Kids, this is why you don't pretend to be a government agent when you're not. 6 ways to Sunday and all that.
the majority of these guys get 80k+/yr to do data entry with the occasional question posted on stack overflow to get them through their day. Then they form little mobs and get "outsiders" fired so they can bring over their mini-poos from their real home, in order to get the rent on their 700/mo apartment even lower so they can send even more money back home.
But by all means, import more and more and more! it's not like there aren't a few thousand unemployed anons here on this board alone that can do some data entry for 7k a month.
That's an expensive option play.
You can look at this and not help but to imagine that someone with inside baseball of what's going on thinks Americans are going to have a good amount of residual cash at some point in the not too distant future.
I have nothing good to add, but really wanted to reply to this information. This is so intriguing, I don't even know where to begin.
make'uh fukey fukey