Is she trying to go to prison too? You're married to a psychopath you dumb fuck and they have ALL your comms so they know EXACTLY why you ran a half ass campaign with a 1.5 million dollar war chest for a shitty little seat. But please, by all means, keep opening your mouth. Whoever your advisor is is brilliant! Kek
This is great. I have no idea what's going on but its compelling. The teeth and ears in particular.
Ya. That's why he's had a house down the street from hildabeast since '98…total repub.
I love how the media put their names in brackets. Nice…
Well the response from the author of the email to the video guy is super suspect. There's no way in hell he got those two marches confused. No way.
She'll be taken out too. she's been dancing with the devil for a loooong time.
How about Q team just arrests the fuckin criminals in congress and then take a vote on nominees?
I loathe this beast. Notice they say "high priestess"? They aren't kidding. 100 million in the RED?! Always wondered how these mags stay on shelves. I can see the cost involved and also understand the competition, so it's never made sense. It's like a pet project for narcissists.
They think we will follow the STARS…NOPE.