Does Fauci now run the USA?
Did you vote for him?
Where is NIAID mentioned in the Constitution?
Does Fauci now run the USA?
Did you vote for him?
Where is NIAID mentioned in the Constitution?
Neocon = Trotskyite Jews in disguise + big government authoritarian fellow travelers and agents of the MIC
She had beaucoup dirt on some big players. Sensible from her standpoint, as DC would have chewed up and spat out a couple of grifting carpet-baggers from Arkansas. She elbowed her way into the feeding trough and used her insurance policy to remain there. And when you make it to the inside, those who threaten your position must be neutralized.
When pulling a thread will lead to the wholesale unraveling of a global network of crime and depravity, no one must be allowed to pick at the frayed edge.
He always rings twice