free speech is so offensive you need to try and shut a board down with loli spam
holy shit i cant even imagine the amount of meth and lack of iq that one takes
free speech is so offensive you need to try and shut a board down with loli spam
holy shit i cant even imagine the amount of meth and lack of iq that one takes
<omg we need to ban Q twatter accounts
<zomg we need to take down the board
<lel we're totes leet haxors from a nom nom mouse look at how super fucking edgy we are
i swear to god you guys have become absolute fucking faggots
holy fucking shit
seriously you dumb faggots deserve a v& along with weev and barrett you are absolutely fucking pathetic
literally the opposite of what we started, you are fucking cancer
yes im talking to you anonymous
the remnants at least
you are absolutely fucking skid faggots and doing exactly what we originally fought against
i hope you fucking rot of throat cancer every single fucking one of you
yes, im talking to you mwn and crew
i hope your cunt gets the rona and falls out of your fat fucking ass
you are absolutely fucking pathetic
do you honestly think i dont follow every single one of you?
do you think me and others arent taking receipts when you brag about shit like this?
i honestly hope every fucking thing you earned over the past decade is stolen from you exactly like we trained you miserable little shits to do
i hope the next gen absolutely fucking wreks your shit into the fucking ground
i cant fucking believe you are our successors
absolutely fucking disgusting every single one of you
the people its for know exactly who the fuck im talking about
if you dont, its not for you