Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.8719137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9141 >>9146 >>9150 >>9166 >>9173 >>9229 >>9553 >>9726 >>9745

Not so Quick notes from POTUS presser


Nice tie POTUS

Sends luv 2 NY/NJ grieving for strong brave NY/NJers who've lost loved 1s

Gonna beat this virus

Praying for BoJo who's going thru alot

As we go thru this Military Operation, Compliments the American ppl on slowing/stopping spread, this'll be a painful week even if only 1 person dies fighting a monster

Strategy working Every American has role to play, we will win this war powerfully & will win next 1… should it happen, hopefully won't -(warning?)

Goes into Operation for critical supplies Operation Air Bridge 5 massive planes/flights landed 2day packed w/ "personal protective equip" -(like soldiers w/ guns/ammo mebbe?)

Med wrkrs "beneficiaries" of equip

Army Core Eng building facilities to accomedate 15,000 bds

Completed/ing buildings in NY & Chigaco & other plces, build room for 2000 beds in 4days

Reminds Governors that sharing real-time data imperative -( apparently they're not rn), need 2 tell them of equip needs hits occupancy #'s being off -(yep they've been lying), occup lower than expected.

Reiterates CA/WA giving back ventilators

Pressing further scientifically against this Medical War

Genius co's working on cures & vaccines to totally protect us -(ref to Q's cure drops?), Great potential there

Great coordination w/ Governors, given alotta equip, "'We're gonna protect you if your Governor FAILS you''' -(HOLY SHIT POTUS!)

Ref's stockpiles calls virus a monster again, SOLDIERS READY TO MOVE [them] n2 NY city/state, great coordination w/ Cuomo & DeBladio, if they or Louisiana, Michigan, Illinois need it we'll have it… spots that are VERY HOT, we'll see, we have time to move it

In addition to the 8,675 ventilators

2,200 arriving 4/13/2020

5,500 arriving 5/4/2020

these are the 1s we're building @ Ford/GM/GE

12,000 5/18/2020

20,000 6/1/2020

60,000 6/19 60, 6-0

total 110,000 ventilators coming in short period of time, doesn't think/hopefully we won't need them

Other countries need them, gonna work it out, UK needs 200

10 drugs in active trials 15 more to follow


1/4 or 5 mebbe

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.8719141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9146 >>9150 >>9553 >>9726 >>9745


As well as 2 vaccine candidates in trials (isn't there 2 DEMOCRAT candidates rn?)

We'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get what we need to fight this hidden enemy.

Bringing companies back to our shores after they went a little bit haywire, bringing back not just medical but others too.

Mentions we have lg #'s of cases b/c U.S.A. large country & other countries misleading on #'s of ill

Performed 1.87 million tests to date, 1,870,000,000

CVS testing sites in GA/RI using 5 min, we're down to 5 min, i 5 min tests, so ppl get results very quickly -(5:5VQ) rapid tests by Abott Ind.

Actively Engaging on prob of Increased Impacts, real prob showing up in data, the way it's impacting AfAmerican pop who is getting hit disproportionately.

Makes "Tony" Fauxsee get up & explain

Dr literally gives excellent evidence of foreknowledge of AA's DISPROPORTIONATE issues w/ diseases exasperated by covid19 -(thanks for confirming eugenics biowarfare via covid19 SICK FUCKERS!)

POTUS: They're very nasty #'s, terrible #'s

In total 1,200 Abott machines shipped nationwide up to 500 more produced weekly, 50,000 testing cartridges daily, most robust testing is in U.S.A., other countries calling us for accurate tests b/c too many aren't accurate, some of tests no clue what's going on -(interesting)

Talks about Americans mental health during this crisis & need to help those struggling ppl, on positive note families getting to know each other, gonna speak w/ U.S. mental health ppl thursday.

Points out America was doing so well, worldwide shutdown & incredible(unbelievable) #'s 182 countries under attack by the scourge, by this virus, as we wage Medical War on virus we're helping Americans financially.

Ref's this mornings incredible meeting w/banks.

$70 billion processed for new loans to 1/4 of million businesses, providing tremendous amnt of meney to small businesses b/c they've been clobbered, but now setup to go like a rocket upward.



Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 8:11 p.m. No.8719146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9150 >>9553 >>9726 >>9745



Thanks David Solomon CEO-GoldmanSachs, Brian Moynihan CEO-BofA, Gordon Smith Coprez/COO-JP Morgan Chase, Charles Scharf CEO Wells Fargo, Michael Corbett CEO-Citigroup, Al Kelly CEO-Visa, Michael Nebauch CEO-Mastercard, Noah Wilcox CEO chair-Grand Rapids State Bank & numerous others.

We're WAY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE -(w/5:5 handsig) paycheck protect prog been incredible.

Asking Congress for additional 500 billion for paycheck protect prog to keep Americans employed & lead to quick recovery, looking very bipartisan

(5:5 handsig)The plan is Amazing processing millions of loans, big banks are doing it, it's the big banks in U.S.A. doing it. (Is POTUS pointing us to culprits?)

Pivots immediately to WHO, U.S.A. gives [them] a lotta $$$, criticized decision China travel ban, they were wrong & have been wrong about a lotta things, didn't want to diverge, very China centric, we have to look into that so we're going to, we pay for majority of WHO $$$, more than the majority 58/$58 million small portion of what they've gotten over yrs, sometimes they get more than that, sometimes it's for programs that they're doing, much bigger #'s which's -(witches?) okay… if those programs are good we'll consent. Looking into WHO b/c they called it wrong, they called it wrong, they missed the call! -(all [they]'re comms are belong to US) could've called it much earlier, should've known, could've known, probably did know -(ingly commit treason) looking into that very carefully, putting hold on money spent to the W.H.O., put a very powerful hold on it -(frozen assets)

Pivots back to Big banks helping small businesses, small business will someday be big business, small b accounts for 50% of economic strenth, every1 rising to occasion.

Asks every American to use #AmericansInItTogether & share stories of how they're working together getting thru this ordeal -(tippy top keks POTUS!)

Our #'s stayed down b/c of Amazing Americans doing their part

Doing nothing would've been disastrous, so we closed it down, it was good moves, early China/EU moves good, made a lotta good moves -(5d chess style) shutting down big move, important to do to have far fewer deaths.

1st responders doing incredible job, mentions Construction wrkrs who going into hosp's to rebuild right next to ppl in trouble, they know nothing about it but getting wrk done to fix wing to get ppl in there.

Unlocking miracles of science, wish you could've heard yesterdays calls w/ med/bio co's coming up w/ cures. Working hard in UK.

Goes into ventilators again real quickly



Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 8:11 p.m. No.8719150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9166 >>9173 >>9553 >>9726 >>9745




Q&A time!!


Q re: Acting Navy cpt submitting resignation & if it was necessary or if POTUS had a role in it -(they never learn)

POTUS: Cap'n had bad day but shouldn't be writing chainmail complaints. But I didn't have anything to do w/ that. Esper looking at it. Resigned for good of Country to end it.


Q re: Is 600 billion stimulus enough?

POTUS:We're gonna find out, (Q handsig) When you have 100's of 1000's applications, don't forget they're for $3000, $7000 some for a couple million, 1 of the banks 'said' a couple million, there's a limit @ top but no limit on bottom, gonna help companies big & little, banks equipped to do it others not, a lotta community banks will be able to watch it & make sure done properly -(means no cheating for you WellsFargo & etc IMO)


Q re: reopening economy in a few wks & potential economic task force

POTUS: We wanna open back up, we're getting to or are at top of cure, asked Gov Cuomo he says he's close & alotta ppl think a lotta placres are close, wanna start heading that…hitting the down side & think we're gonna do it, this week a difficult week b/c that's the most difficult wk at top position we'll see what happens,


Q: What else can fed gov do

POTUS: It has done a lot & is gonna do a lot, with stimulus we're gonna do perhaps infrastructure wouldn't have got it approved b4 but got ppl lookin to do it now, mentions zero% interest loans & strong currency bringing foreign investors the dollar is strong dollar is the whole ball game other countries won't mention names going down 22%, 25%, 28% hard for [them], our currency very strong so ppl wanna invest, we do a bond issue for infrastructure & everybody will want a piece of that even @ zero interest.


Q re: Memos written by Peter Navarro & how does it square w/ no one could've predicted this when in fact it was predicted.

POTUS: Haven't read them, but that was about the same time I closed it down. Reminds reporter of WHO's negligence re: closing it down.


Reporter smells blood & tries to pin down POTUS downplaying virus, reads quote from POTUS about cases going down to zero.

POTUS: (internally screeches Are you stupid? Why would I go around fear mongering when it was so early on? Besides scaring Americans unnecessary is your job fake news)

Look I'm a cheerleader for this country, I don't wanna create havoc & shock, I still closed it down to China then EU then UK, that's a big deal.


Dumb Q re: So you just read Memo today? -(these idiots think this memo issue is a big deal what tools!)

POTUS: Nope read about it a couple days ago.

Another dumb ass Q: Shouldn't your staff have told you about memo?

POTUS: I think there was a recommendation, I think he did tell some of the staff, but I didn't read it, irregardless I shut it down, had a meeting about it where most ppl felt we shouldn't have closed down to China but I did it anyway.



Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.8719166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9173 >>9553 >>9726 >>9745



Irrelevant Q re: Memo, if you would've read it back then would it've changed statements you made? -(translation Would you please trip up on this coula woulda shoulda nonsense like we thought/were told you would dammit!)

POTUS: I don't know if it would've changed I basically did what the memo said ffs! It was a pretty good memo, hasn't seen it yet.

Reporter: but he said losses of trillions of dollars and millions of lives!

POTUS: Not losing millions of lives but losing plenty of money. Couldn't have done any better & it was abt same time & I closed it down to China. -(How many times does he have to repeat himself ffs!)

Reporter not satisfied she's losing asks if he's lost confidence in Navarro.

POTUS: WTF??? No, why would I? He wrote a memo, he was right, I haven't seen the memo but I will now after this, doesn't matter if I saw it or not b/c I made correct decisions anyway, guess I had the same instincts as Peter. Perter's a smart/good guy who's done a wonderful job ~ Takes opportunity to slam WHO again -(get 'em POTUS), reminds them Biden called him xenophobic/racist for shutting it down to China & then capitulated that he was right.

Digs a Morning tlk shw hosts for also calling him names re: China then burying tapes of them doing it. Reminds them he saved 100,000's of lives by shutting it down.


Q re: WHO & China

POTUS: They've worked together, gave us pretty bad play calling, reiterates shutting it down was right & WHO was wrong

reporter tries & fails to drive narrative re data from WHO covid testing in other countries accurate & that datas use in U.S. models… POTUS dodges, weaves & comes back w/ uppercut no, no, no I'm talking about them in regard to fighting us on shutting borders down to slow spread, they called it wrong, they called every aspect of it wrong. We fund them ffs, they seem 2 B very China centric to put it nicely…

reporter bu.. bu.. but they….

POTUS: (Awww no ya don't…) They always seem to err on the side of China & WE fund it so I wanna look into it.



New reporter followup re WHO: Is it time to cut funding to WHO during a pandemic?

POTUS: No it wouldn't, but didn't say that said LOOKING INTO doing it, gotta investigate them 1st. But we will look at ENDING funding b/c they called it wrong & if you look back over the yrs WHO's been very biased toward China & that's not right.


Followup reporter: Re African-Americans being disproportionately affected by virus, are testing facilities gathering data re: race & race of ppl treated vs outcome?

POTUS: We're seeing tremendous evidence that A-Americans being affected in FAR GREATER #'s than other citizens of U.S.A., now we're looking at it worldwide, Tony Faucci's looking at it, & they're starting to come out & it's fairly obvious.

Seema steps in: Using medicare data to look at this both race & underlying data.

POTUS: Working on this very hard, info just came out a few days ago. It's not just by a little bit it's by MANY times. -(again confirming eugenics biowarfare) wanna find theraputics, cures, vaccines.

Reporter asks if helping A-A communities

POTUS: Definitely, but wanna know why it's like 3 or 4 x's higher in these communities, numbers might go lower. We'll prob have stats within next few days.


4/4.5 b/c if I don't give this now I'll never finish today!

Anonymous ID: 000000 April 7, 2020, 8:14 p.m. No.8719173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9553 >>9726 >>9745




Q from Hearst newspapers re: Will you get banks to do loans to businesses that aren't current customers.

POTUS: yes, also working w/ community banks too.


Q re: Jerry Connelley claiming POTUS not giving money to USPS recently is hastening the demise of USPS. -(noticing a trend of Q's being used to paint a bad picture on ANYTHING they can)

POTUS: Postal service been losing money for years before, now somehow I'm the cause of it's demise? Group of SUPPOSEDLY independent ppl(postal comission) run USPS, dunno why they let internet co's like Amazon rob them. They should charge these companies per pkg but don't know why, gonna find out though.

They need to raise prices & don't know why they don't tell your Democrat frien to look into that!


Subversive statement tring to make it seem as though POTUS didn't take virus seriously b/c just 2wks ago he called it the flu, Q re: How would he now advise world leaders who are skeptical?

POTUS: BTFO, so what if I called it a flu, Spanish flu that killed 50-100 million was worst pandemic in world and the flu. Flu is nothing to sneeze at (eye c wut ya did there)

Reporter, but what'll you tell skeptical leaders who are against social distancing?

POTUS: Not too many of them left, if you look everywhere is closing up, UK is an example, and look at Sweden they did that and now they have the herd, Sweden suffering badly, it's a way of doing it, but everbody watching everybody else, most copying U.S. model now. Good thing we did would've lost 100's of 1000's by now.


Q re: Voting in Wisconsin, ppl waiting in long lines weighing health against exercising their right to vote & does he agree w/ SCOTUS decision about absentee extension not taking place

POTUS: Democrats I'm sure would love that, look I supported Justice Kelly recently, Wis didn't want to move election till I endorsed Justice Kelly. Mailin voting = easy cheating. Need voter ID.


Q re hydroxychloriquine

POTUS: Just saw a Democrat rep on Laura Ingrahm last night who was very sick b/c of virus & got well quickly after taking it b/c she saw me talking about it.


5/5 f u 2 captchas in 2 min?