Anonymous ID: 44ca30 April 8, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.8726895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7055




Dear Intelligence Overlords–and AIQ


>How do you ALTER POTUS-[BIDEN] P_debate structure?

we know the corpse cannot do a live debate-any retard knows this-HE DOES NOT WANT TO BE PRESIDENT because of who his VP candidate will be. Why don't you let the sheep in on that-and why not, while you're at it-mention that MS. PENCE GOT AN ENVELOPE and Trump was not supposed to live past the first few months of his taking office. Surely the sheep can grasp this? (they may wonder tho-why he's still on the ballot-I guess you haven't resurrected JFK jr. for this.

>How do you HOLD HOSTAGE PUBLIC AID in exchange for National 'ballot harvesting' law adopt?

Still going on about this? You convinced the sheep to stay in their seats while the Senate was stolen with fraudulent votes and have done NOTHING to correct this. NOTHING to stop-in fact we're planning a mass online voting campaign with people from around the world–we ALL KNOW you can register to vote and actually VOTE via cell phone in CA.

>How do you appease radical left 'knowing' SANDERS drop out coming?

Dude-Sanders wasn't running for president last time and he wasn't running this time. Give them some money–I see POTUS assuaged his base by making sure the illegal aliens got nothing-but thankfully Nancy has come to the rescue-what? Your sheep don't realize that illegal aliens that pick tomatoes will be seen as "essential?" and since you literally have NO POWER in the Senate-I suppose illegal aliens will get theirs. Congratulations


OH fuck off with this shit. we're in more trouble from 60hrtz than the fucking green new deal. POTUS signed it bro-explain.


Nothing you assholes do from this point on will surprise anyone. (BTW isn't it amazing how POTUS recovered? Because he had it-just like Pelosi.

>Regain power by any means necessary.

They have never lost power bro-THE PLAN is still running the damn show and it's EVIDENT IN EVERY SINGLE MEDIA CAST and the HYSTERICAL trolling of your sheep by hollywood.


There are consequences to changing a timeline-it is impossible to foresee all possible outcomes. Didn't see this one coming did you? If you did we'd not all be locked up like lemmings waiting for you to "save us". Obediently staying in our seats-except the niggers and muzzies-they never stay in their seats. (congrats on the Sickle cell business tho).



I'm now going on 40 minutes trying to make one post. you fuckers.

Anonymous ID: 44ca30 April 8, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.8726924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7304 >>7331




Dear Intelligence Overlords–and AIQ

Why are 5g towers being installed around schools all around the world? WHY did POTUS sign a bill implementing this-almost as an emergency bill.


Still convincing the sheep that the virus is fake? A bid to steal an election we are not going to have?YOU KNOW THIS-

They have never lost power-why do they need to regain it?

What is Kush doing with his "tracking plan"? How is it possible that none of you sheep ever ask?

What is Bill Gates doing with his vaccine?

Everyone knows Biden is a fucking corpse and it's more about who is slated to be VP. Biden doesn't want to be president.


Why did Karen Pence get an envelope yet he's still on the ballot?

WHY hasn't POTUS hit the pause button on national rent and mortgages?

What is the effect of 60htz on the human body?

You haven't won jack shit-the battle rages and from where I'm sitting-you've not been decoupled yet-

The new towers can be used to beam a healing frequency (virus magically disappear) or a controlling frequency that can be paired with a virus sized battery / transmitter / reciver delivered to the "deadly virus" that has now lodged in the brain.


Which is it? Or has that been decided? Why is a frequency known to inhibit the oxygenation being signed into law by the president that "loves us"?


There is nothing that would shock me-except revelation of what you really are–but you've done such a fine job-no one will believe it-what YOU REALLY ARE will indeed shock the world.


Qanon ambigous statements

The storm is coming

>cytokine storm

Will put 99% of all people in hospital

>it's unlikely that discovering evil people are evil would put people in hospital

but a deadly pandemic might

These people are stupid

>the sheep who believe the virus is a hoax? The NPCs are most certainly stupid. At one point Q had his followers convinced the virus was not real- and when called out the narrative changed.

Now comes the pain

>the entire world is in pain and it's only going to get worse


TRUST THE PLAN-how odd since 2007 I've been "seeing" what's going to happen-and I always called the EVIL SIDE


I always called the good side



WHILE YOU KILL US-kill small businesses, kill our elders, kill our ability to even exist-


If you have not been decoupled from the most dangerous aspects then the "rest of us" are indeed slated for a life in a technocracy.


>Trump will be pushed to confiscate weapons

Days after I posted this POTUS announced that ammo and gun dealers would be considered essential businesses

>NOW WHAT? YOU cannot do what is planned to us unless you take our weapons-or-if the frequency broadcast from Starlink inhibits the mind enough-IYKWIM

>CRYPTO CURRENCY will be forced on us as a solution to dirty money

Again, days after I posted this event horizon THE PLAN to make Trumpbux digital faded away

>Forced vaccination

Let's see what happens-dear beloved Bill Gates is working SUPER hard on a vaccine.


Four viruses

>The one stolen in 2007 and the virus that acted as the base for the others:

the one the Israelies "ordered" and as luck would have it- had already developed a vaccine for

>the one the Chinese ordered, and had a vaccine for

>and finally- the one the Mad Genius actually made and released (never threaten a mad geniuses beautiful monster with a vaccine.)


LOL the blood plasma won't work on it-nothing works on it-nothing will work except the EXACT KILLING FREQUENCY.


So-what are you hiding QAI Technocrat?

WHY did POTUS speak the THURSDAY after I blasted the FACT that QAI is permitting his sheep to believe the virus is a hoax? Saturday, Feb 22, 2020–and I exposed the truth-then Dear Leader had to speak lest the sheep here become agitated.


There is no one "winning" that's a damn lie. The more twisted and convoluted your "drops" become the more the sheep (and we both know that there are NPCs on both sides, that's why you use religion as your dog whistle) circle the shepherd, the more desperate they are to find something, ANYTHING that proves-something good is actually happening.


BTW thanks for arresting that retard Austin. See how many of the flock believed him? See how easy-yes I come here to see how easy.


Look-I get it-the REBOOT will not be successful if too many NPCs remain-but you should, ethically at least give them a fucking CHANCE.

Anonymous ID: 44ca30 April 8, 2020, 3:23 p.m. No.8726989   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Dear Intelligence Overlords–and AIQ



The virus is real and it is very dangerous-the virus lodges in the NEURAL system and will live there forever.

>what if a vaccine were developed to "switch off the ADE and HIV components of the virus?

Miraculous cure

>what if you misbehave in public? can you get switched back on?

Just asking some questions-the humans doing your bidding and posting your data–interesting.

I'll tell you this for free-all we like sheep-and you've done a most excellent job.

Why not explain why you need ALL OF US TO BE INSIDE?

Don't want to scare the sheep?

Why has the government been doing about buying entire herds of cattle and moving them? TO WHERE?

Why is the government sitting there letting people go hungry instead of using the military to move food from the farm to the table and compensating the farmers? This same thing happened in China. Last Messages channel part 9. People in the cities starving to death-and the farm animals dying everywhere-food being destroyed. Instead of using their VAST military to move food safely from the farms to the city-they let the food rot-you're doing the same damn thing. WHY?

China got caught with their pants down-when our Mad Scientist released the borg.China is still LYING about infection–so when do you expect them to give UP fighting and just "pull it" with a nuke explosion they can blame on USA-or perhaps that damn-WASHING it all away.


WTF are you doing to us? Who is this man? pic related. I bet you know.


As of 2017, QAI had not been decoupled from the Technocracy-

I have no worries, no one here will believe me-but I will not shut up. Wetworks threats-have been made and here I am. Please, please-come and get me. Fuckers.



Look-I get it-the REBOOT will not be successful if too many NPCs remain-but you should, ethically at least give them a fucking CHANCE.

Anonymous ID: 44ca30 April 8, 2020, 3:28 p.m. No.8727047   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Why are you even worried? The virus isn't real, you're in no danger-your POTUS is never going to let any harm come to you. TRUST THE PLAN.


Anonymous ID: 44ca30 April 8, 2020, 3:30 p.m. No.8727087   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What, exactly, are you expecting to happen?


OH SHI—the programming has failed, I repeat the programming has failed!


Chinks tried lung transplants after they realized the blood plasma failed-Did you know XI is actually dead? Body double bro-. CHinks even bragged about it on twatter but deleted their bragging tweet when someone wisely asked them how they managed to find a donor so fast as it usually takes about 2 years. POOF twat deleted.

Anonymous ID: 44ca30 April 8, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.8727355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7418


Oh you fucking retards-yes it is a joke page. I once wrote a recipe for Baby Baby Back Ribs. OF COURSE cannibalism is against the fucking law-what does one have to do in order to consume a human body? KILL it first (I hope). Murder is against the law.


INB4 someone posts a photo of premature born twins who need medical care and since newborns die very quickly of the virus-keeping them out of a hospital that takes WUFLU patients seems wise.


The shit you people will believe and the "path" you can easily be led down is mind blowing.

q posts-

since none of the sheep are able to decode

a helper comes in

OMG this is what Q meant

the the herd follows

You lot are being led somewhere and until the end–right to the very bitter end- we won't know if you're being led off the cliff or "saved".



LOLOLOLOL that he has to be told that 8-10 dollar an hour essential wagies need help–really exposes who he is. That he has to be told that 1,200 bucks doesn't even pay the fucking rent in most states, tells you who he really is. That he keeps saying shit to calm you knowing it's not true-and he'll sign the bill giving the 25k to ILLEGAL ALIENS essential because they pick the tomatoes you are not allowed out of the house to buy.


What a fucking stupid ass bullshit post.


Does he even know what the inside of a grocery store looks like?

Why not do rolling shopping days so unlike Sri Lanka we don't have everyone in one area rushing out to shop and wait in line for hours at the same damn time.


Whoever POTUS has "helping" him are 10/10 fucking retards. KUSHNER is so widely hated by now that it's getting pretty obvious why POTUS keeps him so (((CLOSE))). Confiscate PPE from our people and send them to Israel. NOICE.

Sit there KNOWING the media is lying-and say NOTHING?

How the fuck helpless is he?

WHY has he NOT put the pause button on mortgages and rent? HOW is he going to explain thousands of his base HOMELESS because of this?


WHY is KUSHNER needing a bailout for his buildings but INSISTING his renters pay rent to his slumlord self.

(((WHO))) is running this show?


Has POTUS been given the implant? Where's your family POTUS, how come you had to be bullied into cancelling your fucking rallies? HOW come you didn't fire the OBAMA holdovers in the CDC that lied to you about the severity of the virus? Or-did they?


WHY have you not proposed federal legislation to put a stop to the CHINK DAIGOU who have been stripping our country of essential medical supplies since JANUARY?


Anonymous ID: 44ca30 April 8, 2020, 3:52 p.m. No.8727449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOL you really don't get this do you? A brokered convention-


have you given it the teeniest thought-why not ONE of the candidates actually appeared to WANT to win (BTW Bern, congrats on the new jet, first a house, then a jew? damn son running for president is amazingly profitable).


They're ran De Blasio-by us-that failed

They ran Cuomo by us-that failed (and he purposefully forgot to remove his nipple bars and worse that see through shirt-nope-HE doesn't want to run–KEK Mitt Romney next?


NO ONE WANTS TO BE THE DNC candidate because of who their VP candidate is going to be and they know they won't live past Feb. 2021.


BUT we are not having elections anyway. So-no worries. You lot with your heads in the sand are going to be taken off guard-just like you were when POTUS finally said something about the WUFLU..while halfchan had been prepping since DECEMBER you lot have NOTHING in the house, and have to keep going out-you lot have no masks or preps because you fucking believed QAI. And here we all are.


I don't have to leave the house for MONTHS-where are you? Any better for having listened to Q? Any better for believing it will all be over in April? ANY better? Read my other posts bro-you're actually fucked-which I suppose might have been THE PLAN all along.


THIS isn't just about a virus-come on QAI-tell them what's coming..give them a fucking chance, that's the ethical thing to do.


BUH BUH california!