Anonymous ID: b51dfa April 2, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.873286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>872663 For the currency reset that is clearly coming now worldwide, people are going to have to prove their holdings via audit, with the results being seen and trusted. No one in their right mind would believe the 8100 tons the US allegedly has without a REAL audit.


And yes, OF COURSE currency can be pegged to a PM. Don't believe the BS about "oh there isn't enough of it." The gold is what it is. Individual nations will have to adjust their paper currencies to reflect their level of debt vs. their proven gold holdings. Some people are going to be looking good and some are going to be in a world of hurt. Then it's game on. If POTUS & team are working with Beijing, Moscow, New Delhi & others on this, and it is indeed implemented, then the world will have a fantastic chance to prosper and move ahead.


There are likely a few large deposits left to be found, but not many! The low hanging stuff and even the mid hanging stuff is long gone. To find a deposit takes time and a large outlay of cash. To keep new supply coming in and replenish their reserves, companies must budget for exploration. But the market price of gold (and silver) has been held down for a long time via manipulation of the paper market. So most mining companies have been seriously pinched for money for years, selling their product for peanuts just to service their debt and keep the doors open. So exploration budgets have been cut to the bone or even eliminated entirely! There is next to nothing in the pipeline.


To make things much worse for the miners, their contrived cash flow problems have forced them to "high grade" their mines. This means they went to their richest veins/sectors and mined them. No choice! So when metals blow up to the sky in value (soon probably), the miners can't just rub their hands gleefully and say they are going to ramp up production. Sure, of lower grade ore! And of heavily depleted reserves with no quick way to get more. With the energy cost of mining(Energy Returned On Invested) relentlessly rising. These things considered together result in a shortening in the life of the mine, because it was not mined in the most economical fashion.


Now let's fantasize that a company somehow did find a new property and proved the reserves & got funding. In many locations, it takes YEARS to get permits and get started on the infrastructure. So when metal blows, there is not going to be ready metal to easily mine and add to the supply of gold.