Why dont you stop hiding behind tor you weak motherfucker with your 17 posts fagotry.
You are nowhere close to being anon.
you have a disease of diareh of teh mouth.
Concernfag much
Why dont you stop hiding behind tor you weak motherfucker with your 17 posts fagotry.
You are nowhere close to being anon.
you have a disease of diareh of teh mouth.
Concernfag much
For those of you to concernfag to understand the fauci situation is that for optics to remain in control we have to have new evidence to properly support justification for all their past actions. Otherwise optics look bad to normies.
Fauci fell on his own sword, and the media cant blame trump BC Fauci has been spewing diarrhea of the mouth
remember all of the crimes deepstate player go down for are for there participation after the election. The evils they did prior only back up there recent treasonous activities and they will hang like the treasonous faggots they are.
Patriots are in control fuck heads.
If you are scared, pray, God wins.
If you are a traitor involved with subversive activities on this board fucking KYS.