Q can see everything on the board. Q has not said one thing against people calling out the Jews.
He said (((they))) want us to fight and have race wars and religious wars. Sure.
But they have pointedly not tried to steer the board away from being angry and annoyed at the Jew.
It is because we need to move the Overton Window on the JQ. It was important for us to throw off our mental chains. The chains the Jew has put us under in America for more than 150 years.
The Jew had enough power over our politicians and media to take America into ww1 when it was not in any of our national interest to fight in that war. The Germans were no more guilty or innocent than any other group. We had no reason to fight. We could of traded with whoever won the fight.
We have to realize this. And read into what Q says AND what Q does not say.
Q is not a Jew apologist.
Sure there are normie Jews. We will be sure to got get out of hand with innocents.
But the guilty Jew control structure must be routed out and eliminated World Wide.
That is our mission.
And our mission is to clean out any other groups that are working with the Jew power structure also. Weither they be Royalties, Popes….Kings or anything else.
They all must pay.