Anonymous ID: 1ae4cf April 10, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.8749547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Look, I get it, we shouldn't speculate about dates, because Q never said this or that date. Fair enough. I think it's natural people want some sort of resolution or something concrete to chew on at least that serves as an indicator, that publically things are changing. That there is hope that justice and a functional society returs to our world. I've followed Q in the start for a while then dropped out, day-to-day life got in the way. I became more invovled in march, because everything pointed to a potential happening by Easter, not just because of baseless speculation but because of stuff like coronavirus and the associated lockdowns, the economy crashing, the constant earthquakes, the political tensions, it all seemed and to me still seems coming to a single point, where resolution will be necessary. That reminded me of Q, maybe something is finally up so I started following Q stuff on a daily basis again. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen and we're wrong because our thirst for justice resulted in baseless speculation. The stark reality is some of us don't have the time or the psychological power to follow Q daily for years on an indefinite timeline. As a Christian, I know that ultimately God will fix everythig. Until that happens, I have to put my head down and deal with my daily situation of wage-slavig, of not owning property or earning enough to hope for own any time soon, of not having a SO, of thinking that if I were had children we're sure leaving them a shitty society to live in. Some of you might have other problems, relative to your personal situation. Some might have the psychological conviction and power to follow this through intimately, in that case I salute you. Just venting, I'm going to read the Bible and hope for the best, but of course to us who sense that there is something deeply wrong with our society, that the livelihood of normal people is becoming increasingly difficult, with billions siphoned off by corrupt bad actors and with media, entertainment and academia poisoning the minds of everyone and especially our youth with dysfunctional, evil indoctrination. Forgive me if I'm too thirsty to see justice, to see goodness restored to our world. Because I want to selfisly imagine myself and other normal people living in a functional society where we are a community of friends, families and good people, where honest working people get to see the fruits of their labor and where we are confident we are bringing our children into a world of goodness not corruption. Ultimately, I place my faith in God that this will be accomplished and perhaps it might not be in my lifetime.