ANONS ….. and Q …. the W.H.O. will continue to be funded by Deep State through the US. - A.I.D. and U.N. funding programs.
U.S. - A.I.D. is the NWO wealth transfer vechicle.
ANONS ….. and Q …. the W.H.O. will continue to be funded by Deep State through the US. - A.I.D. and U.N. funding programs.
U.S. - A.I.D. is the NWO wealth transfer vechicle.
Q ….. when does USA stop funding United Nations ?
US-AID and UN funding will keep World Hoax Organization alive. ( prove me wrong , please )
DEPOPULATION POLICY – Began by Haige / Kissenger in US State Dept. = Office of Population Affairs.
Page 167 in " Behold a Pale Horse " by Wm. Cooper
William COOPER said in his book cabal will trigger economic collapse, a terrorist Nuke [ FF ], earthquakes , fake UFO landing all at the same time if needed to keep control.
Q , care to comment on - BEHOLD A PALE HORSE ?