So, how much of his own shit is Q gonna eat after DJT Day comes and goes tomorrow with zero habbenings โฆ after 2 1/2 years of zero arrests, zero results, and zero relief from Qblue balls?
Thank you Baker.
Every Qtard on this board would install that camera on their terlet if Q told them it would drain muh swamp. Guaranteed.
$100 says that this fat fuck advocates for gun control "in these perilous times, for the safety of all Americans."
>If part of The Plan involves letting the surveillance state photograph my butthole, then I'm officially out. I will taking shits on the nearest Democrat politician's lawn before I install a smart toilet.
You are a very rare Qtard, anon.
But, good for you โฆ someone in here with standards is nice to see.
Billy Barr's history of advocating for gun control and defending deep state murderers is on my side.
You're a fucking sheep. Do your won research on this Barr tool. It's not that hard to find out that Billy Bagpipes is an enemy of free people.
Or follow an anonymous 8kun poster's direction to trust muh B2 โฆ
>Youโre not very good at this whole life thing.
Do you even know Billy Barr's gun control position? or are you too attached to Q's tinkle to research it for yourself, sheep?
Fucking losers in here โฆโฆ you don't even follow Q's rule to "do your own research". Q must laugh himself to sleep over you Qtards!
I predict a sudden "fatal accident" in this fucktard's near future.
Trump needs to rid the country of this cunt โฆ yesterday.
>Trust the plan.
I found a special parcel of waterfront property in Florida with your name on it, anon.
I'll sell it to you cheap .. it's a fantastic deal.
>Attorney General William Barr spent Wednesday shopping a proposal to expand background checks
But but but โฆ trust muh B2 bomber of "justice'.
Barr is deep state personified.
Barr sent in ABC assholes to murder innocent Americans .. and then he defended the FBI sniper in court.
Who here is stupid enough to believe that Ruby Ridge Billy Barr is /ourguy/ ?
>If arrests do happen and all these evil people are presumably put in jail
Not even close to this habbening, anon.
Firs. you should worry yourself about the coming insurrection of starving gun holders.
>I thought Disney bought all the cheap Florida swamp land
There's plenty left, anon.
I promise you.
Water is a little "loggy", but it's good swimming for a retard โฆ.
>Someone sounds scared!
Scared of what? A fatass AG who does jack shit?
An anonymous ~~4chan~~ ~~8chan~~ 8kun poster of cryptic bullshit with zero results?
You tools running this Qtardery need new responses. Tell your grifter boss. You are obvious af.
>Stand By Anons!
I will seriously wager $1000 with any Qtard that nothing of importance happens tomorrow. NOTHING.
Just like the last 2 1/2 years of Q promises.
Just sign in to your 8kun Premium account and PM me.
Only pussies need to filter, anon.
Just saying.
Pull up your bigboy britches โฆ life is a bitch, and then you divorce her.
>No fucking way are shills back to flat earth shilling..
Do your really expect better of this ridiculous board, anon?