Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.8715548   🗄️.is đź”—kun



“Comedian” Sarah Silverman Says Pro-Life Laws “Make Me Want to Eat an Aborted Fetus”


If you ever wonder what the crazed feminists in Hollywood are up to these days, wonder no more. They’re raising money for abortions.


On February 1, the Lady Parts Justice League, (founded by Daily Show creator Lizz Winstead) held a “telethon,” called Life Is a Living Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It. The fundraiser, hosted by Winstead herself, along with comedian Sarah Silverman, featured almost 4 hours of bizarre content, including abortion charades, an interview with abortionist Willie Parker, and political rants. During one of the charades, Silverman announced that a conscience clause law that prevented aborted fetuses from being used in manufactured food products would be something that “would make her want to eat an aborted fetus.”


The charades were called “shitty law charades” and were introduced by a woman wearing a female genitalia costume. Two of the laws that were meant to be acted out by volunteers were “You cannot use aborted fetuses as ingredients in the manufacture of food products,” and “Clinics are mandated by law to cremate or bury every aborted fetus.”


When the concept of conscience clause laws was explained, Silverman summed up her feelings on religious freedom: “Religious freedom used to be such a beautiful thing cuz it was like this big inclusive thing in the country, and now it’s just this shroud to legalize hate and shit like that.”


After the first law charade was acted out in horrifying detail, with one of the volunteers yelling “kill the baby!”, Winstead explained, “This is fucking batshit. A lot of times they will create laws to make you think that this is some epidemic that needs to be addressed.” Sarah Silverman blurted out, “if anything has ever made me want to eat an aborted fetus, it’s this law.” The law in question, legislated in Oklahoma, was created in response to a claim that a food lab was considering using stem cells to create artificial flavors.


The second charade brought on another ghoulish rant about aborted fetuses from Silverman: “Fucking funerals for fucking aborted fetuses? I would like to speak at those funerals. He lived the way he died. He died the way he lived. The size of a sesame seed with no discerning brain function.”


Mark Hamill was also present. The Star Wars actor spent most of the live-stream creating two pieces of art to be auctioned off, which were presented at the end of the show. Hamill also announced that, “Disney gave us a Last Jedi poster, and when we figure out who wins, I’ll personalize it. I’ll write something obscene and dirty if you want.” Wait, Disney donated to Lady Parts Justice League?


Winstead laughed and announced, jokingly, “Mark Hamill is actually going to become an abortion provider. He’ll give you an abortion with a Jedi wand. It’s going to be awesome.”


Towards the end of the live-stream, Winstead started to cry as she spoke about abortion providers: “These people that provide this amazing care for people are demonized and shunned and they provide literally a pathway to somebody’s life every single day. And if we let them have to provide the care and defend what they do, when we’ve all used it to become better people, we’re doing a disservice to our society. And so that’s why we do the work.”

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.8715719   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5770 >>5781 >>5814 >>5853

Interesting article anon's.


Thousands of children released in New York!

Nearly 100,000 children and corpses were found in a tunnel arriving at the Clinton Foundation in New York!


Right now and since last week, thousands of hungry and terribly abused children have been found dead or saved in an underground tunnel in New York.

This tunnel would extend over a distance of 4 kilometers between the Clinton Foundation Building and the port of New York!

It is through the opening onto the port of New York that children and corpses are loaded onto the Comfort medical vessel.

Nurses Confirm Treating Child Victims of Horrific Abuse at Corona Campaign Hospital in Tents in Central Park!


The medical vessel "Comfort" was placed there in New York by President Trump.

A second medical ship, the "Mercy", which would have the same mission, namely to provide care to the kidnapped children, victims of horrible abuses and saved from the tunnels, is in the port of Los Angeles.

The rescue efforts are under the direction of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.

They (the abused children) are removed from the tunnels.

There are stacked bodies …

I don't know if this is true, but a guy said that some of these bodies had been bitten (probably by rats!).

They speculate that the hungry and alive children ate the dead.

There is also a Mash hospital located in Central Park to treat some of them.

New York is crying out for body bags.

They estimated that 100,000 were needed.

They estimated that they would lose 4 to 6% of the victims they left alive because they were too weak.

There is evidence of horrific torture and sexual abuse.

Many have been educated for this and have never seen the light of day.

Some are distorted.

All are malnourished.

Many need respirators because the air in the tunnels stagnates and is not renewed.

Officers who have been in the tunnels are traumatized!

They are given vomit bags before they enter.


Judy Byington for Dinar Chronicles


Translated page:

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 2:42 p.m. No.8715814   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Interesting article anon's.


The Official Dinar Chronicles Blog Page containing your daily Iraqi Dinar intel, rumors and news updates. Find all the latest updates on the Global Currency Reset here. Dinar Chronicles Blog page has all the greatest Dinar stories and rumors from all the major Dinar Forums and groups into one website.

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.8715840   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5857

Hello patriots.


SUBJECT - Bill Gates & Microsoft history

Does anybody remember an old Web 1.0 site with somewhat satirical “proofs” about Bill Gates being the antichrist, coincidences in the names of programs, and accusing Microsoft and other corporations of satanic practices? I first saw it when in grade school, but lost track over the years. Searches turned up nothing for me. All I could remember was it being called the “Gates of Hell,” or a similar tongue in cheek title.


Finally I found it! The site is still there, although it appears modified. It's full of a lot of fluff, but ignoring the rest and just staying on the MS stuff, site is:


It looked to be missing info I thought was there before, so I checked Wayback. For some reason the page is “excluded” from archiving. Of course it is, go figure.*/


So I searched for references to the page and found (at least part of) the missing text pasted in a forum:


To summarize, Bill Gates is William Henry Gates III by birth. The jref forum post explains how the letters of “Bill Gates III” adds up to 666 in ASCII. There’s some argument about how you translate the letters, but it does add up. B=66, I=73, and so on. The “III” becomes “111” and when you add up all the numeric values, it is in fact 666. It goes on:

"Coincidence? Perhaps….


Maybe, but take Windows 95 and do the same procedure

and you will get 666

also. And even MS-DOS 6.31 adds up to 666."


There's more, that's all I will paste here. Interestingly, the forum thread had 17 posts. Below are links for everything, and one in particular which will be a resource to anyone digging on Microsoft. Thanks to this searching escapade I am learning some more myself.

LINKS: (Context for link: “He was hired by IBM to steal DOS from the developer” - and it turns out MS-DOS was developed after Microsoft bought an operating system called QDOS. They developed it for IBM.) (a TROVE of information about Microsoft's monopolistic practices, corporate ethics, privacy tactics, Updated 2/20/2002) Found in previous link, 1994 DOJ release where Microsoft 'agreed' to 'end' monopolistic practices.