Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.8748654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boris Johnson moved out of intensive care as Britain asks NATO for help


The UK death toll from Covid-19 continues to rise with the ‘peak’ at least two weeks away…


After three nights British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been moved out of the intensive care unit at St Thomas’ hospital in London after testing positive for coronavirus almost a fortnight ago. The PM will continue to be monitored in hospital however for the time being, as he still experiences symptoms of the disease. The country watched with bated breath as Johnson was admitted to hospital on Monday night, with rumours circulating that he was to be put on a ventilator. The 53 year old was reported as being in ‘extremely good spirits’ as his treatment in intensive care came to an end.


The news regarding Johnson’s recovery comes as a 52 year old doctor, Abdul Mabud Chowdhury, who warned Boris Johnson in March that there wasn’t enough Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for NHS workers, sadly died after also falling victim to Covid-19. The medic, who was a locum urologist based at Homerton Hospital in East London, had written to the Prime Minister on 18th March, urging him to provide each and every care workers with adequate protective equipment. He said that healthcare workers “are in direct contact with patients” and have a “human right like others to live in this world disease-free with our family and children”. Mr Chowdhury himself has left behind a wife and two children.


The call for urgent provision of PPE is one echoed by so many in not only medical circles but in all fields of public service. Transport workers and supermarket staff also continue to work without sufficient protection and are by the very nature of their work, at a high risk of contracting the virus. The situation has been equated to going into battle without armour. London Mayor Sadiq Khan was lambasted on popular morning TV show Good Morning Britain this week for not providing London bus and underground staff with proper PPE. He explained that the advice the government was giving was that it wasn’t necessary for transport staff; the reality being that there simply isn’t enough to go around.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.8748663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8746

Surgeon General: Most of US won't be ready to open by May 1


U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Friday that most places in the United States would not be able to open up by May 1 amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.


Asked whether May 1 is a realistic timetable for reopening on Fox News, Adams said that “some places,” where there is strong surveillance in place, would be able to consider reopening at the beginning of May but acknowledged that most of the country would not be in that category.


“There are places around the country that have seen consistently low levels and as we ramp up testing and can feel more confident that these places actually can do surveillance and can do public health follow-up, some places will be able to think about opening on May 1,” Adams said.


“Most of the country will not, to be honest with you, but some will. That’s how we’ll reopen the country: place by place, bit by bit, based on the data,” the surgeon general continued.


His remarks come as President Trump and his top officials weigh a decision on social distancing guidelines that are due to expire at the end of April. Some officials have raised the prospect of reopening parts of the country sometime in May, as the coronavirus pandemic takes a toll on the U.S. economy.


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC on Thursday that he believes companies could reopen in May so long as Trump “feels comfortable with the medical issues.”


White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow has expressed hope the economy could reopen within four to eight weeks on a rolling basis. Some outside advisers have also pressed Trump to allow businesses to begin reopening by May 1.


Ultimately, even if the administration chooses to relax social distancing guidelines in parts of the country, the decision to loosen restrictions will fall to governors who have put in place their own measures.


Health experts view May 1 as an overly aggressive target, saying the administration needs to have robust testing and contact tracing capabilities in place to avoid and contain future outbreaks while ensuring that U.S. hospitals will not be overwhelmed before relaxing social distancing guidelines.


Trump has over the past week talked of a “light at the end of the tunnel” as the U.S. reaches the projected peak of coronavirus deaths and said he believes the country will be able to open quickly, while acknowledging it could take place in stages. The president has refrained, recently, from offering a specific date for reopening and said he would rely on advice from medical experts.


Trump on Thursday also downplayed the need to significantly ramp up coronavirus testing capabilities in order to be able to restart the economy.


“We want to have it and we’re going to see if we have it. Do you need it? No. Is it a nice thing to do? Yes,” Trump said. “We’re talking about 325 million people. And that’s not going to happen, as you can imagine, and it would never happen with anyone else either.”


Addressing testing during the Friday interview, Adams, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, said it would be a “high bar” to test every American and that the administration was aiming to have the capacity to test 1 out of 100 or 1 out of 50 people.


“We want to know what’s going on in the community and we want to be able to test people who are at high risk who have symptoms so that we can quickly follow up and contain diseases,” Adams said.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.8748671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8769

Apple and Google to launch coronavirus contact-tracing software on billions of cellphones


Privacy concerns


Two of the largest tech companies in the world are collaborating on technology that will allow billions of cellphones around the world to be used in tracing whether people have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, Bloomberg reported.


Google and Apple plan to create apps to be rolled out sometime in May that will allow users to submit if they've tested positive for the disease caused by the novel coronavirus from China, so that other users in the database can be notified if they've been in contact with the infected person.


After further development, the companies want to make that functionality inherent in the operating systems of devices without an app, so that more people can access it. According to Bloomberg, Google and Apple have about 3 billion people using their operating systems.


The details on this functionality from Google and Apple are scarce at the moment, but MIT News described how this system might work using devices' bluetooth technology. All phones would emit distinct bluetooth "chirps" that other devices would remember hearing if they had been in close proximity. When a user discloses a positive COVID-19 test, phones that had been close to the infected users' phone within a designated contact period will be notified:


"I keep track of what I've broadcasted, and you keep track of what you've heard, and this will allow us to tell if someone was in close proximity to an infected person," says Ron Rivest, MIT Institute Professor and principal investigator of the project. "But for these broadcasts, we're using cryptographic techniques to generate random, rotating numbers that are not just anonymous, but pseudonymous, constantly changing their 'ID,' and that can't be traced back to an individual."


Users would have to opt-in to this system. There are obvious privacy concerns with allowing a device that already tracks detailed location information to also share health information with others, but Apple and Google insisted that privacy would be maintained, saying that location data is not kept and the companies can't see identifying data about who comes into contact with who. The system also wouldn't identify the infected person in the notification it sends out, or track where the contact occurred.


In February, China implemented a technology-based contact-tracing system using scannable QR codes, which raised an even more concerning set of privacy issues than those that exist in the U.S. currently due to reports of aggressively enforced quarantines.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.8748730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So did Q means 4-6% of the worlds population will die, as they can't be turned back to God as this is the only way to overcome Corona killing you with frequencies from space?


Video explains in 10 mins


Is this also why we are seeing spikes in some regions as Q team weren't able to stop all their satellites?

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8748778   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu, Deri said to clash over lockdown of ultra-Orthodox areas


Interior minister says health officials ‘quick on the trigger’ when it comes to imposing restrictions on Haredi communities; PM responds that his only guide is health concerns


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Interior Minister Aryeh Deri reportedly got into a heated argument during a cabinet discussion on imposing further lockdowns on predominantly ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods in Jerusalem, and Bnei Brak, Channel 12 reported Friday.


In the cabinet meeting that ran to the early hours of Friday morning, Deri reportedly lost his temper and raised his voice, saying he had the impression that Health Ministry recommendations were not serious, lacked data and were unfairly targeting ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods.


Deri, of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, reportedly said he felt that the Health Ministry was “quick on the trigger” when it came to imposing restrictions on Haredi communities.


Netanyahu was surprised and angered by the outburst from his long-time ally, and angrily retorted that he was outraged by the accusations and “only acted from relevant, health-related considerations,” Channel 12 quoted him as saying.


In the end Deri’s demands were accepted and the Health Ministry was instructed to compile an objective measure of infection rates that could be used to decide when to apply a lockdown on a specific area or town.


Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion apparently also objected to the recommendations for his city, which called for keeping residents confined to one of seven delineated zones dividing the city.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.8748789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8898 >>8943

No country able to cope with pandemic on its own, says Germany’s ex-chancellor Schroeder


He is certain about the need for drafting a "common European debt instrument" to overcome the effects of the coronavirus crisis.


BERLIN, April 10. /TASS/. Germany’s former federal chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder (he held the post in 1998-2005) has called upon Moscow, Washington, Beijing and Brussels to cooperate more rather than engage in conflicts amid the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic.


"This pandemic is a challenge no country around the world will be able to cope with on its own," Schroeder warns. "Possibly, this world crisis will bring about a certain revision of the realities and the awareness that it is a problem that can be coped with only by presenting a joint front."


"Instead of confrontation in international relations we need greater cooperation. If Washington, Moscow, Beijing and Brussels fail to realize this, it will be a bad omen for our future," Schroeder stated. The way he sees it, in scale the current pandemic has much in common with the other global problems, such as climate change and famine.



Schroder is certain about the need for drafting a "common European debt instrument" to overcome the effects of the coronavirus crisis. "There may be some Eurobonds - common anti-crisis bonds issued only once, or some guarantees financed through the EU budget," Schroeder said. He recalled the "terrible economic and social effects" of the pandemic in Spain and Italy.


"If there is a country that should be aware of the need for providing pan-European support for the prompt elimination of this existential crisis, it is Germany," Schroeder said. He urged the German government to create a national agency for providing assistance to individuals and German businesses identical to the fund that emerged after the devastating floods of 2002. It would promptly provide financial resources without any red-tape or procrastinations for overcoming the effects of the natural calamity.


In late December 2019, Chinese officials notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about the outbreak of a previously unknown pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, in central China. Since then, cases of the novel coronavirus - named COVID-19 by the WHO - have been reported in every corner of the globe, including Russia. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.8748817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9298

Senate Bill Would Remove US Troops From Saudi Arabia in 30 Days


Bill would place tariffs on Saudi oil customers


A new bill was introduced by Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) which, if passed, would remove all US troops from Saudi Arabia within 30 days. The resolution is related to the low price of oil, and the struggle for US companies, particularly in Louisiana, to compete.


The troop pullout is meant to punish the Saudis over failure to cut oil production. The bill also aims to impose tariffs on countries that are continuing to buy oil from Saudi Arabia, to try to make US oil more competitive.


This is the second anti-Saudi resolution introduced in the Senate related to oil prices, and while they seem unlikely to pass for now, they may reflect another round of frustration at Saudi policies running afoul of US interests.


The Cassidy bill does not cover US Patriot missiles or THAAD deployments in the region, and there is no date for the bill to be taken up, with the Senate out at least until April 20 because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.8748896   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump Prays For the Nation, Participates in Easter Blessing From Oval Office (VIDEO)

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.8748912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9298

'Can't Operate Out Of Hysteria': Dr. Carson Says '98 Percent' Of Coronavirus Infected Will Recover


Dr. Ben Carson says there is not enough attention being paid to the “number of people who have recovered” from coronavirus, noting that the number “is going to be about 98 percent of all the people who get it.”


Carson, a pediatric neurosurgeon who serves as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), also said the one-quarter to fully one-half of all people who will get SARS-CoV-2 will show no symptoms at all.


“You probably do know someone that has it, you may have it, who knows?” Carson told Fox News host Martha MacCallum on Thursday. “But people have been terrified because we’ve talked about the bad.”


SARS stands for “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.” This new virus is an off-shoot of that one, which emerged in 2003 — less deadly but more infection. In that 2003 outbreak, The World Health Organization (WHO) said the fatality rate for SARS was 14% to 15%. The agency estimated the fatality rate for people older than 64 years to be more than 50%.


For this outbreak, Carson said Americans should continue practicing social distancing and wearing masks when in contained spaces, as well as following all the other guidelines from the White House coronavirus task force, of which he is a member.


The famed doctor also said that the federal government needs to watch for the infection curve to flatten off and for antibody testing to be readily available before fully reopening the economy.


“When we see that bell-shaped curve — and we’ve seen it come down rather steeply in some other countries — when that happens [and] we haven’t seen it go back up, that’s what we are looking for here,” he said. “That already seems to be starting.”


“Obviously, we don’t want to [resume economic activity] too early. We will wait for a couple of weeks and see if that continues down and then we also need to make sure that we have appropriate testing,” he said, adding “We can’t operate out of hysteria. When people are hysterical they don’t do logical things.”


“We have to be able to test people to see if they have the antibodies which will make them much safer in terms of returning to the workforce. And then we have to return them in a logical way. That’s the key.”

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.8748933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top EU Coronavirus Scientist Resigns, Saying He Has 'Lost Faith in the System Itself'


Donald Trump is getting pummeled from one end of the country to the other for the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic.


But compared to what's going on in some parts of Europe, Trump comes out looking pretty good. In fact, the top scientist in the EU has just resigned his position, saying, "I have seen enough of both the governance of science, and the political operations at the European Union."


The head of the European Research Council, Mauro Ferrari, got tired of running into a brick wall when he proposed ways to address the health crisis.


The Hill:


EU Commission spokesman Johannes Bahrke confirmed to The Associated Press that Ferrari resigned, effective immediately.


Ferrari said his rejected proposal would have provided scientists around the world with resources and opportunities to fight the pandemic, including diagnostic tools and science-based behavioral dynamic approaches to replace “the oft-improvised institutions of political leaders.”


Ferrari said he will return to the “the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19, with real resources and responsibilities, away from offices in Brussels, where my political skills are clearly inadequate, and again at the true service of those who need new medical solutions.”


Like any true bureaucrat, the EU defended itself against this attack by citing impressive, but meaningless numbers.


A spokesperson for the European Commission defended the research council’s response to the pandemic.


The spokesperson told the Financial Times that 50 ongoing or completed European Research Council projects were contributing to the response to COVID-19 and said the EU is backing 18 urgent research and development projects and financially supporting German company CureVac’s work on a possible vaccine.


Who cares about how many projects the EU is funding? Which projects? What are they studying? Obviously, the research and development projects being backed by the EU aren't helping anything. Italy, a nation of 60 million people, has lost more people to the virus than the U.S., which has 320 million. Spain has slightly fewer fatalities at 15, 500 than the U.S. death toll of 16,700. Spain has 47 million people.


The EU is presently squabbling over how to fund the massive bailout that will be needed to get the continent's economy moving again. But the notion that they have done a better job in combatting the virus is bogus. If they had, there would be far fewer infections and deaths per capita than the U.S. Spain has an astonishing 300 deaths per million citizens. Italy has 283. The U.S. is ranked 11th at 39.39 deaths per million.


Perhaps anti-Trump hysterics should count their blessings.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.8748954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Set to Block $5 Billion IMF Bailout for Iran's Terror Regime


A report first carried by the Wall Street Journal says the Trump administration opposes a $5 billion IMF loan to Iran and will stop it from happening.


That's despite intensifying demands by China, Russia, and European countries for the U.S. to relax its sanctions on Tehran. "Iran," the Journal notes, "has had about 65,000 reported cases of COVID-19 and approximately 4,000 reported deaths"–though most seasoned Iran-watchers believe the real figures are much higher.


Critics of the U.S. stance say that "rules governing the U.S. humanitarian channel [to Iran] are too onerous to be useful, mostly because of stringent bank reporting requirements. They also argue that easing sanctions would send a powerful message to regular Iranians that the U.S. is on their side and wants to help."


But Mark Dubowitz and Richard Goldberg of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies have written a blistering riposte to those calling for sanctions relief for the ayatollahs.


They point out, first, that the U.S. sanctions on Iran already make an exception for humanitarian aid. "A recent analysis of pharmaceutical trade between Europe and Iran shows little change between 2011 and 2019 despite periods of imposition, suspension, and return of sanctions."




If Iran is experiencing challenges in convincing banks to process transactions with its trade partners, perhaps it's because Tehran is determined to use its financial sector for money laundering and terrorism finance–concerns that led the Financial Action Task Force, a 39-country anti-money laundering organization, to recommend last month that the global financial community take stringent measures to defend itself against Iran's illicit practices.


Third, Iran already has a hell of a lot of money that it's somehow not using to fight its COVID-19 crisis:


Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei controls more than $200 billion in off-the-books assets in holding companies and foundations and another $91 billion in Iran's sovereign wealth fund, of which $20 billion is in cash or cash equivalents. He could easily use $40 billion from this corporate empire to support Iran's $400 billion economy. Instead, he uses this money, most of which was illegally confiscated from Iranians, to fund his revolutionary agenda of domestic repression and regional destruction.


And fourth, Iran's "revolutionary" agenda includes continued work on its nuclear program "even during the pandemic. Iran's centrifuges keep spinning, producing more enriched uranium for potential use in a future nuclear weapon. The regime is also denying nuclear inspectors access to certain suspicious sites related to the Iranian nuclear program."


Money, of course, is fungible, and funneling $5 billion to Tehran in the belief that it will use the funds constructively borders on the insane.


In fact, at about the same time the abovementioned WSJ report came out, Forbes was reporting on some more activities that supposedly cash-strapped Tehran is somehow able to finance:


Evidence suggests that Iran has deployed an array of anti-ship missiles and large rockets overlooking the Strait of Hormuz, which is vital for the supply of oil from the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. The waterway is being patrolled by the U.S. Navy and its allies to protect vessels from Iranian action….


Iran continues to build up its naval capabilities across the board. The Iranian navy recently announced that it is working on a large submarine and a 6,000 ton destroyer.


Does all this mean the Iranian people, many–probably most–of whom oppose (if not outright despise) the regime, should be left to suffer the effects of COVID-19 unaided? No. As Dubowitz and Goldberg point out, the U.S. sanctions already allow humanitarian aid, and they further elaborate:


The U.S. Treasury and the Swiss government established a humanitarian banking channel backed by rigorous oversight to prevent the regime from diverting money and goods away from the Iranian people. Tens of billions of dollars of Iranian oil revenue sitting in foreign escrow accounts are available to fund the import of humanitarian goods. Indeed, that's how Iran imported $15 billion in essential goods and medicine in the past year, according to the governor of the Central Bank of Iran.


So, as far as humanitarian aid is concerned–yes, if it can be ensured that it really gets to the people it's supposed to aid. As far as direct cash transfers to the regime by the IMF or anyone else are concerned–absolutely not; it means paying–and freeing up Iranian funds–for terror, subversion, and a conventional and nuclear arms buildup. Fortunately, when it comes to Iran, the Trump administration keeps getting it right.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.8749049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prof Dr Knut Wittkowsky: The Pandemic is Ending And The Panic Was Not Merited


Professor Dr Knut Wittkowski, who headed The Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design for two decades, said in an interview released Thursday that the coronavirus pandemic is ending but warned social distancing and lockdown measures may actually cause the US to experience a second wave.


Dr Wittkowski's measured take on the coronavirus, which he says is very similar to previous respiratory viruses, was shared on April 3rd in a short film from Journeyman Pictures and quickly went viral:


His second interview, where he declared the pandemic over but warned we may have a second wave as a result of social distancing measures, was released on April 9th:


Of note, Wittkowsky said in the 1980's that AIDS would not spread widely among the heterosexual community while Dr. Fauci was claiming it had nothing to do with "lifestyle" and suggesting everyone could get it.


Wittkowsky was, of course, proven right but paid a price for going against political correctness while Fauci – who was proven wrong but played the political game – is now a superstar.


Asked a week ago during his Journeyman interview about projections Birx and Fauci pushed suggesting as many as two million people or more could die from the coronavirus, Wittkowsky said: "I'm not paid by the government, so I'm entitled to actually do science."


"If there had been no intervention, the epidemic would have been over, like every other respiratory disease epidemic," he said.


Wittkowsky said the virus should have been allowed to spread among healthy children and young people who generally don't even experience symptoms and the entire populace could have achieved herd immunity in "two weeks."


He said only elderly and at-risk individuals should have been isolated until herd immunity was reached.


Wittkowsky estimated 2 percent of all symptomatic cases would die, leading to an estimated 10,000 or so deaths on top of the 35,000 flu deaths we average every year. With the virus now waning, the CDC's official death toll stands at around 16,570 but as we all know the CDC in their own words is taking a very "liberal" approach to labeling deaths as being caused by the coronavirus. Of course, they did not follow his advice and instead moved to implement strict social distancing and lockdown measures but they waited so long to act that the disease had already spread widely among the population.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.8749086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All the Establishment Media’s Dangerous Coronavirus Lies – Part 2


It was only three weeks ago that Breitbart News first compiled all the fake news media’s dangerous coronavirus lies. But already we have another massive pile of media lies, so it’s time to go back in for round two.


Ding! Ding!


The bottom line, however, when you look at today’s list, along with part one, is that the corporate media have been exposed as a dangerous gang of sociopaths. That might sound harsh, but how else can you describe an institution that actively discourages coronavirus sufferers from asking their doctor for hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug approved by the FDA for emergency use to treat the coronavirus; a drug that appears to be helping some and is, at worst, perfectly harmless (as long as you consult with your doctor)?


The media are so bad for the country, and the serial lies they tell are the work of a sociopath. Sorry, there’s no other way to look at it.


And away we go…


CBS News Uses Chaotic Italian Hospital Footage, Says It’s New York


After CBS News was caught telling the straight-up lie that President Trump said it was okay for people with the coronavirus to go back to work (see part one), CBS decided to try and pull another hoax by broadcasting footage from a chaotic Italian hospital while telling viewers it was from a New York hospital.


CBS’s motive, of course, is to mislead people into thinking New York’s hospitals are overwhelmed, and while New York’s hospitals are indeed at capacity, they are not overwhelmed.


Anyway, after getting caught, CBS News apologized, said it was an honest mistake, and promised to never do it again. Then…


Three weeks later…


CBS News Again Uses Chaotic Italian Hospital Footage, Says It’s Philadelphia


These people are sociopaths.


CBS News Lies Again with Nursey Smollet


Without checking her story, the serial liars at CBS News added dramatic music to a video posted by a woman who claimed to not only be a nurse, but a nurse forced to quit her job because she was being forced to work in the intensive care unit without a mask for protection.


The story was a lie.


The lying sociopaths at CBS News have still not issued a retraction.


Trump Will Profit from Hydroxychloroquine


Imagine how big of a lie the New York Times has to tell for the far-left fact checkers at Snopes to feel the need to debunk it.


Trump Administration Knew About the Coronavirus Pandemic in November


Based only on unnamed sources, ABC News published a report that claimed military intelligence wrote a detailed report warning about the potential for a coronavirus pandemic all the way back in November.


In an exceedingly rare move, the National Center for Medical Intelligence at the Defense Intelligence Agency went on the record to deny any such report exists.


Thus far, no news outlet has been able to come up with the report or an on-the-record source who says it exists. But they are still spreading the lie everywhere, most especially CNNLOL.


CNN’s Fredo Cuomo Deceptively Edits Trump (Again)


Cuomo, a proven liar and unstable anti-Trump activist, was caught red-handed selectively editing Trump to make it look as though he took no action in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.


This is something he has done before.

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.8749152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schiff Unveils Bill For Coronavirus Commission; Swears It's Not To Lay Blame


Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has waited less than three months after coronavirus officially landed on US soil to introduce legislation to establish a commission to review the Trump administration's response to the outbreak.


Schiff says it will be like the 9/11 commission, yet won't exist to lay blame, according to The Hill.


"After Pearl Harbor, September 11, and other momentous events in American history, independent, bipartisan commissions have been established to provide a complete accounting of what happened, what we did right and wrong, and what we can do to better protect the country in the future," reads a statement from Schiff.


"It is clear that a comprehensive and authoritative review will be required, not as a political exercise to cast blame, but to learn from our mistakes to prevent history from tragically repeating itself."


Under the bill introduced by Schiff, who led the House impeachment process against President Trump, the commission would be comprised of 10 members with equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats. Current government officials would not be eligible to serve on the commission.


Members would be appointed by the president and congressional leaders of both parties in the House and Senate.


The commission would be ordered to "make a full and complete assessment and accounting of the preparedness of the federal government, state governments, local governments, and the private sector for the outbreak and spread of COVID–19 in the United States." -The Hill


According to the report, the commission - which would convene in February - would have subpoena power, hold public hearings and would provide recommendations to the White House and congress concerning steps which can be taken to ensure better preparedness for future pandemics.


Companion legislation will be introduced by California Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris in the upper chamber.


Last week, Pelosi announced the creation of a select committee to be chaired by House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) in order to monitor the distribution of funds.


'Schiff says it will be like the 9/11 commission'….A COMPLETE FRAUD

Anonymous ID: 58b469 April 10, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.8749189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Quietly Injected A Record 5.2 Trillion In New Credit To Kickstart Its Frozen Economy


With China scrambling to reboot its economy after the record collapse in February as the coronavirus epidemic paralyzed the country, two weeks ago Beijing reported that a remarkable V-shaped recovery had taken place as the country's official manufacturing and service PMIs soared in March…

