>>8753149 lb
Now you are hitting the nail on the head,
Because Vanadium, element 23
Has catalytic properties in conjunction with Iron
That is why CoVFe is the highest magnetic flux density material
And that gives it the highest possible force density
Which is useful in making the most powerful energy weapons
Including very high frequency generation like 95 GHz
As used in ADS systems which do no physical harm
But make the enemy FEEL THE PAIN
It is too involved to get into things like Q-factor here
Read this article to learn more:
But I'll just point out that DEW and ADS systems are of interest to the Department of Energy
Where Q level security clearance originated.
Of course Q is also used as a measure of electrical charge
And the early atom smashing beams invented by John G. Trump
Used VanDeGraaf accelerators shooting out electrically charged particles at very high speeds.
Q = Electrical charge, or Q-Factor of magnetic devices
I smell a revolution in technology in our future
Now, the catalytic effects of Vanadium with a FeFe bridge
Are also found in biological enzymes like
Vanadium nitrogenase
Which can turn Carbon Monoxide and Water into Petroleum
And it is likely that the same VFeFe CoFactor is found in rocks
Deep in the earth's crust, because the same process of petroleum creation is occurring there
And that is likely why the most common source of Vanadium
Is to mine a mineral like Asphaltite which is a very long chain hydrocarbon
That is rock-like, similar to black glass, but it has no silica
Just Hydrocarbons and Vanadium.
Note that Petroleum is also of interest to the DOE.