Anonymous ID: ed9692 April 2, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.871582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1613 >>1626

Q is here to move the Overton Window.


From the beginning we have been challenged to expand our thinking.


We have been told everything we believed is a lie.


What is the biggest challenge to our way of thinking?


We are here to break free of Jew thought and programming.


The Jews are the problem.


Lots of normie Jews dont know that. They are brainwashed in Jew school with a false narrative of their history. They teach Jew kids they are always mindlessly victims. Never once trying to explain to the little Jews how this is not even remotely possible that EVERY one would end up hating Jews at one time or another.


Jews are set up like a corporation. In a pyramid. They are compartmentalized like the Government and spy agencies. Where no one knows what the other groups are doing. It is not for security. It is so they can hide behind national security reasons to do their crimes with the full power of the government.


There is no coincidence that the Masons and the spy agencies are set up like the Jew elders….the Jew set it all up originally.

Anonymous ID: ed9692 April 2, 2018, 3:20 p.m. No.871821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1847

Beware anyone who says we can love our way out of this and not get physical with the enemies.


(((they))) are just using a mental trick to make you stand down. To be a cuck. To continue in your slavery.


When (((they))) are genocide ing us. When they are tricking us into wars and debt slavery. We have to physically remove the cancer.


We can not leave a core of it to remain to hide for several generations and like a spider they will strike again having learned from their mistake. Your future generations depend on you getting this right. Or you are just to lazy or dishonest with yourselves of the serious situation we are in now.


The biggest risk is we do too little than do too much.

Anonymous ID: ed9692 April 2, 2018, 3:31 p.m. No.871917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1945


Jew lies.


The bankers manipulated Europe into WW1 and ww2. It was not whites it is the jews. Swiss bankers are Jews….swiss guards protect the pope. The jesuits were created by portugese crypto jews….the jesuits created the CIA.


It is the Jews…..


They used the cash poor nature of the royality of europe over the last 500 years and infiltrated into all the bloodlines.


All of European royality is related and it all has a large amount of Jewish blood in it.


Expand your thinking.


The Matrix is real….and it is a Jewish mental trap. Your born and die in a Jew prison where they used every trick in their book to use your energy for their purposes.