A Nice article giving insight to some goals, and
outlooks of SA and MbS.
https:// www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/04/mohammed-bin-salman-iran-israel/557036/
A Nice article giving insight to some goals, and
outlooks of SA and MbS.
https:// www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/04/mohammed-bin-salman-iran-israel/557036/
To many people are not willing to allow for the possiblity of change. Forgiveness starts in not holding past mistakes against a person for eternity. But looking for changes in word AND deed to give insights to a person's current state.
If change for the good is noticed, ENCOURAGE IT!
Otherwise YOU will be guilty of holding back their growth and improvement.
You have "good" non violent folks who tho have broken the law by illegally entering the country. How to rectify?
Fly them back where they came from, allow them to show dedication and serve penance by walking back to the border.
Instruct them to apply for refuge under current law once they arrive at border.
The massive amount of the showing of filers sets the stage of increasing the voices to Build the Wall.
Kinda my fantasy script if I were to write one.
Things like that is why I wonder. Noone wants the publicity of killing thousands of people openly. Would draw to much attention.
Trust the Plan.
Hiding in substances isn't a good long term solution.
I will be praying for you to be strengthen and your anxieties to be calmed.