Anonymous ID: 504a71 April 10, 2020, 7:02 p.m. No.8753458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3505 >>3531 >>3552 >>3600 >>3615 >>3741 >>3766 >>3789 >>3801 >>3802 >>3824 >>3839 >>3876 >>4044 >>4092

repost from >>8747444 (lb)


OPSEC = Operational Security


OPSEC = realizing every word you type is being read by the enemy.


OPSEC = taking coded messages, understanding them, but not repeating them


OPSEC = NEVER giving the enemy any piece of information that they can use as a weapon


OPSEC = Being smart when engaging in comms


Anons - We are at war. Be CAREFUL what you give the enemy.