Anonymous ID: e1327e April 8, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.8726619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6656 >>6746

None of you seem to understand who the real enemy is or who the enemies are, not even when those in plain sight continue to plan against the general public, in plain sight. Nor do any of you see that even the ones you follow continue to do wrong by God according to the word of God. Since when is it ever a good idea to follow an “entity” that no one knows personally or knows whether or not with certainty that they truly have our best interest in mind? Those of you that really know the word of God know that we are in the end times. How long before it all unfolds is not known, because only God knows, but we do know that in the last days there will be FALSE prophets. This is for certain! How can people be so idiotic to trust in this Q entity? How can people put so much faith in this entity or in the president over God when we are even taught to only put faith in God and not in anything from this earth. Your logical thinking was thrown out the window a long time ago! This president, although he has done some good, has done far more that is clearly not done in the image of God, far from it even, and he continues to do it. This president has all the close connections to all the people that you despise and believe to be so evil, yet you are willing to overlook this fact. He is part of the 1% that have brought this nation down, he incites hatred to a certain level, and he is or was friends with these very same culprits that you attack. All these things in plain sight and you are fools not to see it or overlook it. These people, those involved in what is currently taking place, those who clearly talk to each other in secret or in code on Twitter are clearly forming against the human population. They are not of God or may even believe in God. Be careful who you follow is right. Don’t trust anyone but God. If you don’t believe in God, may you find your path to him, the one true king and the one true God soon! You only need to look to the word of God for answers not Q posts. What is taking place at the surface is not what you assume it to be this is clear, it never was. They speak to each other in code for a reason. They are trying to protect themselves:


“Once we OPEN UP OUR GREAT COUNTRY, and it will be sooner rather than later, the horror of the Invisible Enemy, except for those that sadly lost a family member or friend, must be quickly forgotten. Our Economy will BOOM, perhaps like never before!!!”


The time is near. Glory be to God in heaven. Do not follow false prophets. Stop following the continued propaganda that you are give here and instead read the word of God because if there is any truth to what is taking place now, it is biblical and that is the only truth to it all.