8708832   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It appears (from my perspective) to be mostly a respect thing. We're to temper our egos here and that means not over-saturating the flow of posts with one's own input.

Dont' misunderstand, I've been guilty of this at times too, but there's no reason not to try your best to keep at bay the potential for it to pressure you.

Anonymous ID: a4012d April 6, 2020, 6:30 p.m. No.8708906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There's extensive evidence suggesting there are tunnels.

I'm not saying I'm fully committing to one perspective, but I am saying this makes me cautious in believing people like the person you're touting.


Just look at Disney.

There's the tunnel systems in NY, AUS and plenty of other places, namely the Mid West.

Writing off our working theories because one namefag insists we're all wrong should be a perspective that's hard to manage for you should you have been following this the whole time.

Do you know how many times some personality, rising in popularity, has tried to steer us in different directions?


This isn't even bringing up Antarctica. Where the hell did the Pope go when he went there? What about Hitler? Then there's all of the Masons and world leaders who love to gather there.

There's too many questions comign from too many angles to write this shit off just because some namefag ensures us it's necessary.