This was at the bottom of the previous bread and I wanted to make sure we give it a proper look…
This was at the bottom of the previous bread and I wanted to make sure we give it a proper look…
Anons!! Those of us who Red-Pill NEED to get these graphics OUT on EVERY Platform ASAP.
This is how we wake people up. The Sinclair Video has opened a LOT of eyes and hearts. If we get graphics like THIS every day, the normies will CONTINUE to become aware of their shit.
I like to use hashtags like #MockingBird #Orwellian #1984 etc. YMMV.
Let's go!!
Anons…Do we have tweets from Julian?? Please confirm.
Me too brother. The man deserves all of the bounty life can give him. This one and the next. Shadilay!!!
Hell Yeah Anon!! All of these are getting saved. I'll look through them later and will print them out to share. Great Work!!!
GREAT WORK!! Thank You so much. Anons…We need to get this out.
They must have twatter handles as well yes?? I'll head there. Does it make any sense to hit them up on there as well as calling??
I've never bothered to contact a politician before for the same reason I don't summon demons.
Let's get this Anons!!
I just want to say that I love Steve Bannon and his Honey Badgers. I KNOW he is /ourguy/
This is where I wish we had our MAGA women/military moms/GrannyFags in ONE spot so we could drop tactical moves like THIS on them!! If we could just synergize all of the different units of Patriots we have spread out all over….
So could it be that China is Red Castle, USA is Blue Castle, and Saudi Arabia is Green Castle??