Anonymous ID: 5df0d0 April 7, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.8715443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731

My spouse knows this guy. He’s a real hero. Runs an organization called A Moment of Hope. I’ve been downtown Columbia SC myself supporting his ministry. You approach a car entering into an abortion clinic. It is all done in love. You let these women know they are loved and there are alternative choices to abortion. They get a little‘ gift bag’ of a few candies, some girly things like a colorful bath sponge and information on where to go for help. No screaming, judgement, just a goal

Of saving babies.

Our community is split- the cops are apparently good ‘conservative’ guys just doing their jobs… doesn’t get moar cliche than that but that’s the consensus.

I’m finding out about what’s going on tomorrow- id like to go support him tomorrow Anyone in this area- come on over