CNN’s ACOSTA: “Mr. President, do you have any investments in hydroxychloroquine?”
PRES. TRUMP: “No I don't. Good question.”
CNN’s ACOSTA: “Mr. President, do you have any investments in hydroxychloroquine?”
PRES. TRUMP: “No I don't. Good question.”
Acosta should have asked them that question and the looks on their face would have been great to see. His hatred for Trump caused him to do wrong yet again.
Man Hit With WMD Charges For Claiming He Paid Someone To Spread COVID-19 At Grocery Stores
Absentee Ballots are a great way to vote for the many senior citizens, military, and others who can’t get to the polls on Election Day. These ballots are very different from 100% Mail-In Voting, which is “RIPE for FRAUD,” and shouldn’t be allowed!
's effort to bring #AmericansHome during the #COVID19 pandemic, is one of the most remarkable diplomatic missions in American history. Our team – working at great personal risk – has repatriated over 50,000 U.S. citizens, on 480 plus flights, and from 90 countries.
Anons - what is the deal with bringing Americans home? If it was really about the virus, wouldn't they shelter in place where they are? This has to be something much bigger than a virus.
Maybe Q was letting them know that he knows without sending millions of people to look at horrible pics.