Anonymous ID: f54629 April 10, 2020, 6:12 a.m. No.8744933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Disaster For Dems as Alexander Vindman Admits He Made up Parts of Trump Call Summary

Guess everybody saw this already?


"Vindman admitted under oath that he made up elements of President Trump’s call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky in his official summary.


Gee, sounds just like Adam Schiff, who also made up a call between the two leaders and then read it on national TV.


Prior to the call, Vindman included a discussion about corruption in the talking points provided to the president but Trump did not use them in the call.


The summary Vindman wrote after the call read included his corruption talking points that were never discussed." -


>>8743214 pb


I'm glad Baker who finally posted it to notables called it CONJECTURE

What is the upshot? Nothing.

It's a speculation about code names.

However it's similar to the "Alefantis" "I love infants" alleged code-breaking...

in that it's a stretch and there's no proof that phrase was used to create the fake name.

Could have easily also been ALEPH - which means chief and and also used in Kaballah and alChemy,, antis. "Of the Chiefs, of the Premier, Of the FIRST"

Maybe those initials were used to create the fake names [seems the ID 's are fake since their photos were used as "stock" for Getty.?]



Maybe it's really them in the stock photos and they just sell them as stock photos to hide themselves?

hiding in plain sight

So I also dispute the break down of C-handler, Chandler?

as Child handler

"Chan" "KHAN" was an emperor in the ancient world.

(This is like the "jew hate" thingy - where all Jews are bad. it's ignorant)

Not all "chandlers" are Child Handlers.. That's not what the name even means. [it was someone who traveled with the King / Sovereign, brought along provisions - candles, bottles? ;related to "Chancellor"; advisor to the Ruler. In the Court.]

WAS every King in the ancient world a PEDO?

Likely no. but that'a an interesting question.

Certainly "Chandler" names other people than pedos.