Anonymous ID: a2f4bd April 9, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.8737987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8046


>shit or get off the pot

>put up or shut up

>I've been here X years and I'm through with Q

>this isn't happening fast enough for me

I won't go so far as to accuse every one of you of being shills, but many clearly are and none are getting my (You). Don't demoralize, don't try to divide, and don't concernfag.

Q specifically told us that Patriots stand at the ready and shills whine. So if you're not a shill, don't act like one. Stand at the ready instead.

I have no doubt that there are tons of you out there who have real concerns and who aren't deep state shills. I have no doubt some of you guys whining have pulled your weight by digging, spreading the word, bumping, making OC, doing decodes, losing sleep, baking breads, all of it.

But really take a moment to consider what we're up against. We are disarming a bomb with the world as hostages. We are taking apart knots thousands of years in the making and you're pissed it's not done in 4 years. We have operators actually risking their lives in some nameless dungeon, probably as we speak. We have people who have been targets of assassination. Families have been targeted. The rats have thrown everything from missiles to bioweapons at us in desperation. And you think you could do better job handling this thing? You think the agony of this wait is too big a sacrifice?

What do you propose instead? This is unironically WARFARE.


We have a role to play. Chosen for a reason. Stand at the ready, ask what YOU can do to help, and stop acting like Tokyo frigging Rose.

That's all, soldiers.