from the link:
"Secretary of State Clinton supported Obama’s deception of a strong foreign policy. She neglected to provide military support for the Benghazi consulate despite documents from Chris Stevens indicating increasing terror attacks."
HRC was an avid supporter of those following the muslim faith. She created the position of Special Representative to Muslim Communities in the State Department held by Farah Pandith. She held annual Eid receptions to celebrate the end of Ramadan.
July 2012 was the contentious Rep Bachmann and team of 5's letter calling those in the executive branch with muslim brotherhood ties, including Abedin.
[McCain] was one person that spoke in defense of abedin. Another in August was {Hussain] in several emails. White House continued with extensive plans for their annual Eid dinner reception for August 20, end of Ramadan.
(White House archives contain many files for each years Eid, announcemnet, press release, guest list, speeches, video.)
Each year [HRC] also hosted an Eid reception including speech and press release. But Aug 19 2012, the only thing to come from the [HRC] State Department was press release offering well wishes to those celebrating the end of Ramadan. No mention of the reception in the archives or emails.
State Department Eid reception was scheduled more than 3 weeks after the high holiday. Scheduled for September 13, 2012. Did people in the State Department,with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood have something special to celebrate to postpone a holiday 3 weeks?
Two days after the Benghazi Terrorist Attack, the State Department held their scheduled Eid dinner recption, 6 pm in the Benjamin Franklin Room. [HRC] did give a brief speech as did several of her distinguished Muslim guests.
One of the wiki-leak emails was Abedin to {HRC] the morning of Septeber 12, 2012,
"the eid reception could not have been worse timing"
High holiday dinner reception more than 3 weeks after the holiday and two days after the September 11 anniversary. The reception date was well planned in advance.
some of Anon's sauce:
16 pg letter from Rep Bachmann to Rep Ellison concerning the Muslim Brotherhood:
July 13, 2012
CBS article about Rep Bachmann refusing to back down from her MB assertion
July 19 2012
Aug 4, 2012 Cheryl Mills email of Minnesota Star Tribune article
Aug 11, 2012 various emails in the State Department & White House showing support for Abedin [ over national security ]
C06133293 Aug 11
C05792871 Aug 11
C05792869 Aug 11 Obama
C05792868 Aug 11 Mccain
Sept 12, 2012 as noted prior Abedin email to HRC after the Benghazi Terrorist Attack on rescheduled Eid
C06133349 Sep 12