Anonymous ID: da7800 April 10, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.8749523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9545 >>9551 >>9571 >>9622 >>9652 >>9654 >>9659 >>9677 >>9890 >>9943 >>9955 >>0003 >>0033


Q, there is a mutiny brewing. I know you see more of it than I do so you already know.

Allowing this scenario to play out will not end well. The good guys will be the ones rounded up and arrested. People are too far past any more show and tell exercises. If the other half of the Country doesn't get it by now , they won't until public trials take place and the evidence it played out on tv.

You listened to anons before when they said 80/20 was not good enough.

You are facing loss of support. We The People will stick together but it might not include taking info from you and POTUS.

This has gone too far.

Taking our freedoms without showing good cause was too far.

POTUS is acting and talking as if the virus justifies our lost freedom and you are continuing to project a message of fake storyline as a necessity.

Show the necessity because Nancy pulling the same bull shit stunt is not going to be allowed to go on the way it has in the past.

Anonymous ID: da7800 April 10, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.8750074   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Instant? really anon? Speaking truth and Q knows it. He sees way more about Q followers shifting than I do. Take a few minutes and find some random Q followers and see for yourself.

Not every expressing words that don't say WWG1WGA are shills.

Do you think it's a good idea to pretend laying down while basic freedoms are taken is good practice?

We have been lead to believe our loss of freedom would result in mass arrests and we need to keep others calm as it happens. Only to find out we were date fagging and our loss of freedom is not about that. It is yet to be defined why.

How about if you instantly shove you reply up your ass