LOLOL Trust the plan goyim ISRAEL FIRST.
Thank you Kushner sending much needed masks to israel when americans are in short supply. 1 Jew is worth 1 million goyim
Trust the plan XD LOLXD
LOLOL Trust the plan goyim ISRAEL FIRST.
Thank you Kushner sending much needed masks to israel when americans are in short supply. 1 Jew is worth 1 million goyim
Trust the plan XD LOLXD
Notice how quiet it got as soon as they got caught, they scramble away.
There are Israeli Shills all over this board.
In gods plan, israel is wiped out in the end because that is where the anti-christ has his throne.
Israel blows up the USS liberty kills american Navy and this isn't considered an act of war.
when America had balls and integrity they would have gone to war over this
I don't know what "BOOK" You are talking about. Israel is destroyed in the end times.
All the world's military including the united states goes after israel.
The True israel is not a piece of land, it's the Followers of god.
God made a covenant with the jews, and they rejected the covenant, the covenant was broken.
Jesus calls the Jews Children of the devil and pharisees.
Jesus would be considered an anti-semite today.
The jews spit at jesus and claim he's in hell drowning in boiling excrement.
Netanyahu was responsible for 9/11
israel doesn't have a deep state, They ARE the deep state.
A large portion of americans are german descent.
Wow what a disgusting Anti Japhite.
You seriously need to stop with your german hating, they haven't done anything since ww2.
You don't know what projection even means. also this post is a fucking joke.
You think i actually give a shit, why don't you filter me you fucking retard. Do it pussy!
I really can't put up with you anti-japhites