i support Q completely but some of you cringy twitter debbies and gullible jennifers really get on my nerves. half pol is half right about you guys.
Completely agree. my c*ronavirus filters take out 50-60 threads at a time currently. and the remaining threads are 90% comped and you have to check /bant/ for the shit that the faggot kike jannies move for being "off topic" (example the cannibalism thread the other day after Q dropped.) Complete fucking clown fest.
Dont get me wrong fren, I know that the twitterfaggots have been doing a lot of really dank research compared to here especially in recent months.
>All intel is valid intel
absolutely well said.
Its just the circlejerking Q emoji faggot twitter debbies who post about 5G coronavirus pedo tunnels cover up shit and they eat up every little theory as if it came straight from Q, that get on my nerves and make the movement look like a joke.