It's certainly a concern, however I am concerned that you find said concern deeply concerning. The concerns of the concern shills are legion, and it concerns me that my concern for each of there's could, concerningly, inure me to future concerns and thus, not take them deeply enough. Save some of that concern for future concern shill concerns.
>at least the whole shitshow would actuall happen.
Just KYS. That's their plan for you. No reason to come here. You can acheive the result you desire all by yourself anon.
>We still havenโt gotten DECLAS
First off, DECLAS was never going to be a document dump like wikipedia.
Declas is a tool to declassify pertanent docs in investigations, that the people holding the docs refuse to release.
It's a huge cudgel, and used properly will likely provide results without its use, thus denying a leak campaign regarding over broad Declas efforts. Barr seems like the kind of guy who knows how to use such a weapon with deft precision
What city state?
>Trump: "The hidden enemy is genius..the way it's attacked so many countries at different angles."
The various outbreaks hotspots were knowingly and purposefully targeted, with active human agents planting the virus in key areas
>So POTUS couldn't even state that he was AGAINST having to have national fucking immunity documents?
That's a very damning conclusion to make with so little evidence
> He walked around the question
Yes, this is what he did. Then he opened up a very important point. Did you happen to catch that?
>"The models continue to modify themselves"
So, now they're sentient?
So instead of Skynet we have Healthnet. Did it release the KungFlu and leave evidence the Chinese did it? T2 scenario is not the movie I signed up for.
>Fed and treasury are merged.
The hell they are. The Federal Reserve Bank is a PRIVATE corporation. You cannot merge them, and I rather suspect the current owners would strongly disfavor even a discussion of maybe doing so.
Yeah, a lot of mental illness in girls so infatuated with themselves.