Anonymous ID: f58085 April 10, 2020, 3:51 p.m. No.8751195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1221 >>1237



WHO is "telling her things"??


Words from a Pr0n star and anons take it as gospel. If the same twat came from any other celeb, even pro- Trump celeb, you would not buy it.



Jews have made $$$Billions of Dollars whoring shiksas.


I remember a long time ago when I still had a TV, on some News show like 20/20 or something like that, they did a segment showing Jenna Jameson at a Porn Expo with normie housewives and their teenage daughters asking her for autographs = Normalizing a Porn Whore for the middle class Christians.

Destroy normal values, making it "glamorous" for teenage goyim girls to aspire to be a Porn actress.

Anonymous ID: f58085 April 10, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.8751341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

**WHO OWNS THE $97 BILLION Dollar PORN Industry?


*The Zionist Jewish Mafia and their strategy to control America:


  1. Build up a well controlled large Media Entertainment industry which is used to provide public fantasy to neutralize dissatisfaction with one’s govt,while running a covert entertainment complex which distributes hardcore pornography to addict many, dirty them up and weaken a nations resolve to survive against external enemies like the Rothschild Jewish Mafia.(= ZIONISM)


Excellent breakdown of the Jewish Mafia control system to weaken and CONTROL the sheeple  (and make $$Billions of Dollars Profit each year while destroying Christian values/relationships - a Win/Win for [them]) :




MOAR Porn consumption = the moar they WIN against us.


  • 2017 - The Porn Industry's Net Worth is $$$ 97 BILLION DOLLARS — Guess who owns it……




*90% of the Porn Industry is centered in Hollywood, in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles aka San Pornando Valley


Guess: members of which Tribe owns these huge porn companies?




Think how every bread has porn shills to slide your attention, yet you don't even realize that it's a Porn Slide. The average age that boys start watching porn is 11, so the Cabal has you trained well.


Porn's true purpose here is to derail your focus on the good digging content about the Cabal's secret criminal connections, crimes against humanity. AND to limit the power and reach of Q research board to red pill the masses, all while you scream "chan culture" to keep the porn (as if you can't see it anywhere else now that Q and patriots are here).


The Khazarian Mob's brilliant strategy has succeeded well because they've conditioned you to defend (((their))) strategy to degrade and weaken you, and your relationships.


The Cabal knows that Q research board is a powerful adjunct to the Q drops - the smut works well to de-legitimize this board to the MSM blue-pilled general public. Amazing research and awesome memes here - actively poisoned by the porn shills to prevent millions of "normies" from looking here to learn the Truth about the Cabal crimes against Humanity.


  • We are in the middle of a War against Evil - but lQQk Christian sluts/whores every 5 minutes,tits, porn, ass, porn.


Israel Blocks All Its Porn Sites

October 2016 New law - all Porn Sites in Israel are Blocked, unless you ask for it publicly by calling or writing you Internet Service Provider.



*You will never see any Zionist Israeli Shill show you ISRAELI JEWISH PORN SLUT WHORES with naked tits, pussy and asshole. They protect their young people from Porn, while making sure Christians and other Goyim become Porn Addicts, and degrade White Christian women in the worst way.


*Jenna Jameson is now considered to be a mainstream "Patriot" and lots of anons here accept her twats as gospel. Pr0n Star = Credibility.

Anonymous ID: f58085 April 10, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.8751481   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jews Want You To Virtue Signal or They Call You "anti-semitic"


Anons are being poisoned by the relentless Israeli Army JIDF clowns and Sayanim Shills to "Virtue Signal" in hopes that Anons would feel so constrained to even

>call a spade a spade, that some anons might be manipulated to cower around


calling a Jew a Jew

because Jews certainly can't.


Who cares about the False "Jewish Victim" Narrative that they have pushed on us by the ZioJEW owned and fronted MSM, Print & Online Media, and Hollywood TV shows and movies.

And the Corrupt politicians who make laws that promote Israel over our US Constitution.


Jews Dictating To We,The People non-Jews what to Think and Say About Cabal Jews


  • and now it's the "they're not real Jews" excuse - guess what,

no mega-rich Jew in NYC thinks of themselves as "I'm not a real Jew"

In fact, the rich ones I've known are all quite proud of being Jewish.


Rich Jews in NYC make no such tip-toe fearful distinction about "not real Jews". Oh and yes, they DO practice Judaism, they go to Temple, and when their family member dies, they abide by all the Jewish burial laws.

These "not real" Jews celebrate all the Jewish holidays, and are quite Loyal to their Jewish Identity.Their children study the Talmud for their Bar Mitvahs and Bat Mitvahs.


Ask Larry Silverstein, Ronny Lauder, RBG, Steve Ross if they believe that they are "real Jews".


In fact, Bernie Sanders 2:41 minute Campaign Ad is entirely about how proud he is that he's Jewish. (which he Removed after I posted several times that it's all about the Holocaust, not one word about the American people)


It's only the JIDF shills paid to manipulate anons here with "anti-semitic", "anons will leave", "MSM will think Q research is nazi"…


Jewish Double Speak:

Truth about Jewish Crimes = "blaming Jews".

That's like saying

Truth about Pedos = "blaming Pedos".


It's the NPC sheeple who cower about being called "anti-semitic" that they twist themselves into a pretzel to say that these Jewish Cabal Criminals are not "Jewish".


And deliberately IGNORE the huge stranglehold these powerful Jews have on our Government, that there is even the known term "ZOG".


Jews want you non-Jews to Virtue Signal and never say "Jews" because you'll appear to be "Jew bashing" or Jew "hate".


Notice the Israeli Army JIDF shills always call Patriot anons "Muh Joo Shill". When THEY are the literally Paid-in-Shekels Jewish Shills.


Call The Jews "Jews" and Watch Them Recoil From The Truth


Let the normie non-Criminal Jews MAKE THE CASE for themselves…..[crickets]

Any Jewish "anons" here want to say anything against the Rothschilds? or against Israel Mossad?….. [crickets]


Fake Sanctimonious Virtue Signaling is a Jewish PsyOp

Anonymous ID: f58085 April 10, 2020, 4:14 p.m. No.8751509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1559


President Trump called President Xi to tell him personally that he had Dr. Lieber Arrested. This is moar significant that most people realize. Wait for it.



He would make Hundreds of $Billions of Dollars. Mark of the Beast.



Wuxi Has American laboratory locations in Texas, Maryland, New Jersey, California, Minnesota…


I think it will come out that Dr. CHARLES LIEBER created the Wuhan Corona virus.

*That's why POTUS called Xi to personally tell him about (((Dr. Lieber)))s arrest.


(1949 Jews Funded the Marxist Communist Takeover of China)

Anonymous ID: f58085 April 10, 2020, 4:24 p.m. No.8751631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jews Have Subverted the US Constitution for Israel


*It is now Illegal To Criticize Israel in South Carolina


*Landmark Bill Restricting Criticism of Israel Sneaks through South Carolina Senate. April 2018

*US Congress Traitors, Zionists and Israel are destroying our First Amendment.



*Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand co-sponsored a Bill in Congress Making Boycotting Israel A FELONY


*43 Other Senators co-sponsored this Bill in Congress, July 2017. All Israel First Traitors. 26 States have now passed this Legislation.

Now more Israel First Traitors in the lame duck Congress are trying to Sneak in the Anti-Boycott Israel Act.

If you Boycott buying stuff from Israel:

*A Fine of $250,000.00 Up to $1 Million Dollars PLUS Up to 25 Years in Prison.

*This anti-BDS Bill has been Defeated TWICE so far.


Zionist US Senate Traitors and Israel are demolishing Our Rights under the US Constitution.



*Imagine if Any Other Country subverted our Constitution like this, it would be 24/7 all over the Mainstream News. So why isn't this widespread Public Knowledge……..oh wait,


Zionist Cabal Jews OWN the Mainstream Media


2020 - Debbie Wasserman Schultz is pushing a Bill for Special Life Time Medical Care for "Jewish Holocaust Survivors" in her State of Florida.