Dear Intelligence Overlords–and AIQ
>How do you ALTER POTUS-[BIDEN] P_debate structure?
we know the corpse cannot do a live debate-any retard knows this-HE DOES NOT WANT TO BE PRESIDENT because of who his VP candidate will be. Why don't you let the sheep in on that-and why not, while you're at it-mention that MS. PENCE GOT AN ENVELOPE and Trump was not supposed to live past the first few months of his taking office. Surely the sheep can grasp this? (they may wonder tho-why he's still on the ballot-I guess you haven't resurrected JFK jr. for this.
>How do you HOLD HOSTAGE PUBLIC AID in exchange for National 'ballot harvesting' law adopt?
Still going on about this? You convinced the sheep to stay in their seats while the Senate was stolen with fraudulent votes and have done NOTHING to correct this. NOTHING to stop-in fact we're planning a mass online voting campaign with people from around the world–we ALL KNOW you can register to vote and actually VOTE via cell phone in CA.
>How do you appease radical left 'knowing' SANDERS drop out coming?
Dude-Sanders wasn't running for president last time and he wasn't running this time. Give them some money–I see POTUS assuaged his base by making sure the illegal aliens got nothing-but thankfully Nancy has come to the rescue-what? Your sheep don't realize that illegal aliens that pick tomatoes will be seen as "essential?" and since you literally have NO POWER in the Senate-I suppose illegal aliens will get theirs. Congratulations
OH fuck off with this shit. we're in more trouble from 60hrtz than the fucking green new deal. POTUS signed it bro-explain.
Nothing you assholes do from this point on will surprise anyone. (BTW isn't it amazing how POTUS recovered? Because he had it-just like Pelosi.
>Regain power by any means necessary.
They have never lost power bro-THE PLAN is still running the damn show and it's EVIDENT IN EVERY SINGLE MEDIA CAST and the HYSTERICAL trolling of your sheep by hollywood.
There are consequences to changing a timeline-it is impossible to foresee all possible outcomes. Didn't see this one coming did you? If you did we'd not all be locked up like lemmings waiting for you to "save us". Obediently staying in our seats-except the niggers and muzzies-they never stay in their seats. (congrats on the Sickle cell business tho).
I'm now going on 40 minutes trying to make one post. you fuckers.