Anonymous ID: c5eacc April 7, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.8714512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4555 >>4603 >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5026 >>5034 >>5072

Back to the Future

Life in the future will prove the past was right.

Make America Great Again and return to the great ideas that were derailed by the Cabal in the 19th century.


If you have really been paying attention to Trump or to Q and digging and thinking about the why's and wherefore's of their slogans, a picture emerges from behind the the chemtrails.




The future will not have the communist/capitalist divide in it.

Consider this. One of Trump's policies is a core part of the socialist platform. Health Insurance with no pre-existing condition exclusions so that no citizen needs to fear getting sick.


But wait!

Isn't that a good policy for a capitalist too?


Would you want your factories staffed by unhealthy workers? Or do you want your workers to be at the top of their game? What if the communist/capitalist divide is a FAKE COMPETITION created by the Cabal to mask the fact that they were PERVERTING both systems into a new feudalism where workers are enslaved?


Read up on the history of the Cadbury chocolate company to see how a real father of industry thinks.


In 1847, the Cadbury brothers' booming business moved into a new, larger factory in Bridge Street in the centre of Birmingham.


When the Bridge Street factory became too small, George Cadbury had a new vision of the future. 'Why should an industrial area be squalid and depressing?’ he asked. His vision was shared by his brother Richard, and they began searching for a very special site for their new factory.


In 1878 the brothers found their new home. They chose a 14½ acre greenfield site between the villages of Stirchley, King's Norton and Selly Oak, about four miles south of central Birmingham. The site comprised a meadow with a cottage and a trout stream - the Bourn. The cottage isn’t there any more, but the pear tree from its garden still stands outside the main Cadbury reception at the Bournville factory. The factory was initially going to be called, Bournbrook, after the cottage and Bournbrook Hall which stood nearby. But instead, 'Bournville' was chosen - combining the name of the stream with 'ville', the French word for town. At Bournville, workers lived in far better conditions than they'd experienced in the crowded slums of the city. The new site had canal, train and road links and a good water supply. There was lots of room to expand, which was lucky, because George’s plans for the future were ambitious. He wanted to build a place full of green spaces, where industrial workers could thrive away from city pollution. 'No man ought to be condemned to live in a place where a rose cannot grow.’ George Cadbury.


The Evolution of England's First Planned Community

Anonymous ID: c5eacc April 7, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.8714603   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The second article about the Garden City Movement in England, leads straight into the profession of Urban Planning. In our day this profession has thoroughly been infiltrated by leftist morons, who block any sensible planning that would be good for we the people, while taking bribes from Cabal associated developers to approve their building projects that drive us all into the world depicted in Apple's 1984 commercial. Except, that in the real world, there was nobody running up to throw a Hammer into the works.


…until Trump appeared in the WhiteHouse.


P.S. the Apple on her T-shirt is an upside down Q




Designing out Corruption in Urban Planning


The illicit side of urban development: Corruption and organised crime in the field of urban planning

Anonymous ID: c5eacc April 7, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.8714665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This article about a drug treatment for a Venezuelan viral disease has a molecule that looks like a lama.


?-d-N4-Hydroxycytidine Is a Potent Anti-alphavirus Compound That Induces a High Level of Mutations in the Viral Genome


Anonymous ID: c5eacc April 7, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.8714747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4794 >>4809 >>4822




He never gives and details of how he calculates the hash.

I tried one using some code to call an md5 hash library, and I get a different result. I suspect this is a setup where he chose which messages he wants to find miraculous links to, and then makes up the story to suit.


The stupid, it burns!



Find multiple original sources.

When it is about science, and has calculation is science, then if the experiment is not reproducible by you, it is probably fraud.

Anonymous ID: c5eacc April 7, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.8714766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4927 >>5014



This is a DIVISION shill

You can tell because they are trying to incite anger and hatred,

And they are telling us that a whole group of people must be damned

Because it has some bad apples in it.


If you agree with the shill then give us the coordinated of your town

So that we can obliterate it with a nuclear strike

Because I have it on good authority that people in your town

Beat their wives, steal, are unfaithful, get drunk and disorderly and have even punched other people into unconsciousness at times.

This means that you no longer deserve to live

Anonymous ID: c5eacc April 7, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.8714927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4973



P.S. the above was Reductio Ad Absurdum


If you did not recognize that,

You education is lacking.

You have some spare time now

So please

Educate yourself.


This online course is a good start…


Anonymous ID: c5eacc April 7, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.8715059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5160



A while ago I checked the wind patterns around the Mexico ←-New Mexico border area.

In particular, how the wind was blowing at the end of June 1947.


It would have been feasible to smuggle people across the border by taking a weather balloon to Mexico, loading the people up after dressing them in flight suits like the JATO-assist jet jockey wore, and sending them aloft. The flight suits were to protect against the high altitude and cold up there.


Maybe this was an experimental flight and they lost consciousness. Or maybe the mechanism to start the descent malfunctioned. So the balloon went higher (to where the passengers died) and further north to the Roswell area where it crashed.


A few days later a rancher found the debris of a lost weather balloon that some military people were searching for. The people who ran the op could not let it get out that they were human traffickers using military facilities to support their business. So crazy stories were propagated.


Thus, the jey jockeys learned that if they wore their flight suits at night while committing crimes, everybody would blame it on space men. Some took advantage of this fact, and various drugs, to rape local women around various southwestern airbases. Other folks with intel connections, used the furor as cover to test new tracking devices they had developed in the early 1950's by implanting them in the sinus cavities of unsuspecting victims. These were RFID devices which were secret for a long time before they were declassified when better tracking tech became available. But they were designed by the same intel agency which arranged for the Moscow US Embassy Great Seal (The Thing) to be reverse engineered. You can see the same concept at play; a passive device which activates when a particular radio frequency is beamed at it.


The UFO fanatics call them alien implants

Anonymous ID: c5eacc April 7, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.8715106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5240



There may be something to this.

I think that the recognition of the People's Republic was done improperly,

And it happened right around the same time as the formation of the United Nations.


If it can be shown that the UN violated existing international law and treaties at the time


Then the government of Taiwan would indeed be the legitimate government of all China.

And I think the Venezuela process that is under way could be used as a model for reuniting Taiwan with the mainland under a new democratic model.


Part of this would be to declare the Chinese Communist Party as a terrorist organization and strip all power from it.

This would have big repercussions into parts of the People's Liberation Army.

Mostly the most senior officers would be out, and junior officers would be promoted to command an army that served the Democratic new government.


Keep your eye on Epoch Times, because big things are happening in China, and they have deeper insight than anyone else.