Anonymous ID: d4003b April 8, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.8722206   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8721697 (lb)

>history of the jews

The Jewish Christians who were later scattered and largely exterminated by the Roman Army when the latter destroyed the Temple and most of the rest of Jerusalem in 70 CE

pic related

Anonymous ID: d4003b April 8, 2020, 9:04 a.m. No.8722397   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>8721160 (pb notable) anon issues clarification and correction on Laura Birx lineage from (#11165).



‘’’Tl;dr’’’ ‘’Due Diligence before spreading information’’

The problem as this anon sees it is that many have become so dependent on a news source rather than thinking for themself.

It doesn't matter who the person is or how accurate they may have been at one time or another.

EVERY claim should be verified – ‘’AJ’’ is a perfect example.

Fake Q posts are put up by some YT/social media personalities.

False info by others.

Bad research by others.

If they are honest mistakes then retract (delete thread/video) and statement.

The exact same standard the MSM should have been held to.

Going forward We, The People must remain vigilant and teach our children to be.

Logical reasoning, critical thinking, and think for yourself.

It doesn’t mean we have to skewer fellow patriots for a mistake, but the they do need to be held accountable.

The citizen is the guardian, or check/balance against Government/Corporate/Media disinformation & dishonesty.

Without the vigilant citizen the criminals will be running the prison.


‘’’We are all in this together’’’ imho doesn’t mean fall in lock step with the first new personality that a person finds fascinating, intriguing, and or attractive.

Verify the claims before spreading information that may not be accurate.

‘’’We are the news’’’ not ‘’’We are the new fake news’’’