Q 3916, 4-8-20
Writing this 4-9-20, I suddenly realize I am in a (the) cradled of Q drop 3916 on 4-8-20 and the celebrated Good Friday, 4-10-20, DJT. A cradle being that sweet spot, the comfy place, between 2 pillars. Let us set the first pillar in 1992 (take note, sum those numbers equals 21, same day as speech, and what else), that is the year of the Kissinger quote.
Searching the distinctive file name, .png, yielded a handful of Anons posting the Q source. Searching only the 7460130 (take not if you sum those numbers one arrives at 21, yet regardi '0' as deliminator the sub groups are 17 + 4, plausibly Q, April) yielded more of the same with little new and nothing of significant.
17 4, makes me think of Q drops in the month of April. Most notably are the 'April shower' drops of 2018, fully within clear organic memory which I need not refresh for this rehearse. April showers are associated with, even below, +, ++ and +++, cabal money. Are April Showers falling in 2020? What is missing can be most revealing. Missing in these days is fret over where all these SHOWERS, aka Stimulus and PPP, come from! Some also say the Federal Reserve (find it in links below) of 1913, in these 1 to 3 phases and/or FEMA (find in links below) 'writ' has relinquished control to POTUS45. We know FR is key element in Q, a factor to be fairly dealt with at right time. Are we to understand current April SHOWERS is cabal monies retaken consolidated in FR and are now being sent back out to true, originating owners, We The People. Is this part of Silent War, Secret war, taking back our country by taking back the wealth.
Search of 'Today Americans would be outraged', does yield much, some below. After reviewing I realize Hillary's agenda of WWIII did not happen, NAFTA has failed and even reversed, NWO teeters, WHO well threatened, China has signed, Antifa failed along with MS13 as MSM fights daily for relevance. Our new Space Force cancels Hollywood/C_A dream team fabrication of alien invasion. What option remains for freemasons, Bilderberg, NWO, Old Guard, Cabal and/or Agenda 21?
Has Q/Q+ been forced into these days or have they forced the Bad Actors into these days, last ditch effort, as sad as the fight is?
Agenda 21 is not mentioned in these next 2 links, though topic, time periods and key players completely overlap:
History of Bilderberg Group
History of Freemason and NWO, starts in 1773 with Rothschild, Germany,, note FEMA, Bush senior and Kissinger references.
George HW Bush's signed Agenda 21 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 13, 1992. Again 1992, same year of Kissinger quote, same topic but more particularly, means to same end.
The politics of Agenda 21, Q never mentions Agenda 21, but the Kissinger quote bring us there. Is it here, too?
Also see fuller Kissinger text in:
What, or when, how soon, is the other pillar of my imagined comfy cradle? Is it comfy cradle or torture chamber?