Q is trolling a specific someone or someones who played the Star Wars game where comms were taking place.
Define 'Traitor'.
Data exchange(s) can be very dangerous.
Delcas HoloVid
Delcas HoloVid was established as a front for Renik, the shadowy counter-intelligence branch of Imperial Intelligence. To the public, it was a typical entertainment company.
Renik was a branch of Imperial Intelligence's Bureau of Operations. It was tasked with counter-intelligence operations. To the public eye, it existed as different "respectable" companies, including Renikco, the entertainment company Delcas HoloVid, and Celanon Finance Renik were tasked with discovering and neutralizing enemy spy organizations. Once identified, information on enemy groups that would prove useful to the Galactic Empire were turned over to Infiltration. Groups that were not deemed useful were eliminated.