Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8714387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

California church sees 1.3 million online attendees on Palm Sunday after President Trump tweets he was going to tune in


Lots of people are searching in these times


Pastor Greg Laurie, founder of Harvest Crusade and Harvest America and pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, has revealed some absolutely stunning numbers from his church's virtual Palm Sunday service.


Laurie said on social media that the church saw a whopping 1.3 million people join him online for the service — and that 11,207 people made decisions to accept Christ.


The preacher credited President Donald Trump for the massive numbers, as Trump tweeted a note on Saturday that he would be watching and invited others to do the same.


"Thanks for joining us, @realdonaldtrump," Laurie wrote, speaking directly to the president via social media. "A lot of new people visited us because of your tweet!"


(Read also: Greg Laurie's Prayer Challenge: 'Do This…For God's Glory')


The pastor was referring to Trump's tweet on Saturday that marked the start of Holy Week and noted that the president planned to watch Harvest.


"Palm Sunday is the beginning of a Holy week for many people of Faith and a great day to lift our voices in Prayer," Trump wrote. "I will be tuning into Pastor @greglaurie at @harvestorg Church in Riverside, California tomorrow at 11:00 A.M. Eastern."

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.8714405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

After Updating Predictions on Sunday Latest IHME Predictions Already 20% Over Actual Numbers – May Be Looking at 46,000 Total US Coronavirus Deaths or Less


Last TUESDAY Coronavirus Task Force Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx pushed the talking point that by completely locking down the US economy and American public, the US government and Coronavirus task force “experts” were able to cut the total coronavirus deaths in the United States from 1 to 2.2 million deaths down to 100,000 to 200,000 deaths.


That is a stunning update. The revised their numbers down by around 90%!

You’d think that would have made a few headlines?


This was based on “models” by her chosen scientific “experts” — Chris Murray and the IHME.


Here is the chart Dr. Birx discussed during the daily coronavirus press conference at the White House.


TRENDING: Praying For an Easter Miracle - Remember Miracles Do Happen!


It shows an estimated 2.2 million US deaths.

Again — this was at the press conference 6 days ago!


There is not a single country in the world today with over 16,000 total coronavirus deaths.


On Sunday night the IMHE cut their numbers in half.


Today the IMHE model used by the CDC and Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci estimate the total US coronavirus deaths to be 81,766 by August 4th.

And 81,000 by May 21st.


The actual numbers are already below their current models. — by a huge margin!

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.8714426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4482 >>4504 >>4638 >>4782 >>4821 >>4967 >>5045 >>5072

White House press secretary Grisham leaves post… without ever having held a briefing


White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham is stepping down from her position after less than a year. She will instead begin working with Melania Trump.


Grisham served as press secretary for the White House for 10 months and is notable in her position for having never held one single press briefing. She mainly conducted media interviews, mostly with Fox News.


Grisham will be returning to her previous role in the administration as First Lady Melania Trump’s chief of staff.


“I am excited to welcome back to the team,” Melania Trump announced in a public statement. Grisham said her replacement will be announced “in the coming days.”


Grisham’s position shift is due to Mark Meadows, President Donald Trump’s new chief of staff, reorganizing the West Wing personnel. Alyssa Farah, the spokesperson for the Department of Defense, is reportedly being considered as a replacement for Grisham.


Last Friday, Grisham dismissed reports she was losing her press secretary position, telling Axios: “Sounds like more palace intrigue to me, but I’ve also been in quarantine. If true, how ironic that the press secretary would hear about being replaced in the press.”

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.8714441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4447 >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

Michael 'Big Short' Burry Blasts "Unjustifiable" Lockdowns As "Most Devastating Economic Force In History"


Infamous for his painful but ultimately profitable "big short" bet against mortgage-backed securities during the 2008 financial crisis, Michael Burry, the doctor-turned-hedge-fund-manager has been on a multi-day Twitter rant claiming that the lockdowns intended to contain the COVID-19 pandemic are worse than the disease itself.


Echoing the thoughts of many, Burry opined in a series of tweets over the past two weeks that the government-enforced lockdowns and business shutdowns across America may trigger one of the country's deepest-ever economic contractions, and further still, are not necessary to contain the epidemic (on March 22nd).


COVID-19 policy cannot be settled by CYA politicians career ID docs. Too much hammer/nail and too little common sense.


POTUS must reflect the interests of the working class and small business here - the economy cannot crash 30% to save the 0.2%.


Set America Free!


If COVID-19 testing were universal, the fatality rate would be less than 0.2%.


This is no justication for sweeping government policies, lacking any and all nuance, that destroy the lives, jobs, and businesses of the other 99.8%.


Furthermore, Burry - who earned his M.D. at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine - has also dared to say that some controversial treatments for COVID-19, such as the malaria drug hydroxycloroquine, should be made more widely available (on March 24).


Prudent plan:


1) Standardize on chloroquine and azithromycin -cheap and available


2) Sick and elderly voluntarily shelter in place.


3) Americans lead their normal lives with extra hand washing and special care if around elderly.


Saving the economy means life, not murder.


Additionally, in an email to Bloomberg News, Burry wrote that "universal stay-at-home is the most devastating economic force in modern history… And it is man-made. It very suddenly reverses the gains of underprivileged groups, kills and creates drug addicts, beats and terrorizes women and children in violent now-jobless households, and more. It bleeds deep anguish and suicide."

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.8714449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

Activists To Protest Coronavirus Restrictions With Rally On National Mall In D.C.


A throng of conservative activists plan to rally Saturday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to protest stay-at-home orders by state governments.


Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, two well known conservative activists, told The Washington Times they are organizing the event.


“We are taking to the National Mall,” Wohl, 22, said on Friday. “We’re having a mass gathering there in protest of the draconian and really horrifying response to the so-called pandemic.”


“The response is 100 times worse than the virus,” Wohl said about efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. “That is our belief.”


The organizers claim the event will draw tens of thousands of fellow protesters, which might be overly optimistic given that more than 80% of D.C. residents are Democrats.


And so far, there is little publicity about the event, The Times wrote.


“Scant information for the event could be found on the internet, however, and gathering in groups during the global coronavirus pandemic has largely become taboo, if not illegal. Neither the U.S. National Park Service, which manages the Mall, nor the Metropolitan Police Department in D.C. immediately returned messages inquiring about the event.”


More than 40 states have issued stay-at-home orders, which is crushing the economy. “People are losing tremendous amounts of money and there’s no reason for it,” Wohl said. “This is an unconscionable abuse of government power that’s taking place.”


Police in some states are enforcing the orders. A Pennsylvania woman was stopped by police and issued a citation on Sunday after she went for a leisurely drive during the statewide stay-at-home order intended to stem the spread of coronavirus.


Anita Shaffer, 19, of York County, said she left her home Sunday evening for a short drive when she was pulled over by two state troopers. She faces a ticket of at least $202.25 for breaking the state’s Disease Control and Prevention Act of 1955. She pleaded not guilty, The Patriot-News reported.


“He asked me if I was aware of the stay-at-home act,” she said. She responded: “I am aware of it but I didn’t know it pertained to just driving.”

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.8714463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4599 >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

First coronavirus death reported at Belmarsh max security prison, after UK says Assange is safe there


The Covid-19 outbreak has reportedly claimed the lives of nine prisoners, including one at Belmarsh, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is being held pending extradition to the United States.


Internal figures cited by the BBC and PA Media on Tuesday suggest that 107 people across 38 prisons in England and Wales had tested positive for the infection as of Sunday. Covid-19 has claimed three lives at HMP Littlehey in Cambridgeshire. Deaths were also reported in a handful of other detention facilities, including Belmarsh Prison in southeast London.


Wikileaks earlier criticized British justice for keeping Assange in the top security prison despite the new threat that the virus poses for the already ailing 48-year-old. News of the death proves that the concern was well-grounded, the whistleblower organization indicated.


"Two weeks ago: Judge refused bail to #JulianAssange saying that he, and all other prisoners, would be safe in Belmarsh Prison," WikiLeaks tweeted.


Also on Tuesday, a court hearing was held in the extradition case, with Assange defense team and US lawyers attending via a video link with the defendant himself absent. The session was focused on whether Assange’s partner would be granted anonymity by the court.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.8714480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

Navy Secretary Apologizes For Calling Carrier Captain "Too Stupid" As 230 Sailors Now Infected


The saga of the coronavirus-stricken USS Theodore Roosevelt now docked at Guam continues, as CNN reports Tuesday that at least 230 sailors have now tested positive for Covid-19.


CNN said further that over 70% of the crew has now been tested, after last week the Navy said it plans to test all of the some 5,000 crew members. Currently only 2,000 have been moved ashore and into emergency makeshift quarantine facilities at a Guam Navy base. This despite the Navy last Friday saying it planned to move closer to 3,000 ashore.


There's also been continued political fallout over the Navy controversially sacking USS Roosevelt commander Capt. Brett Crozier (himself recently testing positive for the virus) for penning a letter sent via unclassified communications - and subsequently leaked. Crozier had urged the Navy's top brass to temporarily put 'military and battle readiness' on hold in order to get an urgent handle on the crisis. If the Navy focuses on being battle ready, it will lead to “losses to the virus,” Crozier had said.


Capt. Crozier was relieved of command last Thursday, and upon disembarking the ship received a hero's ovation by hundreds of sailors gathered on the deck. Despite his 'sacrificial' move to put his crew's health first and foremost, which gained him broad support among enlisted ranks, Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly blasted Crozier's actions as "stupid" in a controversial speech made aboard the carrier.


"If he didn't think, in my opinion, that this information wasn't going to get out to the public, in this day and information age that we live in, then he was either A, too naïve or too stupid to be a commanding officer of a ship like this," Modly said in the speech, a recording of which was also leaked.


He shortly after doubled-down when asked about the controversy: "I stand by every word I said," he said initially.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.8714492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4515 >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

Trump Names Loyalist Kayleigh McEnany as White House Press Secretary


President Trump named loyalist Kayleigh McEnany as White House Press Secretary.


Ms. McEnany was President Trump’s 2020 campaign spokeswoman and will be replacing White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham.


Stephanie Grisham will be returning to the East Wing as First Lady Melania’s chief of staff, according to CNN and New York Times.


Kayleigh McEnany is a staunch Trump supporter so the liberals didn’t take the news well.


Leftists immediately began attacking McEnany the same way they attacked President Trump’s previous press secretaries.


McEnany is not intimidated by liberals whatsoever.


During the 2016 election, McEnany had this crazy liberal on CNN going in circles only to admit the Pulse night club shooter’s father chose to support Hillary Clinton because he’s ‘mentally ill.’

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.8714497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

‘Who has the nuke codes?’ Piers Morgan’s provocative quizzing of Michael Gove splits opinion as BoJo lies in intensive care


Bombastic TV host Piers Morgan’s probing of Minister Michael Gove about who’s in control of the UK’s nuclear weapons while the PM is being treated for Covid-19 has divided Twitter.


Some social media users praised the interview, while others branded the question about the country’s nuclear arsenal as “stupid.”


Morgan appeared very concerned about who had access to the UK’s big red button as he clashed with Gove on Good Morning Britain. However, the Cabinet Office minister refused to be drawn on the incendiary question, prompting fierce debate on Twitter.


Morgan pressed him on the issue, pointing out that there was a clear chain of command in the US if the president is incapacitated, with the VP immediately assuming control.


Gove retorted by simply saying: “I know you’ll think this is just another politician refusing to answer the question, well I am. I hope I’ve been clear, Dominic Raab is in charge. We don’t talk about national security measures.”


Many regarded the ITV journalist’s line of inquiry as needlessly provocative, with one branding it “bloody stupid,” and describing Morgan himself as a “performing pr**k” for bringing it up.


Those of that view praised Gove for his diplomatic response to the question, suggesting Morgan was being needlessly alarmist.


However, others lavished praise on the exchange, describing it as “brilliant, concise and to the point,” clearly believing the issue of who’s finger was on the trigger to be of critical importance at this time.


Just hours after the interview, it was revealed that Gove would himself be isolating after a member of his family began showing symptoms of coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.8714538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4638 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

Turkish ships preparing to smuggle illegal immigrants spotted by Greeks


The Greek Navy has spotted around six Turkish cargo ships preparing to smuggle illegal migrants to the Greek islands in the last few days, according to reports.


Athens is concerned about a repeat scenario of an incident in mid-March which saw a cargo ship that had departed Çanakkale, Turkey run aground in the port of Jia with nearly 200 illegal migrants who Greek authorities later had to move inland, Greek newspaper Kathimerini reports.


Despite Greece having managed the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic quite successfully so far, recording just 60 new cases on Saturday, the same cannot be said for Turkey which recorded 3,148 new cases of the virus yesterday, bringing the total number of cases in Turkey to 30, 217.


Greek authorities estimate that, in the coming days, one or two of the cargo ships that have been spotted preparing to smuggle migrants will more than likely try to exit the port to the Aegean to smuggle hundreds of migrants to one of Greece’s islands or islets.


To guard against this, the Greek navy and coastguard are on high alert. In the case that the Greek coastguard isn’t able to deter the Turkish smugglers, Greece’s naval warships will be called upon to respond to a crisis that could involve harassment by Turkish coastguard and naval personnel.


Earlier this month Turkey threatened to send more migrants to the European Union’s border as soon as the global COVID-19 pandemic has ended.


“When the coronavirus pandemic is over, we are not going to deter any immigrants who want to return to the Greek-Turkish border in Pazar,” Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.8714551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4581 >>4638 >>4649 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072 >>5220

Trump Offers Boris Coronavirus Drugs Not Available Through British Health ProviderTrump Offers Boris Coronavirus Drugs Not Available Through British Health Provider


President Trump is so worried about the health of Prime Minister Boris Johnson — currently in intensive care with Chinese Coronavirus — that he has offered U.S. medical support.


Anyone who considers this to be overreach by Trump — doesn’t the UK have a perfectly good National Health Service already? Isn’t it known domestically as ‘the Envy of the World’? — might consider a letter that appeared over the weekend in the Sunday Telegraph, written by Dr Steven R Hopkins of Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire.


It says:


The chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has banned doctors from treating Covid-19 with anything other than paracetamol and in severe cases, oxygen.


Colleagues have rightly condemned this response, which ignores the experience of doctors overseas. Professor Whitty’s position is that British doctors may not use therapies that have not undergone double blind controlled trials here. This could condemn many thousands to avoidable death through a failure to recognise that different rules should apply when patients are dying at such a rate.


The drug hydroxychloroquine is well-known, with a well-understood side-effect profile. It is safe. It also has a recognised mode of action in preventing replication of the virus. Comparison of the death rates in South Korea and Italy strongly suggests that it works to dramatically reduce the death rate. Evidence from India is similarly encouraging.


What the letter appears to indicate is that the hidebound, overcautious, unimaginative approach of the NHS bureaucracy to the coronavirus may actually be jeopardising lives.


Though President Trump didn’t mention any specific drugs when he offered support from the U.S. it seems likely that one of the ones he had in mind was the anti-malarial drug chloroquine.


According to the Guardian, President Trump said shortly after PM Johnson was moved to intensive care:


“I’ve asked two of the leading companies … They’ve come with the solutions and just have done incredible jobs – and I’ve asked him to contact London immediately,” Trump said. “They’ve really advanced therapeutics … and they have arrived in London already. The London office has whatever they need. We’ll see if we can be of help. We’ve contacted all of Boris’s doctors, and we’ll see what is going to take place, but they are ready to go.”


“They’ve had meetings with the doctors, and we’ll see whether or not they want to go that route,” Trump added. “But when you’re in intensive care it’s a big deal. So they’re there and they’re ready.”


It’s true that the jury is still out on hydroxychloroquine’s efficacy in treating Covid-19. But it appears to have fared well in a number of small scale studies and an increasing number of doctors around the world have made it a key part of their treatment protocols.


Hydroxychloroquine — originally designed as an anti-malarial treatment – is often used in conjunction with zinc.


This is because chloroquine is a zinc ionophore – see this 2014 study by Jing Xue et al – which means it enables the body’s cells to absorb zinc. Zinc — as well as being effective in boosting the immune system — is thought to disrupt the most deadly phase of coronavirus, the cytokine storm, when the body’s immune system attacks its own healthy tissue.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.8714612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4814 >>4967 >>5072 >>5221

People In Wisconsin Waited In Line For Hours To Vote Despite Fears Over The Coronavirus


"I laid in bed for a while…thinking about how my options were to stay home and feel defeated, or go out, make my voice heard, and potentially contract a horrible virus."The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, become a member and sign up for our newsletter, Outbreak Today.

When Quinn Blackshere woke up on Tuesday morning in Wisconsin, she lay in bed thinking about her options on Election Day: "Stay home and feel defeated, or go out, make my voice heard, and potentially contract a horrible virus."

With news of the coronavirus pandemic and a statewide safer-at-home order already heightening her anxiety, it was not an ideal situation to be in. "I was very frustrated," Blackshere, a 27-year-old freelance illustrator in Milwaukee, told BuzzFeed News.

She arrived at Riverside High School when polls opened at 7 a.m. The line was already far longer than she expected.

During any other time, the sight of voters waiting for hours to cast their ballots might merely have been infuriating, rather than terrifying. But as Wisconsin residents went out to vote in the primary with fears of the coronavirus outbreak hanging over them, the lines outside polling places were clouded by a tinge of panic.

Wisconsin is the only state to hold in-person voting in April, a month that public health experts say is crucial to flattening the curve on COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Several states, including Wisconsin, are expecting to hit their peak in COVID-19 cases in April.

US surgeon general Jerome Adams urged Wisconsinites to vote "as safely as possible" in an interview on Today on Tuesday morning.

"I say as a black man that I know that people have died for the right to vote. This is very important to our entire country, and if people are going to go out there and vote, please do it as safely as possible," he said, advising voters to stay 6 feet apart and wear a face covering.

Voters like Blackshere wore masks and gloves, and tried to practice social distancing — or as much of that as possible in a moving line — while waiting to perform their civic duty.

But it was tough to keep a distance, Blackshere said. They tried to stay at least 3 feet away from each other, and there was less even space between people where the lines turned.

It nearly did not have to come down to voters being forced to choose between preserving their health and exercising their right to vote.

After the Republican-led state legislature decided to forge ahead with the primary — sparking condemnation from two members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission — Gov. Tony Evers issued an executive order Monday afternoon to postpone in-person voting and extend the deadline for absentee ballots.

But the state Supreme Court struck down the order just hours later, and on Monday evening, the US Supreme Court voted 5–4 against extending the absentee voting deadline.

At Riverside High, one of only five polling centers in Milwaukee on Tuesday, voters were antsy. Due to a shortage of poll workers, the state's largest city had a stunning dearth of polling centers on primary day where there are typically 180 voting sites.

Mayor Tom Barrett said last week it "defies logic" to ask poll workers to do their jobs and risk their lives in the process, criticizing the decision to move ahead with the primary as "so irresponsible."

The conversations Blackshere heard in line were as disbelieving.

"I keep hearing mutterings of 'This is crazy' and things of the sort," she said, adding that there were frustrations that "the politicians who made this decision don’t care about our health."

But there was a sense of camaraderie among those in line, too. There was lighthearted talk of comparing masks, and some helped voters with walkers cut ahead in the line.

"I’m also hearing 'They can’t stop us!' which is why we’re all out here making sure our voices are heard," she said.


It took Blackshere two hours in all to cast her ballot. Since the governor's safer-at-home order went into effect on March 25, she has really only gone out for essentials. Waiting in line to vote on Tuesday was the longest amount of time she has spent outside since. "It’s certainly the most people I’ve seen for weeks by far," she said.

A fight over voting rules is likely to play out in other states too, as several primaries draw closer and the coronavirus outbreak shows no signs of abating.

Blackshere doesn't want to see other states follow in Wisconsin's footsteps.

"People are strong and are willing to stand in these lines, but it’s not what’s best for us. This isn’t a fair choice to make," she said. "I’m hoping voting today doesn’t cause a surge in COVID-19 cases in Milwaukee."

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.8714619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4741 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072 >>5089

Bethenny Frankel’s foundation to exceed $15M in coronavirus aid this week


Bethenny Frankel is making a real effort in the fight against coronavirus.

This week, the former “Real Housewives of New York” star’s bstrong foundation will exceed $15 million in coronavirus aid distribution in over 15 states, Frankel tweeted Tuesday.

Bstrong “provides real time emergency assistance to individuals and their families in crisis," according to its site.

Next, the foundation “will exceed our goal of 100+ health care facilities,” the native New Yorker, 49, said. “Sadly, that is a drop in this bucket of tears.


“Our goal is 100 million in aid distribution in the next few weeks," she added.

The foundation, which launched in 2017, has conducted missions to assist after natural disasters, like Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, the wildfires in Calif. and the Amazon Rainforest, as well as the Australian bushfires.

Now, the foundation and Global Empowerment Mission are creating and distributing #coronakits — replete with gloves, immune boosters, hydration kits, and hand sanitizer — to those without funds or access to such products.

Bstrong has ordered over 100,000 N-95 medical masks for hospitals across the country, many of which are falling short of the supplies needed to treat coronavirus patients. They’re working on ordering over 500,000 more masks and gowns.

At the time of publication, over 1.3 million coronavirus cases and over 76,000 deaths were confirmed worldwide, according to a running tally by Johns Hopkins University & Medicine’s Coronavirus Resource Center.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.8714626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

Farage: Huawei in UK 5G May Be Price for Accepting China’s Coronavirus Aid


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has warned that having Huawei involved in Britain’s 5G network may be the price to be paid for accepting medical equipment from China.


On Friday, communist party-ruled China sent the UK 300 ventilators, as the country remains thousands short of the estimated 18,000 needed to cope with the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. Michael Gove, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, thanked “the Chinese government for their support in securing that capacity”.


China has avoided taking responsibility for the outbreak which originated in its country. However, nations affected by the deadly respiratory virus continue to accept donations and even buy medical equipment from China, leaving some like Mr Farage in shock and warning China’s recent “largesse” will come at a price.


Mr Farage is a vocal opponent of Huawei helping to develop Britain’s next-generation telecommunications infrastructure and has warned it threatens the Anglosphere Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network. He said on LBC on Sunday that while the UK should want to get ventilators from everywhere that it can, “I wonder what the price of these ventilators is? I wonder if it’s the continuance of China inside our 5G network?”


He continued: “Let’s just remind ourselves: this is a communist dictatorship that murders thousands of its own people every year; that imprisons hundreds of thousands of people with different religions in reeducation camps.


“These people are not our friends. The administrators in charge are not our friends. They intend to dominate the world and now, having started this crisis, they seem to be dishing out largesse: equipment to Italy, equipment to Serbia, donations to South Africa, and now ventilators, 300 ventilators coming in to the United Kingdom.


“I really, really despair. I utterly despair that so much of our establishment seems, now, with the European Union fading away as our closest link, to think that China’s our future. God help us if it is.”


In recent weeks, Mr Farage has said that he hopes Prime Minister Boris Johnson will rethink his decision to allow Huawei, which critics say is controlled by the communist Chinese government, access to Britain’s 5G networks.


Neoconservative think tank The Henry Jackson Society released a report on Sunday that recommended Western nations sue China. The report said that if Beijing is found guilty of lying to the world about the risk of the virus, they could be liable to pay out trillions of pounds in compensation.


While Britain has thanked China for their help in securing 300 ventilators, the UK’s medical experts have also revealed in recent days that millions of coronavirus tests from China do not work, joining Turkey, Spain, and the Netherlands for having received faulty coronavirus-fighting equipment from the outbreak’s home country.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.8714632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

Mexican Cops Allegedly Chase, Shoot at U.S. Federal Agent in Juarez


A group of Mexican police officers in Ciudad Juarez reportedly chased and shot at a highly decorated U.S. federal agent. Since then, officials on both sides of the border tried to keep the incident under wraps. The agent was not injured.


The episode took place in Ciudad Juarez on March 30, when Oscar Hagelsieb, a leading agent with U.S. Homeland Security Investigations working out of the U.S. consulate in that city, was driving home when local police stopped him, Proceso Magazine reported.


Hagelsieb was driving a BMW X-5 with diplomatic plates when the Ciudad Juarez Municipal Police officers stopped the vehicle, opened the doors, and pointed their weapons at the agent. Fearing a possible kidnapping or execution, Hagelsieb sped off and triggered a high-speed chase that ended at the U.S. consulate. Police fired several rounds at the agent, Proceso reported.


U.S. agencies have not issued any public statements regarding the matter.


Despite the attack against a U.S. agent with diplomatic protection, the Ciudad Juarez municipal government tried to keep it out of the public light during investigation, the Mexican magazine reported. Ciudad Juarez has become a hotspot of violence as La Linea-Juarez and the Sinaloa Cartel fight a turf war.


Ciudad Juarez previously earned the title as the murder capital of the world, but peace returned for a time once the Sinaloa Cartel became dominant. That peace has since ended.


The reported attack against Hagelsieb comes nine years after a group of Los Zetas gunmen killed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata and injured fellow Agent Victor Avila along a highway in San Luis Potosi on February 15, 2011.


One year later, on August 29, 2012, a squad of Mexican federales attacked an SUV along the Mexico City-Cuernavaca highway. Inside that SUV were two agents of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.8714648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4698 >>4934

'I'm so scared right now': Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts, 36, tweets from her hospital bed as she is tested for coronavirus after 'having trouble breathing'


Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts has revealed she has been admitted to hospital where she is being tested for coronavirus.

Roberts, who also goes by the name Giuffre, tweeted a picture of herself from a hospital bed after experiencing symptoms of the virus.

'I'm so scared right now', the 36-year-old admitted in the post on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.8714660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4746 >>4773 >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

FITTON: Hillary Clinton’s desperate appeal to avoid email testimony is even too much for her defenders at the State and Justice Departments.


GUESS HER CRONIES AREN’T RUNNING THINGS THERE ANYMORE: State Department refuses to back Hillary Clinton attempt to avoid deposition.


CORN, POPPED: Hillary Clinton Can’t Duck Out of Benghazi Testimony by Citing Official Privilege, State Dept. Says.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.8714671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

Robot Apocalypse! NEW Google Deep Mind AI will finish your sentences for you!


According to Google, 99% of Duo calls have to deal with jumbled or lost packets. A tenth of those calls lose more than 8% of their audio.


Generating speech: To fix the problem, the team built on a neural network developed by DeepMind that can generate realistic speech from text.


Called WaveNetEQ, the new neural network was then trained on a large data set of 100 recorded human voices speaking 48 different languages until it could auto-complete short sections of speech on the basis of common patterns in the way people talk.


Because Duo is end-to-end encrypted, the AI runs on the device, not the cloud. During a call, WaveNetEQ is able to learn characteristics of a speaker’s voice and generates audio snippets that match both the style and content of what the speaker is saying.


When a packet is lost, the AI-generated voice is inserted in its place.


Pixel 4 owners who use Google Duo have unknowingly been testing WaveNetEQ since December. As of Monday, the AI feature began rolling out to several other devices as well. Unfortunately, Google has yet to provide a list of those. What it did deliver this week is an in-depth explanation of how this tech fixes Google Duo audio issues.


Google Duo audio issues most often stem from missing and wrongly ordered data packets.


Audio issues stemming from data packet loss affect 99% of Google Duo calls, according to Alphabet’s subsidiary. While that figure may seem shockingly high, it’s anything but. It is merely a reflection of how imperfect internet-based voice tech continues to be. DeepMind developed WaveNetEQ in response and claims the solution offers unprecedented packet loss mitigation.


In layman’s terms, the service analyzes call data and supplements it with predictive audio when necessary. The AI-created audio information replaces not just lost packets, but also wrongly ordered ones. DeepMind’s platform stems from WaveRNN, an efficient neural audio synthesis solution first conceptualized in a science paper two years ago. WaveRNN itself was preceded by WaveNet, a deep neural network touted as a major breakthrough in AI-infused audio processing back in 2017.


Ultra-complex AI isn’t the only way to combat audio issues on internet calls. However, DeepMind claims it delivers unparalleled results with gaps longer than 60 milliseconds. Encouraged by initial results, the company’s adamant to continue pursuing this packet loss concealement technique moving forward.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.8714703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance


Start at 10:15 or use link above

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.8714727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4967 >>5072

OPCW Report Expected to Blame Syria for Chemical Attacks


UN resolutions call for watchdog to assign blame


Allegations of chemical weapons attacks in Syria have made the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) a hot-button issue, initially because their reports were to detail what happened, and not assign blame, and now, because they’re being called on to assign blame.


The first such reports are expected soon, and by all indications will blame the Assad government for chemical weapons attacks in 2017. This is expected to be followed on by another round of Western calls to sanction Syria.


This matches the general policy out of the West, which was always to blame Syria whether they did it or not, and to treat their guilt as self-evident no matter what the evidence really says. The OPCW reports are just an additional step, as rules were changed to allow them to again bring up chemical weapons use from years ago.


The attacks in question were already investigated by the OPCW years ago, the West already proposed sanctions, failed, and moved on. Russia seems no less likely to reject this round of sanctions calls, giving the US another chance to condemn Russia.


Syria disarmed under the OPCW before these attacks happened. There was evidence that ISIS was acquiring its own deliverable chemical agents, but the West has broadly ignored that in favor of blaming Assad.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.8714732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4803 >>4858 >>4945 >>4967 >>5072

More People Died of Suicide Last Week in Tennessee Than COVID-19


As we previously warned, this pandemic response will bankrupt and kill more people from suicide than the virus will. When you sacrifice people’s livelihoods, you create a desperate situation for many who will see no 0ther way out.


We are about to have a mental health crisis during an economic depression that will be tough to live through. The virus is no longer the problem. The government’s reaction has been the problem and even some politicians have figured it out. Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs revealed in a weekly update that our solution to this pandemic has not been a good one. “Thus far, our reaction to COVID-19 has been to sacrifice the global economy,” said Jacobs. “The truth is: a sick economy produces sick people.”


Most people don’t want to hear the truth, unfortunately, and the longer state governments insist on businesses being closed and an economy shut down to combat what’s looking like a fairly insignificant virus for most of the population, the aftermath will worsen. Each day that drags on will make the next few years more difficult.


“Last year, our medical examiner performed autopsies for 199 confirmed or suspected suicides from across the region, with 83 of those coming from Knox County. Over the past 48 hours, that office has now examined nine suspected suicides, eight of which are from Knox County alone. For Knox County, that’s almost ten percent of last year’s total number in the past two days alone,” Jacobs added.


We’ve said it before and it needs to be said again, we should no longer be preparing for a pandemic, but social unrest, violence, and economic depression. The longer the economy is shut down, the more horrific the future social unrest will be. Jacobs is questioning the tyrannical measures and authoritarian power grabs by politicians.


Jacobs called the suicide numbers “utterly shocking” and said he is questioning if the government is taking the right approach in responding to COVID-19. “Is what we are doing now really the best approach? How can we respond to COVID-19 in a way that keeps our economy intact, keeps people employed, and empowers our people with a feeling of hope and optimism, not desperation and despair?” he said.


“That’s startling and disturbing and really, really challenging to think about how some of the things we have to do as a community right now could be contributing to these things,” she said. “The more important message today that I want to deliver is that now more than ever we need to be kinder and gentler with ourselves and with each other. If there’s anybody out there who’s struggling, I encourage you to reach out.”


We want to thank Jacobs for standing up against all the other tyrants out there using this virus as an excuse to commit economic suicide and impoverish millions of people. Now let’s face reality: it’s time to reopen the economy and salvage what’s left if we can. The longer this drags on, the direr our situation becomes.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.8714752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4782 >>4840 >>4967 >>5072

Trump replaces Pentagon IG, removing him from coronavirus relief oversight panel



President Trump has replaced the Pentagon’s top watchdog a week after he was named to lead a committee charged with overseeing the $2 trillion coronavirus relief package.


Glenn Fine, who has served as acting Pentagon inspector general since 2016, will go back to being the principal deputy inspector general and will no longer lead the coronavirus relief oversight panel, his office said Tuesday.


“Yesterday, the president nominated Mr. Jason Abend for the position of DoD Inspector General,” Dwrena Allen, spokeswoman at the Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General, said in an email. “The same day, the president also designated Mr. Sean W. O’Donnell, who is the Environmental Protection Agency Inspector General (EPA IG), to serve as the Acting DoD IG in addition to his current duties at the EPA.”


The EPA IG’s office similarly told The Hill that O’Donnell “is filling both roles for now” and that “no changes are expected at the EPA OIG.”


Fine “remains focused and committed to the important mission of the DoD OIG,” Allen added.


The move also means that Fine is no longer on the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, she said.


The panel of inspectors general was created by the $2.2 trillion stimulus bill Congress passed last month to audit and investigate implementation of the bill.


Fine was appointed as chairman of the committee last week, a move that won praise across the political spectrum


“Glenn Fine has a good reputation as a tough federal prosecutor and former [Department of Justice] Inspector General, and must exercise his full oversight authority to ensure that the Trump administration implements the CARES Act as intended,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a statement last week.


The move follows several steps Trump has taken to combat oversight of the bailout fund. After signing the relief package into law last month, the president issued a signing statement saying he would not allow the special inspector general for the relief program to report to Congress without his supervision.


And last week, he nominated one of his own White House lawyers, Brian Miller, for the special inspector general position.


O’Donnell has served as EPA inspector general since he was confirmed by voice vote in December. Prior to that he was a trial attorney in the criminal division of the Department of Justice.


Abend, who Trump nominated to take on the Pentagon inspector general post full time, is currently a senior policy adviser at U.S. Customs and Border Protection and was previously a special agent in the inspector general offices of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.8714764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4775 >>4782 >>4967 >>4970 >>5072 >>5079

VIDEO — World Health Organization (WHO) Director: ‘We’ll Be Breaking Into Your Homes to Physically Remove Your Infected Children & Family Members’


Well, it was only a matter of time. Buckle up, they might be coming for you or someone in your house.


The World Health Order Organization (WHO) executive director Dr. Michael Ryan said it himself. They may have to breach your home and start physically removing ‘sick’ family members. See the video below.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.8714784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>5072

Israel’s banks accused of ‘piggish’ behavior as businesses suffer credit squeeze


Experts, MKs outraged as interest rates raised on loans and mortgages; banks say Israel not giving them enough cover as pandemic crisis adds to risk


As economic activity grinds to a halt in the shadow of the coronavirus, a furious squabble between Israel’s banks and the Finance Ministry is threatening to stymie a plan that aims to get vital credit to small and medium-sized business owners to tide them over though the crunch.


Customers, businesses and parliament members are accusing the banks of greed as they see lenders raise rates on new loans and mortgages at a time when credit is in huge demand.


The banks, for their part, are accusing the government of not doing enough to share the burden of higher risks at a time when no one is certain who will be able to repay loans, and when. The higher risks will end up endangering the customers’ savings, they warn.


Meanwhile, businesses in dire need of credit are not getting it, and the government is being accused of not digging deep enough into its coffers and banks are being accused of not stepping up to help in times of need.

What’s supposed to happen


To understand all of this, though, let’s take a step back.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.8714795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>4974 >>5072

Schiff calls on DNI Grenell to explain intelligence community changes


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) sharply rebuked Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell on Tuesday for his management changes to the Intelligence Community (IC), and demanded that he address some of Schiff's concerns.


In a letter to Grenell, Schiff laid out his serious concerns that Grenell’s changes were made without consulting Congress, and that he was restricting intelligence on election security that members of Congress should be aware of.


“I am writing to express my concern that you are pursuing organizational and personnel changes at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) without consulting and seeking authorization from Congress and in a manner that undermines critical intelligence functions,” Schiff wrote.


One major issue Schiff expressed concern over was President Trump’s decision last week to fire Michael Atkinson, the now former Inspector General for the Intelligence Community. Atkinson alerted Congress to the anonymous whistleblower complaint around Trump’s July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that ultimately kicked off an impeachment investigation into Trump.


“The Committee is reviewing the circumstances of Mr. Atkinson’s dismissal, including whether his termination was intended to curb any ongoing investigations or reviews being undertaken by his office,” Schiff warned Grenell.


Schiff asked Grenell to provide a written certification to his committee that he would not interfere with the work of future officials in that role, and that he certify he has never interfered in the work of now Acting IG Thomas Monheim.


Schiff also pointed to concerns that Congress did not approve recent reductions in staffing for the National Counterterrorism Center, and strongly condemned the removal or departure of every Senate-confirmed official at the ODNI, along with other senior officials in acting capacities.


Election security is an issue that both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have examined since Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.


The House and Senate each received separate briefings from top administration officials around potential election interference in 2020 on March 10. Schiff accused Grenell on Tuesday of allowing his staff to “interfere with the production and briefing of intelligence information” on election security that was given to Congress.


“If accurate, this politicization of intelligence would constitute a grave breach of your duty as Acting DNI to preserve the independence of the IC, protect the integrity of U.S. elections, and keep the Congress fully and currently informed of intelligence activities,” Schiff wrote.


He also asked that Grenell keep Congress informed of the impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic on election security in the wake of confusion over primaries in several states.


Grenell pushed back against Schiff, tweeting on Tuesday shortly after the letter was made public that it “was sent to the press before it was sent to me. These press leaks politicizing the intelligence community must stop.”


A source with knowledge of the situation told The Hill that the letter was sent to Grenell almost 15 minutes before it was sent to the press.


The ODNI did not immediately respond to request for further comment from The Hill.


Grenell, who previously served as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, was appointed as acting DNI by President Trump in February following former Acting DNI Joseph Maguire’s departure.


Maguire left the position after being strongly reprimanded by Trump for allowing IC officials to brief the House Intelligence Committee, including Schiff, on concerns that Russia may be seeking to interfere in the 2020 presidential elections in an effort to re-elect Trump.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.8714807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>5072

Ukrainian Peace Process Collapses


News has only gradually seeped out that the Minsk II agreement, to find a peaceful way to end the war between Ukraine and its breakaway far eastern Donbass region, collapsed on March 26th. It was an agreement which Francois Hollande of France and Angela Merkel of Germany had established with Vladimir Putin of Russia, on 11 February 2015, in Minsk, Belarus. U.S. President Barack Obama, the founder of today’s Ukraine, had opposed that Agreement, because he was encouraging the then-President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, militarily to retake both Donbass and Crimea by force — or at least to attempt to do so. The “Minsk Protocol” had set up a “contact group” of representatives from Ukraine, Russia, and the OSCE (a peace-maintenance organization consisting of virtually all countries in the northern hemisphere). The agreement’s purpose was to establish direct talks between representatives of Ukraine and representatives of Donbass. Whereas Donbass was reluctantly willing to have such talks, Ukraine never was willing, at all, and signed the original document only in order to be able to qualify for more loans from The West (so as to be able to continue bombing Donbass). Ukraine bombed and has continued virtually ceaselessly to shell Donbass to conquer it, and the far-right in Ukraine control the country and have consistently threatened to assassinate Ukraine’s President if he signs any agreement to establish peace-talks with Donbass. So, the President of Ukraine has been trapped between, on the one hand, the U.S. President and Ukraine’s rabidly anti-Russian nazis — both of whom want the war to continue — and, on the other, Ukraine’s public (who overwhelmingly want the war to end).


The collapse of the Minsk process has been hidden from the publics in The West, but Russia’s Government provided a description of it on April 2nd:


The first written protocol with clear-cut tasks for the future was signed by Donetsk, Lugansk, Kiev and the OSCE on March 11 with the personal participation of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian Presidential Executive Office Dmitry Kozak and Head of the Ukrainian Presidential Office Andrei Yermak.


Regrettably, strange things began to happen after the initial breakthrough. During telephone conversations, Berlin and Paris offered different excuses to hedge its support for the Kiev-Donbass agreements. Kiev also renounced these agreements at the Contact Group meeting on March 26. One gets the impression that the Ukrainian negotiators were put up to it. This rollback destroys the initial positive momentum.


Four days later, on March 30, the foreign ministers of German and France made an extensive statement with yet another helping of unfounded accusations against Donbass. They blamed it.


On March 23rd, Belarus’s Belta News headlined that the “Next meeting of trilateral contact group on Ukraine [is] to be replaced with video conference” (because of the coronavirus). The video conference was scheduled for March 23-25, but was held on March 26th, and promptly produced only mutual recriminations.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.8714829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>5072

Spain PM Sanchez warns EU “will fail” (Video)


The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how the pandemic crisis that is set to break apart the European Union. Spain’s Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez recently stated that the ‘EU either responds with unwavering solidarity or our the union fails.’



Via The Guardian…


Europe is enduring its worst crisis since the second world war. Our citizens are dying, or fighting for their lives in hospitals that are overwhelmed by a pandemic which represents the greatest threat to public health since the 1918 flu pandemic.


The European Union is facing a different war from those we have successfully averted over the past 70 years: a war against an invisible enemy that is putting the future of the European project to the test.


The circumstances are exceptional and call for unwavering positions: either we rise to this challenge or we will fail as a union. We have reached a critical juncture at which even the most fervently pro-European countries and governments, as is Spain’s case, need real proof of commitment. We need unwavering solidarity.


Solidarity between Europeans is a key principle of the EU treaties. And it is shown at times like this. Without solidarity there can be no cohesion, without cohesion there will be disaffection and the credibility of the European project will be severely damaged.


We welcome a number of significant measures that have been announced over the past few weeks, including the European Central Bank’s new temporary emergency purchase programme and the European commission’s SURE plan for those who have lost their jobs. But these measures are not enough on their own. We must go further.


Europe must build a wartime economy and promote European resistance, reconstruction and recovery. It must start doing so as soon as possible with measures to support the public debt that many states, including Spain, are taking on. And it must continue to do so when this health emergency is over, to rebuild the continent’s economies by mobilising significant resources through a plan we are calling the new Marshall plan and which will require the backing of all of the EU’s common institutions.


Europe was born out of the ashes of destruction and conflict. It learned the lessons of history and understood something very simple: if we don’t all win, in the end, we all lose.


We can turn this crisis into an opportunity to rebuild a much stronger European Union. But to do so, we need to implement ambitious measures. If we continue to think small, we will fail.


The United States responded to the recession of 2008 with a stimulus package, while Europe responded with austerity. We all know the outcome. Today, when we are on the brink of a global economic crisis of an even greater magnitude than that of 2008, the US has implemented the greatest mobilisation of public resources in its history.


Is Europe willing to be left behind?

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.8714834   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Massie: Corona Bailout 'Largest Wealth Transfer From Taxpayers to The Super Rich' in History


Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie shared the inside baseball on his attempt to force a vote on the $6 trillion coronavirus bailout package and how the establishment is now pouring money into his NeverTrump opponent to try and have him defeated.


Massie laid it all out in an interview on Monday with the Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.8714847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>5072

Memory Hole: What the Media Wants You to Forget About Their Biased Coronavirus Coverage


Left-leaning media outlets who repeatedly demonize President Donald Trump and Fox News for minimizing the threat of the coronavirus might want to take a good hard look in the mirror.


Last week, The New York Times's Jeremy Peters recounted — in great detail — the many ways conservative figures like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Candace Owens, Dennis Prager, and others compared the coronavirus to the regular flu and argued its spread should not be a cause for alarm. He faulted them for badly misleading their audience and encouraging Trump to delay a response.


Similarly, The Daily Show With Trevor Noah released a video montage called "Heroes of the Pandumbic," which mocks those clueless conservatives who got the virus oh so wrong.


Hannity. Rush. Dobbs. Ingraham. Pirro. Nunes. Tammy. Geraldo. Doocy. Hegseth. Schlapp. Siegel. Watters. Dr. Drew. Henry. Ainsley. Gaetz. Inhofe. Pence. Kudlow. Conway. Trump.


Today, we salute the Heroes of the Pandumbic.

— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) April 3, 2020


Of course, it's true that conservatives were slow to realize the danger of the coronavirus, and the right more or less turned on a dime when the threat became clear in mid-March. But both the Times and The Daily Show suggest this blindness was one-sided. On the contrary, not only did left-leaning news outlets also minimize the dangers but they also attacked Fox News's Tucker Carlson and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) when they took the threat seriously.


Cotton sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar way back on January 22, warning about China's malfeasance and the danger of the coronavirus. He suggested the HHS take "measures such as screening all travelers from the People's Republic of China and, if necessary, banning entry to those traveling from China." On January 28, Cotton appeared on Tucker Carlson's show to warn about the coronavirus. During that appearance, the senator said, "I suspect that months from now or perhaps even years from now when people look back at this time, coronavirus will be considered the bigger story than impeachment. I hope that's wrong."


Demonizing Fox News's coverage of the coronavirus may put Americans at risk. As microbiologist and virus expert Dean Hart warned, "Fox News has a disproportionately older audience, which is the population most at-risk to suffer serious complications from COVID-19. … If Fox News is unjustly accused of spreading false information, this population may become more scared and confused."


The accusation is unjust, as this timeline demonstrates. Here are a few examples of the many ways left-leaning media outlets minimized the threat of the coronavirus and twisted it to attack Trump.


  1. "Too early" to declare a global health emergency


On January 23, NBC News reported the remarks of Didier Houssin, chair of the World Health Organization (WHO) emergency committee. The WHO repeatedly downplayed the threat to the rest of the world, even going so far as to cover for China and focus on stopping the spread of anti-Asian sentiment more than stopping the spread of the virus. Houssin insisted that "it's too early to consider this event is a public health emergency of international concern." This report does not show any bias on NBC's part, but it does illustrate that experts were not concerned at the time.



Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.8714872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>5072

US Coalition Forces Withdraw From Military Site Near Infamous Abu Ghraib Prison


On April 7, forces of the US-led coalition in Iraq handed over a headquarters of French advisers in Baghdad to Iraqi security forces.


Yehia Rasool, a spokesperson of the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, said in a statement that the handover of the coalition’s site came after “fruitful dialogue” between US-led coalition forces and the Iraqi government.


Rasool did not name the site, but according to local media the coalition withdrew a detachment of French advisers from a military base in Baghdad’s western suburb of Abu Ghraib.


The Abu Ghraib base became the fifth military base of the US-led coalition in Iraq that has been abandoned by US-led forces. The previous ones were of al-Qaim and al-Habbaniyah in western Iraq, and al-Qayyara and K1 in the north.


On January 5, the Iraqi Parliament passed a resolution requiring the Iraqi government to put an end to the presence of US-led coalition forces in Iraq. This happened two days after a U.S. drone strike on a convoy at Baghdad airport, which killed Qassem Soleimani, former commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Revolution Guards Corps and several other prominent Iranian and Iraqi commanders.


There are over 5,000 U.S. troops deployed in Iraq in the framework of the US ‘effort against ISIS’ in the Middle East. Local soruces claim that the US is just using the ISIS threat as a pretext to continue its operations in the area.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.8714893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>4983 >>5072

The Globalists Driving the Anti-China Crusade - Thiel, Soros, Wenghui, and… Steve Bannon


Yes, it turns out Bannon is no nationalist, and will team up with the worst of them, as long as someone keeps him on payroll.


There is a strong anti-China current being promoted in right-wing circles and some neo-liberal ones in light of the coronavirus epidemic.


These forces are seeking to redirect real criticisms of globalization - deindustrialization, stolen intellectual property, and trade deficits - and utilize them for support for regime change operations and possibly even war against China for the financial self-interest of a few American oligarchs. It's similar to how anti-immigration sentiment was swerved into concerns about Islam's illiberalism in hopes of advancing Israeli interests in Europe and promoting neo-conservative wars in America.


While the Trump government's tariffs are a welcome policy in the national interest, it also refuses to fix any of the domestic problems that allow for China to always win due to the plutocratic stranglehold American capitalists have on the US government.


The US elite is divided on China. On the one hand, there is a steadily weakening wing that seeks to continue America's relationship with the Asian superpower in hopes of keeping a foot in the door and gradually liberalizing it.


On the other side of the debate, there are figures like George Soros, Peter Thiel, and disgraced and exiled billionaire criminal Guo Wengui who see the Chinese pseudo-National Socialist system as antifragile in the face of the passive liberal subversion that helped take down the Soviet Union.


Neither Soros, Thiel, Trump or Wengui are interested in combating globalization, but only in destroying what they perceive to be a barrier to it. For Soros, he shrouds his personal financial interest thwarted by the Chinese state in the language of "human rights" familiar to the liberal-left. Thiel has tapped a number of "alt" right-wing personalities and phony populists to try and construct a civilizational and even implicitly racial clash narrative to support his business interests in India and America. Wengui's weapon has been Steve Bannon, who has been making his appeal to whoever will have him as a neo-con jingo, reviving silly language about "liberating" the Chinese people even though we Americans have no freedom ourselves.


Anti-China? Yes. Pro-America? No.


It's easy to mistake the discourse of China hawks for sincere patriotism. While Donald Trump ran on a platform of bringing American industry home, the Trump administration's actual policies in recent years have not achieved this.


The Chinese government's international message, that its nationalistic command economy provides for superior development in comparison to liberal-capitalism, appears self-evidently true. This is a problem for American plutocracy, which tells its own citizens and those of other nations that in fact free trade and liberalization are the path to prosperity.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.8714909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4963 >>4985 >>5003

Acting US Navy Secretary Resigns Over Handling of COVID-19-Infected Carrier - Reports


Acting US Navy Secretary Thomas Modly reportedly submitted his resignation letter Tuesday, just one day after US President Donald Trump told reporters during a White House briefing that he would be willing to get involved in the matter of the COVID-19-infected USS Theodore Roosevelt.—reports/

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.8714928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5008 >>5072 >>5093 >>5126

Doctor Prescribing Hydroxychloroquine Says All of His "Very, Very Ill" Patients with Coronavirus Became Symptom Free within 8-12 Hours


A Los Angeles doctor prescribing hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with zinc is seeing a 100% success rate with every patient he has treated suffering from the Coronavirus.


“Every patient I’ve prescribed [hydroxychloroquine] to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free,” said Dr. Anthony Cardillo, the CEO of Mend Urgent Care.


“So clinically I am seeing a resolution” for people suffering from the Coronavirus.




The President has been repeatedly pushing Hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug, despite the fact it hasn’t been clinically tested against to treat Covid-19. But this local doctor says he’s prescribed it and it’s worked, leaving ill patients symptom free in 8-12 hrs.@ABC7


— Jory Rand (@ABC7Jory) April 6, 2020


President Trump first touted the drug during a daily press conference and was widely mocked and ridiculed by the fraudstream media.


Every day we are hearing success stories from doctors and patients who recovered from Coronavirus after taking the anti-malaria drugs, however the media continues to attack the use of hydroxychloroquine.


A Democrat state lawmaker from Michigan credited hydroxychloroquine and President Trump for saving her life in her battle with the Coronavirus.


Thank you Mr. President!


— Karen Whitsett (@KayLyme) April 6, 2020


The Democrat-media complex is so evil, they would rather see Americans die from the Coronavirus than report on the truth about hydroxychloroquine because they hate President Trump that much.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8714948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5072

New Satellites Will Be a Big Step in the Pentagon’s Plan to Link Everything


A new “transport layer” constellation will help distribute tactical data — but won’t have defenses against anti-satellite weapons.


The U.S. military’s push to link every object on the battlefield leaped forward Thursday with the release of a request for proposals to build 20 tactical-communications satellites by 2022.


The year-old Space Development Agency, or SDA, hosted an industry day to tell satellite makers about its plans for “transport layer”: essentially, orbiting communications nodes to transfer data related to intelligence, battle management, navigation and timing; and more.


The transport layer won’t replace the military’s existing communications satellites or the commercial ones whose services it rents, SDA director Derek Tournear told reporters. Instead the new layer will focus on “tactical data points that need to be given to a weapon system.” It will ferry very-time-sensitive data from drones, satellites in low Earth orbit, and other sensors. Pentagon officials received $25 million to develop and flight-test the satellites in the 2020 budget, and have asked for just under $100 million in 2021, said Tournear.


A slide from Thursday’s industry day explains how the transport layer would be the middle one in SDA’s plans for a three-tier space architecture. The lowest layer will consist of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance satellites flying about 600 km above the earth. The Pentagon has said that this sensor layer is crucial for tracking future highly maneuverable hypersonic weapons, spotting missile launchers, and noting sudden troop movements. Those satellites will send the data up to the transport layer, which itself will fly beneath a second layer of sensor satellites orbiting at roughly 1,200 km. These would also be able to watch and track the trajectory of hypersonic or other missiles. All of the satellites will work to share timing and navigation data with the ground, essentially serving as an alternative GPS system.

Anonymous ID: d074e9 April 7, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.8714978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5072

Benjamin Netanyahu’s successful stalling strategy – analysis


Once Gantz is at the end of his mandate, he will have no leverage left, and he will have to make more concessions to Netanyahu.


The agreement between Blue and White and Likud on a national unity government had been printed in four copies, ready to be signed.

There was even kosher for Passover wine on the table at the Prime Minister’s Office.


But then the head of the Likud negotiating team, Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, called Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence where the prime minister will remain quarantined until Wednesday, thanks to Health Minister Ya'acov Litzman who tested positive for the virus.


Whether it was Netanyahu who pushed Levin or vice versa, following the call, the Likud backtracked from its compromises on the judicial selection committee. Blue and White left the Prime Minister’s Office in protest, and talks have not been held since.


One reason for the Likud’s behavior could be pressure from the Right to not compromise. Netanyahu has been speaking to Yamina leader Naftali Bennett every day and Likud sources said Bennett has been getting on Netanyahu’s nerves.


The other possibility is that Netanyahu purposely stalled until the Knesset’s final day of voting before the parliament adjourned for its Passover recess. Gantz’s mandate to form a government ends next Monday night, and even though Gantz is Knesset speaker, he is unlikely to convene the Knesset before then.

It will be very easy for Netanyahu to continue to stall after that, even if – as expected – President Reuven Rivlin extends Gantz’s mandate by two more weeks.


Once Gantz is at the end of his mandate, he will have no leverage left, and he will have to make more concessions to Netanyahu.

Even if the crisis over the coronavirus ended sooner than expected and elections were technically possible, Gantz no longer has a bloc of parties to run with after Blue and White split in three.


Netanyahu, by contrast, is at the peak of his popularity, according to Wednesday’s Jerusalem Post poll that found that if elections would be held now, his Likud would win 42 seats and his Right bloc 64.


The prime minister constantly takes his own polls and uses the same pollster who took the poll for The Post. That very well may have influenced his decision to play hard-to-get when the deal was ready to be signed.


Going to another election is not a realistic possibility, but threatening going to an election can help Netanyahu take advantage of his leverage. If his numbers remain that high, the prime minister will continue to have an interest in stalling, and the toast over that wine may end up taking place long after Passover ends.


Almost like who knew what was coming!!!