Anonymous ID: 19567f April 6, 2020, 7:53 p.m. No.8709845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9874

I can see Judy Woodruff, Tom Brokaw, David Brinkley and possibly Katherine Graham, Publisher of her family-owned newspaper, The Washington Post. The tv series, LOU GRANT was based on her life. She gave the green light for the WAPO to publish The Pentagon Papers. Lots of bodies on this dig. You can't get one shovelful, before you hit one. Can anyone confirm her presence in the photo? Also see Judy Woodruff, Tom Brokaw and David Brinkley. I think. Wouldn't have been surprised to see Pamala Harriman with that group but she's not there. These women were POWERFUL and lots of times they were well known to be tarts; courtesans of the elite, globalist Dems. Sorry if you already named them. Been fightin' and memin' on other forums, too. God bless anons, Q, Q+.