Below line is text (yes cell text) I sent out to a few of my contacts who still do not know what to make of all my rantings. Note, I make no direct reference to Q but this platform fully understands.
Please copy and paste at will, and Will, and Bill, Sue, Joe too
What day is this?
Why it is 4-10-20.
What day is this?
Why it is Good Friday.
A = 1
B = 2
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I = 8
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O = 15
P = 16
Q = 17
R = 18
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W = 23
X = 24
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Z = 26
What day is this?
Why this is DJT?
Who is DJT?
Have a Good Friday?
You would not believe how many of us have known that for years now. That also means 2020 = TT. It is a matter of agile minds able and willing to latch onto diverse views/facts and then assimilate looking for and finding patterns that betray plans. telegraph, plan/organization leading to intent/end game.
DOJ today is to release very damning details regarding Russia Hoax leading one to see a pattern that Sabotages the Presidency to be as polite as Barr is. TREASON is the harsh reality, the case is being built. This I call no quirk. Generations will look back and see these years as Monumental. Watch it unfold. Virus is sad sidetrack sacked on us to divert us from learning truth that spells demise of those who go to all extremes to regain their lost control. These are the same who for decades turned blind eye to Epstein and Weinstein and far worse, participated, even much worse. Trump must be stopped at any cost, you too be damned, their view. It is all coming undone, GOOD FRIDAY!!!