peanut butter & jealous ID: aa2361 April 6, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.8709653   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>hell is


>ask larry


>hell is overflowing


> touch your inner homo

yuge touch your inner homo FREEDUMBS


>ask larry
























>that's willcock's "gay"








































































<a harry



peanut butter & jealous ID: aa2361 April 6, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.8709708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

<the goat that got away from xenu, a catholic romance opus ,=,e

The second is longer, and takes you circuitously; it is plain and easy, if by the help of the Magnet you turn neither to

left nor right. The third is that truly royal way which through various pleasures and pageants of our King, affords you a joyful journey; but this so far has scarcely been allotted to one in a thousand. By the fourth no man shall reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies. But there was not yet any natural warmth or sensibility in them. They

were dead figures, yet of a lively and natural colour; and since care was to be taken that they did not grow too big, the old man would not permit anything more to be given to them, but covered their faces too with the silk, and caused the table to be stuck round about with torches. Within it were formed six sepulchres, and by each of them was a stone; but in the middle was a round hollow rising stone. In these graves the coffins were quietly and with many ceremonies laid. The stones were shoveled over them, and they shut fast. But the little chest was to lie in the middle. Herewith my companions were deceived, for they imagined nothing other but that the dead corpses were there. Upon the top of all there was a great flag, having a phoenix painted on it, perhaps the more to delude us. Here I had great occasion to thank God that I had seen more than the rest.

>>8425202 >First English version appeared in 1690, by Ezechiel Foxcroft, followed by translations into many languages throughout time.

>Although the book first appeared in 1616, the story takes place over 150 years earlier. The events of this story span seven days and are divided into seven chapters, each chapter relating a different day. The story begins on an evening near Easter. In the final chapter—the seventh day—CRC is knighted; the year is 1459. It was on Easter-day 1459 that the Constitutions of the Freemasons of Strasburg was first signed in Regensburg, with a second signed shortly afterwards in Strasburg. The Gutenberg Bible began printing in Mainz, Germany in 1455, and the first Bible in German, the Mentel Bible, was printed in Strasburg in 1466. >>8425178

<The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz ROSENKRATX UND GUIL_ERSTERN IST DAS WALRUSJEW UND DANIELFAGGOT CARPENTER >>8425096 <that is the one destined for you by immutable Fate, nor can you go back in it save at great peril to life.

>>8425124 >The fourth path is the letters of Paul. This is where one finds the teaching of the dead raised incorruptible (I Cor 15:52),