Anonymous ID: c74ab1 April 10, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.8748803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8870 >>8873 >>8895 >>9110



Naturally, team Q has to play defense now after 3/9/20's explosion of anger by long suffering American citizens paying these wizards to defend us from enemies both foreign and domestic. You, Q+, had to have known that day was coming after months and years of this. You have been playing a game of dangling hope carrots, haven't you? It doesn't take a genius to see that is a fact. Now that that cat is out of the bag, how about learning from that lesson and not dangle any more carrots, hmm? Also, take the blame, and face up to it. Patriots, DO NOT let this group off the hook. Keep holding them to their word. We are and HAVE BEEN ready for arrests.


One thing we know to be a fact about the military. They are great at destroying things. Blow 'em up. Find target, kill target. Trying to orchestrate a "plan" of awakening free thinking citizenry using gobbeldygook catch phrases and flag drapped carrots, in effect manipulating us? Ooffa! And we're not supposed to be angry when we've been dragged and manipulated beyond the point of reasonable tolerance? And then we're supposed to salute that? Fuck right off!


I don't doubt one thing about this entire enterprise. Our military does have everything. They have it all because nothing can stop them from obtaining anything they want. The technological means for finding and gathering info on anyone has reached a point undreamed of just a few decades ago. I knew that fact on day one, early November 2017, when arrests were pending. Remember that carrot? From that day, I and many others (many of us former military) have been waiting for anything close to that to happen.


Now that we have your attention: Do what you're good at. Blow shit up! Either dust off your M-16 and join the ranks of us ready and willing to rain hot lead, or grab a hold of your balls and start bringing these sacks of evil treasonous shit to justice as promised!!! Fill GITMO! You can do it tomorrow! Fucking do it!!!!!!!


While you're at it, humiliate and silence every stinking rotten brainwashed Dem moron still mouthing off and dragging us down into hell with their fake virus pandemic being used to strengthen their voter base and lay the ground for their big govt police state takeover nightmare. If you want this "Awakening" to be remembered and studied for generations to come, "their" absolute pain (loss, humiliation, exposure) is essential for moving forward. How else do we learn from mistakes?


One more thing: Happy Easter!

Anonymous ID: c74ab1 April 10, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.8748819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This also applies to fucking clock fag morons. Enough of your smoke and mirror misleading, purposeless decodes based around nothing more than carefully edited fragments of figments of your imagination. Just because you're autistic doesn't give you a pass for being fucking morons.

Anonymous ID: c74ab1 April 10, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.8748905   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They're trying to use us to play cat and mouse with lowlife sacks of shit attempting to enslave us, when what those sacks of shit need is a good old fashioned, tried and true hot lead bath. Just give us a list of targets, and let's get on with bringing this this shit show to a conclusion.