NY mayor says rumors of temporary burials in public parks are
'totally false'
CNN 10 hrs ago
"After a city councilman said New York may need to bury coronavirus victims in a city park as morgues run out of room, Mayor Bill de Blasio made it clear Monday there are no such plans and that such rumors are "totally false."'
"There will never, ever be anything like 'mass graves' or 'mass internment' in New York City ever," de Blasio said.
"If God forbid, we ever had to get to the point of a temporary burial, it would be individual by individual so that families could reclaim their loved ones when the crisis was over. But we're nowhere near that now."
City Councilman Mark Levine, who had caused the confusion with a series of tweets Monday morning, later tweeted "there will be no burials in NYC Parks.""