Anonymous ID: 0c8e26 April 7, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.8714650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Universities Accepted $10 Billion from Foreign Governments

I'm guessing they were paying our universities to purposely retard American citizens.


Sauce: See bunch of retarded Americans, who think they know everything…

Anonymous ID: 0c8e26 April 7, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.8714858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4873


>As we previously warned, this pandemic response will bankrupt and kill more people from suicide than the virus will. When you sacrifice people’s livelihoods, you create a desperate situation for many who will see no 0ther way out.

Somebody owes me a fucking medal for putting up with this type of shit for 15 goddam years of my fucking "life", all because faggot governments want to go on power trips and strip citizens of their basic fucking human rights, as clown faggots brainwash citizens into thinking it's "for our own good"…

Anonymous ID: 0c8e26 April 7, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.8714931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4953


>What if the enemy is just being "vanished" and thus invisible…

Great theory, but not a smart one, since there is no visible accountability for the goddam crimes against humanity that we all know are real, but people in power have no clue how to properly address how fucked up shit got, nor are they capable of restoring "justice" on these types of matters, so essentially we are just pretending like "reality" never happened, so we can people locked away and suffering in "fantasy land", so no one in boomer's lifetimes has to deal with the fucking mess that destroyed our world, as more kids will inevitably die, so we can protect people's brainwashing programs that have been installed and downloaded into mass psyche, thereby creating the illusion of "American values", as elites continue to steal, sell, and rape children on the black markets that are just too uncomfortable for people to talk about and too risky to try to stop, so just go back to living your lives, but don't go anywhere, yet, because the government has to make a big deal about a fake pandemic that Bill Gates and other fucktards created so they can get richer off the money that our government stole from us and handed to psychopaths and we can't talk about that because that would be an admission of "guilt", so keep pretending like nothing ever happened as you kill yourselves thanks to manufactured fear porn, draconian laws, and basically never-ending retdred shit. Yada, fuck yada, go fucking back to sleep, before we shoot you…

Anonymous ID: 0c8e26 April 7, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.8715058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5084 >>5103 >>5116 >>5145 >>5154 >>5207


>Did POTUS just call the bankers some of the greatest in the world?

He also said that our drug companies were the greatest in the world. Even though they've been knowingly poisoning citizens, and charging them retarded amounts of money in the process, while paying faggot government "officials" to write bull shit laws that protect criminals at the expense of every other human that is unfortunate enough to fall under the corrupted "rule if law" in our country…


>I'm starting to believe he's the biggest bullshitter in the world.

It's a start. If he actually wants to start doing the shit he was elected to do, such as DRAIN THE FUCKING SWAMP, instead of hiring all the swamp creatures to fill every position of power our government can possible offer, then sending a fucking letter of the alphabet to complain to us about how "corruption and evil are everywhere", in hopes to placate us while any potential inherent rights we once had are stripped away forever, as we are forced to watch humanity enter into an hellish end-times scenario, for us at least, since it will be the utopia that the elites have dreamed about for centuries…


I'm so fucking done with this…

I know I'm still here and bitching and unfortunately it's going to stay that way until we either start seeing some goddam accountability or I finally snap. I have every right to snap after dealing with this shit for this goddam long. It's one thing for me to be patient. But I'm sick of people who constantly fail to address our very real concerns that were often caused by the very authorities who are downplaying the crime, while flooding our minds with bull shit to pretend like there's no fucking time to fix WTF they did for fucking decades that has this fucking world so goddam proper FUCKED

Anonymous ID: 0c8e26 April 7, 2020, 1:33 p.m. No.8715286   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I see what you think I don't. And I'm just letting you know right now that POTUS has no fucking clue what some of us have had to deal with in life, or what we are being forced to endure as this shit show continues. I'm aware of plenty of shit that has yet to be addressed by POTUS, "the news", the universities/institutions, the "justice" system, and basically every single person who is placed in a buble then fed information which molds their decision making processes. I know dam well what type of fuckery falls within the jurisdictions that are under the control of entities listed above, and how easily it could e addressed, along with how many people continue to get fucked over by shit not getting addressed. I can imagine that just thinking about these things can give the people, who have the ability to fix our many grievances, a tremendous headache. I know this because every goddam day I'm unfortunate enough to wake up into this hell-hole I too have a retarded headache just from thinking about this shit. However, I am in no position to do anything about these things myself, and actually the corrupt government has made it a point to ensure that I have no means to address these things in proper fashion, and they've kept me in this shit position on purpose for years just so they never have to address this shit.


Right now, Trump telling us to "get out and vote", or Q telling us to "dig, meme, pray" is right along the lines of stereotypical boomer-dad, who has plenty of people asking to assist with a frustrating task, only to have our abilities denied by someone who sends us off on a useless "mission" to keep us busy so they can try to "fix" something in peace, all by themselves, and take all the credit, in hopes that people think they are the hero/"savior of mankind" or whatever.


Don may make more money/hour than someone like myself, but it does not fucking mean that his time on this Earth is moar valuble than mine, or anyone else's for that matter. Two years ago we were told to grab popcorn and "enjoy the show". Meanwhile, none of our very real grievances have been addressed, and I guarantee for every criminal that has been allowed to walk scott fucking free throughout this endeavor, there has been dozens of kids who were abused, only to grow up and get prosecuted by the same system that is pretending like it can't do nothing about the real issues because they are too busy convincing tortured and abused people of how "guilty" they are for trying to live in an obviously royally fucked world…