Anonymous ID: 53220a April 7, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.8717364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7437

Guys, check this out; If you have any Aryan ancestry (there's a good chance you do) than (you) share the same lineage as the Biblical Isrealites. The Hebrews that fled Egypt where members of Hyksos factions (Scythian Aryans) that invaded Egypt and set up the dynasties that eventual led to monotheism with Akhenaten.

His son Tutankhamen has more genetic similarity to the modern day British than the Arab Muslim inhabitants of today. The Scythians practiced druidic monotheism, centered around Sun worship. They brought this, along with chariots and bronze weaponry and gold craftsmanship to the Levant and Egypt.

Moses was Hyksos royalty, born into a dynasty of rulers that had conquered Egypt. Judaism was born out of the monotheistic Druid practices of these people.

The Scythians are associated with serpents, their winged serpent imagery stretches across the know world. St. Patrick is said to have banished the serpents from Ireland, what really happened was a genocide of the druidic peoples in favor of Christianity which is a far more powerful tool to control people with and pacify them. The Jews today recognize this shared lineage in the story of the brothers Jacob and Esau, (Jacob deceived Esau into giving away his birthright, Jacob later changed his name to Israel) As well as the shared lineage of Noah landing in the Caucasus Mountains of Eastern Anatolia.

Aryan factions have always gone to war with one another, from the Trojans and Greeks to the Persians and Scythians.


The Y symbol and Hermaphrodite imagery is part of this druidic death cult lineage, (Jews/Masons) literally 2 sides of the same coin, just druid factions vying for power while they keep us lowly masses in oblivious slavery.