Anonymous ID: 51f0bf April 7, 2020, 8:19 p.m. No.8719223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9254 >>9482

A War of Words: Death Markers & The Election Year 'Purge' (think 'surge' swapping-in POTUS' dangling 'P')


purge/pərj/  –an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people."the savagery of the government's political purges"  


Theory:  [Their] corrupt media, gov & medical assets have increased the use of 2 key words lately – 'surge & 'intubation'.


'Intubation' – a term that is part of 'ventilator' medical process. The term 'surge' – it's a storm-related term,  (think their 'counter-storm') & a military term, (build-up of troops) 


[Their] frequent use of these specific terms communicates that these are the 'tools' being used by their assets to generate additional 'death & suffering'.   This is the war of words & theses terms are their death- markers.


Examples – Dr. OZ on Hannity on 3/30; " NYC is a warzone… it's a battlefield w/ field hospitals. We have these tent ER's filled w/ patients, who are 'intubated', It's 'death be quiet' cause everyone has a tube down their throat."  

(@-1:27  Example 2– content produced by Inside Edition w/ 'Dr. Colleen Smith' This vid focuses on a CV patient being 'intubated', and then the patient suddenly dies, ) 


Originally , the Comfort was meant to take on the overflow NYC's non-Covid patients to make room in NYC hospitals for the upcoming 'surge' of Covid patients. Cuomo now wants to  send Covid patients to the Mercy in order to divert attention away from their failing 'surge' predictions, i.e. # of intubations down 80%, # of hospitalizations down 60%, as stated on Hannity tonight &  


Conclusion: Cuomo & the NY cabal operators have acted to keep the majority of ALL ER/ICU patients (Covid & non-Covid)  in their "controlled" hospital settings. This explains why the Mercy is way under-utilized. 

The question is WHY?   The answer can be found when we coompare [their] terminology w/ POTUS' recent counter-signals: 

  1. POTUS has been using frequently the term "Lamestream" in his tweets w/ hi-frequency lately – 2x on 3/28 & 2x on 3/29 (i.e. think 'intubation/ventilator in terms of 'lamestream') 


  1. POTUS intimated during 4/4 CV presser that patients who are

intubated/put on a ventilator have almost a ZERO chance of    

survival:   "The question that nobody ever asks, and the question I most hate the answer to is what happens if you do have a ventilator, what are your chances, I just hope that CQ wins…because you know the answer to that question" (starts at 1:30:40


  1. POTUS during the 3/30 CV Presser mentioned 'his friend w/

Covid-19 who is in COMA (i.e. Stanley Chera), "We see some

friends who are unbelievably sick. We thought they were going in for a mild stay, and in one case he's unconscious, in a 'coma' and you say how did that happen?"  ( v=reyR9Wv8vjk  @ 33:08 minutes). 


  1. From yesterdays' presser– POTUS stated he was inserting himself to protect/monitor the ICU care of  Boris, "We have contacted Boris' doctors, and we will see what's going to take place. But thaey are ready to go. When you  get brought into the ICU it gets very very serious w/ this particular disease" (starts @ 2 min mark  

Note  POTUS is communicating to us that 'intubation/ventilator = DEATH.   


Conclusion: POTUS is communicating to us w/ above examples that 'intubation/ventilator = DEATH.   


– could [their] medical assets be planting pathogens, CV, and/or bacterial infections into mildly ill patients (covid and non?) in their controlled hospital settings and/or forcing unnecessary intubation/ventilation onto patients (covid and non-covid)?  Contamination is a common risk in intubation. &


– could cabal med assets be intentionally/unnecessarily putting these patients into a COMA thru intubation process via using excessive anesthesia/sedation, which normally used during intubation process (think 'under under' tweet)? Example from Buzzfeed:  Asthmatic nurse intubated placed on a ventillator, and dead within 6 days. Family not allowed in to see/advocate for these patients in the ICU prior to intubation/sedation. example– asmthamtic   


Think of the death 'surge/purge' as a means of increasing the CV fatality rate whic hwould give them the following;  i) ability to perpetuate/extend their epic fear/panic narrative; ii) justify continue economic shutdown; iii) maximize [their] open display of a mass 'sacrifice' event, 

We are watching their 'death be quiet' surge/purge in RT. * (Post 1 of 2)