Suck a nigga dick or somethin
KEK are you talking about AJ "unmasking Q"
It's fake as fuck
>we're gonna put a hold on money spent to the WHO
Thank God! They shouldn't get a fucking dime
I wouldn't mind seeing her Pink Moon
Hmmm? What part was that? Timestamp
Guess you won't read me calling you a massive faggot then
I watched the video you fucking cunt, point me where he said that line. Can you?
Guess you can't read me calling you a giant pussy can you?
Because you can't?
Imagine if you had just posted the timestamp. But you can't. Because it didn't happen and you made shit up
This is what you were referencing? What the hell does that have to do with the video I commented on?
I comment about how great it is that the WHO would be losing funding, you randomly quote Trump talking about Measles and expect me to immediately know what you're talking about?
I personally feel like information about vaccines has become more accessible and well known. At least I hope. What a horrible future it would be, cause you know if you get the forced vaccines the microchip is right along with it.
Yes, I wish I would have known that instead of wasting about 8 posts KEK
Might as well waste another one kek here's to misunderstandings